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What song are you playing right now?


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Creed - My Sacrifice


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The Who-Pinball Wizard


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Gnarls Barkley - Crazy


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Sam Smith - Money On My Mind

robot zombie

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^^^oh my gootness! Love Death..
Hell yeah! Death is what made me get serious about my guitar playing. I didn't know what I wanted to do with the instrument until then. I had already been playing for a few years learned a bunch of Metallica songs, some Iron Maiden, and some Lamb of God... ...when my buddy showed me Death. It was just a eureka moment "THIS. This is what I need to be doing!" They were a band so ahead of their time, yet they got cut down so early. It's a shame Chuck didn't live to see what would become of the movement him and his bandmates spawned.

And just cuz we're talking about metal, I gotta post something that is completely not metal. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


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Chimaira - Samsara
If you enjoy some extremely powerful/melodic instrumental then I highly suggest giving this one 6 minutes of your time... You won't regret it [:=
Love the initial 'kick to the ear drums' at 1:09ish into it

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robot zombie

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Proves that it is possible to go on a journey in less than thirty minutes. It's an ambitiously-experimental slow-burner that covers a ton of genres, so it's perhaps not the most accessible thing to listen to (just kind of a lot to process,) but I gobble this shit up for the compositions alone. Dude has wicked songwriting chops. I'd describe it as being very dynamic, textured, and dense. His music has this uncanny way of growing into itself that's just mind-blowing to me.


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Jarren Benton- silence. Reminder of all of the bull shit I'm going through and have been. Through...


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Sigur Ros - Olsen Olsen


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Wye Oak - Civilian


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Take Me To Church - Hozier Cover

robot zombie

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Member For 4 Years you people just not listen to music often? Or do you just not care to share it? Either way, what a shame. This thread is slower than it should be when every post from the past 5 days is mine.


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It's complicated... There was a shitload of us posting on here. Some got run off or left for various reasons. All manner of asshattery...

*shrug*. Here's one ya might like.


robot zombie

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It's complicated... There was a shitload of us posting on here. Some got run off or left for various reasons. All manner of asshattery...
Ahh, that's unfortunate. But somehow, I kind of sensed that. I dunno, I've been internetting for long enough to see the kind of changes a community undergoes after certain falling-outs many times. Definitely get a little of that vibe here, though it's still a great community! I've never been into drama myself, but I've had to watch it closely and step-in a few times as a mod and it's never fun. It's typically not worth revisiting. I get it. Thanks for explaining it in a way that I can understand without picking scabs. That was never my intention!

Personally, I just love music and think it would be cool to see people more openly expressing their tastes. That's all. Music has a way of bringing people with nothing in common together. It broadens horizons and creates/strengthens bonds among groups. Or at least, that's how it should be if people are acting like adults and leaving their chips at the door. It's an escape we can all share in and explore without a need for disputes. A safe-zone, if you will. Let's share in the common goal of expression/exploration and just enjoy the music, yanno? Onward and upwards to more honest and rewarding interactions.

Plus, I really like to surf music threads as a way of breaking into music I wouldn't otherwise think to seek out. And usually, the bigger the community, the better their music threads tend to be for that. It kind of surprises me to see such a lack of activity in this thread considering the size and relative diversity of the community. I will try to at least do my part. Maybe my tastes aren't to some people's liking, but that's fine by me. I wanna know about what other people are into, even if it's not my jawn. What gets you moving, what makes you approach your experiences from a different angle, and what simply enriches your life? Let's explore the world of music together.

*shrug*. Here's one ya might like
Mmm, yes indeed that is pretty up my alley, production wise. I'm really into those dreamy, emotionally-ambivalent, off-kilter sorts of beats. It's also just really catchy, lol.

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I'm right there with you buddy. I love music. Lots of different types. I guarantee you, wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, I'm probably also listening to music. :)

Here at work so far today, I've listened to Ghost's new album (it's fantastic), ELO's greatest hits, Townes Van Zandt live at the old quarter double album set, Skrillex's Bangarang album, B-52s, 2-PAC, and a little Motörhead.

How's that for diversity? ;)

Hey, if you keep posting, I will too. I betcha we can resurrect this sucker... Music's infectious.

robot zombie

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Rock on! That's an interesting mash-up lol. I can go across many different genres/eras on any given day, though. I think you pretty much have to branch out at some point when you're constantly listening to music. Gotta keep the burnout at bay somehow.



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Rock on! That's an interesting mash-up lol. I can go across many different genres/eras on any given day, though. I think you pretty much have to branch out at some point when you're constantly listening to music. Gotta keep the burnout at bay somehow.

That was nice! Very funky, but laid back and chilled out. I dig it. :thumbup:


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Entire song - goosebumps.

I know you like good tunes young buck, give this a listen. If you like it, the whole album is absolutely essential listening IMO. Album is called "grey skies and electric light". Band is Woods of Ypres. They are quite simply stunning.

