In Memory of the Phantom Jet (PJ)
PJ was born Summer 2000 in Redmond, Orygun. One day we were going into Albertson's for some groceries and a couple kids were sitting outside the front doors with a box of tiny gray kittens. Being the type with a irresistible attraction to kitties, I had to stop and check them out. Of course they wanted to give us some. One, who had a broken tail about an inch up from the end, reached up for me, so I picked him up and he snuggled into my beard (kittens seem to do this to me a lot). I told the kid we had to do our shopping first, but that if this particular one was still there when we came out, I'd take him home with us. When we came out, he was the only one left in the box. Apparently the kids were saving him for us. He came home with us. He seemed to love our house and all the other cats and dogs and raced around at warp speed. Lannie named him after her favorite airplane at the time: Phantom Jet. Well, that quickly became just PJ and occasionally even Peej.
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PJ came with us when we moved to South Dakota four years later and seemed to love living on the farm. While he was mostly a house cat, he spent a great deal of his time outside chasing birds, mice, and little rabbits.
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Then PJ had a stroke and lost most of the feeling in his right side. That happened several years ago. He still was a great and loving house cat and made every attempt to play and to love on us and to be loved by us.
A few weeks ago, PJ seemed to lose his appetite and started finding cool and dark places in the house (in the bathtub, behind the toilet, under the bed) to hide out and, because we had experienced this before with previous cats, we knew he wasn't long for this world. Finally, he just couldn't eat at all and relegated himself to the basement. Finally, last night, while I was talking to him downstairs, he took his final breath and left this plane of existence at 10:30 PM MDST. By modern calculations of human years to cat years, he would have been approximately 83 years old.
This morning I buried him in the garden, right next to the Cat Mint bush with the other two boys who moved here with us (Killer and Kato). He had a long and happy life with us and we will miss this little person dearly.