Hi. Could you see anything that was giving off the smell?Getting ready for the Coke 600 Nascar race....and trying out the 'disposable' Lumi tank on my Sigelei Swallowtail 75A. Weird thing go together eh?
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Rinsed it out with some white vinegar and water..much oily smells were down in there. Dried it out much as possible and filled with a weak solution of Caramel Mocha DIY juice. (full strength, that dank juice will gum up about anything short of a Genesis...hehe)
Dat 0.28Ω mesh coil is blasting away at 34W just nicely.
When I got the Smok TFV16 it had a significant amount of oily whatever it was all over the fill port seal and glass seals. It was viscous like oil but it had no smell I could pick up on. I wondered if it was placed on purpose there so the seals didn't stick. Have had some tanks where the seals had become stuck to the glass and other surfaces. I always clean my new tanks anyway so it got a good rinse in iso distilled water mix and cleaned it. Otherwise whatever it was would have been vaped.