But, don't get too attached. The band is no more. David Gold, the lead singer and songwriter died just before this album came out. That fact makes this song, and that entire album even more heartbreaking. :(

robot zombie

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Why you do dis to me?! Maybe it's just me, but I actually hear lots of Gothenburg-era melodeath influences in their music, which is interesting to me, since they seem to be more in the spectrum of blackened folk metal in every other way. Pretty solid. I like that Gold sings in a lower register... ...not too many vocalists in metal do that anymore. It feels more honest. It's a shame there's one less who does. :/

Now that you got me thinking about dead bands... ...I'm realizing that a bunch of my favorite artists are no longer making music anymore. It's sort of bittersweet, but I think of their small collections of well-encapsulated ideas as something akin to a great movie - not every truly great movie needs a sequel. Just having the one almost makes you appreciate it more because the experience is uniquely its own thing. There's nothing else quite like it and sequel or not, there never will be. I feel the same about certain albums.

When a band or artist continues to produce the same sort of music long after having run out of new territory to explore with what has become their "thing," it starts to take the magic out of aspects of what made the earlier releases great... ...sometimes, artists get boxed into what they're known for and become parodies of themselves.

But I'm rambling now. I'm probably gonna go on lots of long-winded meanderings about music in this thread.
That was nice! Very funky, but laid back and chilled out. I dig it. :thumbup:
Haha, that's pretty much the consensus of you and everyone else I've played it for. It's too bad that's the only song they've done that's smooth and funky like that... ...not to say that the rest of their stuff isn't good, it just isn't "that." I gotta give them credit though, they do mix a bunch of ambient and beat-driven genres in a way that is very of-the-era of electronic music we're in now - in more or less everything they do these days.
I'm feeling beepy today... ...or maybe I'll have some bloops instead.

Also, Opeth. Any day is a good day for Opeth. Watershed is a criminally-underappreciated album.
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Why you do dis to me?! Maybe it's just me, but I actually hear lots of Gothenburg-era melodeath influences in their music, which is interesting to me, since they seem to be more in the spectrum of blackened folk metal in every other way. Pretty solid. I like that Gold sings in a lower register... ...not too many vocalists in metal do that anymore. It feels more honest. It's a shame there's one less who does. :/

Now that you got me thinking about dead bands... ...I'm realizing that a bunch of my favorite artists are no longer making music anymore. It's sort of bittersweet, but I think of their small collections of well-encapsulated ideas as something akin to a great movie - not every truly great movie needs a sequel. Just having the one almost makes you appreciate it more because the experience is uniquely its own thing. There's nothing else quite like it and sequel or not, there never will be. I feel the same about certain albums.

When a band or artist continues to produce the same sort of music long after having run out of new territory to explore with what has become their "thing," it starts to take the magic out of aspects of what made the earlier releases great... ...sometimes, artists get boxed into what they're known for and become parodies of themselves.

But I'm rambling now. I'm probably gonna go on lots of long-winded meanderings about music in this thread.

Haha, that's pretty much the consensus of you and everyone else I've played it for. It's too bad that's the only song they've done that's smooth and funky like that... ...not to say that the rest of their stuff isn't good, it just isn't "that." I gotta give them credit though, they do mix a bunch of ambient and beat-driven genres in a way that is very of-the-era of electronic music we're in now - in more or less everything they do these days.
I'm feeling beepy today... ...or maybe I'll have some bloops instead.

Also, Opeth. Any day is a good day for Opeth. Watershed is a criminally-underappreciated album.

Very well said. All of it. And I definitely agree on Opeth! Any praise they get is well deserved. :thumbup:


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"Deep Down in Florida" Muddy Waters and Johnny Winter...Nothing like rockin the blues, least it's that way with me, lol

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robot zombie

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I know it's cliche, but that's the album that got me into Zeppelin. My mom used to play it for me in the car when I was a kid all of the time. She called it "Music to crash your car to."

I like when labels upload new releases in full to youtube. I'm liking it, so far. Will buy. It feels more complete and fully-realized than anything else they've done. They've always been more of a wibbly-woobly, groove-oriented band with concept albums that are essentially a singular, LP piece broken up into movements, but sometimes that made the music strike me as being a bit needlessly drawn-out and repetitive... ...the payoffs weren't typically proportional to the scale and magnitude of the grooves.

It's kind of refreshing to hear that jammy, groovy sound applied to songs that can stand on their own as self-contained pieces. I think I like this poppier, catchier Tesseract. Helps that their vocalist can totally pull it off when he's given some ground to stand on. I think that in the past, they weren't writing songs with vocals in mind at all. They more seemed to write complete instrumental tracks before handing them over to the vocalist to try to sing around... ...they were an afterthought, and it showed in the awkwardness of them.

Vocals don't always mesh so well with instrumentals that teeter around the off beats and change groupings constantly. It's the kind of music that you can either count entirely in 4/4 and break-up unevenly across several measures to keep up with the accents, or in long chains of time-signature and tempo changes. If it's not written around lyrics, then writing lyrics to it is nearly impossible... ...the cadence is jarringly unnatural with strong beats and weak beats rotating around the constant.

I think they finally realized this on this album. It doesn't sound as disjointed as earlier efforts.
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