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What song are you playing right now?


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Crank it up! the audio level is kinda weak.
OH Yeah, that is the original LP artwork....
...A cyborg-chicken with rockets in it's ass.

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Ain't no in-yer-face-distortamatic-geetar. Ain't no cookie-monster lip-flappin.
Ain't no Lip-Flappin' at all...

Just Playin'....
....and ain't that what it's all about anyfuckinway?
Shut the fuck up and play!

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just to balance out the rap. One of my favorite songs for over a decade. It kinda freaks me out when I realize that I've been listening to any band for over 10 years. Like holy shit, I was 12 when this shit blew my mind wide open. What the hell, man?!


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^^that mofo is my shit. He's a beast.

sent from a dumb operated smartphone

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
like what.
Huh? I'm talking about the lifestyles of me and my peers. He's talking about the kinds of lifestyles we grew up worshiping... ...the dreams we confused with reality. Seems pretty blunt and self-explanatory. I don't think it's just me who has met people who are still like he describes... ...and they're approaching 30 now. And those dudes have nothing.

I think he speaks to the angst of people in their twenties pretty well. I'm not really sure what you want me to say.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Huh? I'm talking about the lifestyles of me and my peers. He's talking about the kinds of lifestyles we grew up worshiping... ...the dreams we confused with reality. Seems pretty blunt and self-explanatory. I don't think it's just me who has met people who are still like he describes... ...and they're approaching 30 now. And those dudes have nothing.

I think he speaks to the angst of people in their twenties pretty well. I'm not really sure what you want me to say.
I was wondering what exactlly are the things he is saying that other people aren't talking about.I was hoping you'd describe it rather than me having to listen to the whole body of his work to find out.what lifestyles what dreams.


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Too fuckin real for his time... ...dude raps about a lot of shit that people don't want to think about.
Hop is also my shit. Him Ritz mayday tech n9ne lol they're my top artist.

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
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robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was wondering what exactlly are the things he is saying that other people aren't talking about.I was hoping you'd describe it rather than me having to listen to the whole body of his work to find out.what lifestyles what dreams.
Haha, I'm not going to spoon-feed it to you - I can't speak for the man.. You don't have to listen to everything he's done to get the idea. Just a track or two will do.

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm just trying to figure out why the people in the back aren't making all kinds of crazy love. That crowd sucks. This shit's so funky.

robot zombie

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yeah well if you are an example of his fan base ...I don't think I'm missing much.
It's cool, man. You don't have to listen to it if it's not your thing. I'm sorry that we don't share the same taste in rap music, but I'm not gonna get upset about it. I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot, here. And maybe that's my fault. My bad, man.

All that I wanted you to do was listen to the track and take what you can get from it... ...or not. You can take it or leave it and I truly would not care all that much, but your original question would have been answered if you had just taken the time to listen to it. I'm a little confused as to why you're putting the onus of substantiating his message on me. I just happen to like the song, alright?

I'm not trying to get into an argument about the finer points of Hopsin here. I'm just saying that the track speaks for itself. His message is very straightforward. It's not the type of music that I think lends itself to any deep analysis (though if you peep around on the net a bit, you will find plenty of that.)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
it was an innocent question asked out of sincere interest......there are about 300 muscians a day to chose to listen to...advice and heads up, reviews lets people know which ones are doing things that may intrest them and save them from having to listen to the bulgarian women's choir re mix of Jimmy Hendrix's greatest hits...

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
it was an innocent question asked out of sincere interest......there are about 300 muscians a day to chose to listen to...advice and heads up, reviews lets people know which ones are doing things that may intrest them and save them from having to listen to the bulgarian women's choir re mix of Jimmy Hendrix's greatest hits...
Lol, too true.

I dunno, though. I prefer to go into new music completely blind. I'll check out 20+ new artists in a day just to find two or three that are actually up my alley. Quite often I find myself surprised at what I end up really digging. I've been completely mislead by descriptions and reviews too many times, so I try to stay ignorant to hype and the common descriptors that people use. I tend to have a lot of trouble describing what exactly it is that I like about my favorite music. I think that's where the magic in the experience lies. For me, it's all about the parts of the experience that escape description.

I mean, I have some things that I look for in comments and reviews, but at the end of the day, there's an inherent sense of subjectivity to it that can't really be quantified. A piece of music can objectively have all of the aspects I'm looking for and still ultimately do nothing for me, you feel? You could describe them to me clearly and I'd go in thinking I was going to love it only to wind up disappointed with what I actually get out of the experience.

I guess to sum it up, I would say that I simply don't put much stock into the things that people say about music. It can be useful for categorizing things, but the music is not the label on the tin.

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