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You may not know that I play in a Tribute to the Allman bros....

Yer fuckin' with me, ain't ya?

Not a bit! That's very cool man! Hey, I'm just posting what's on my mind. You'll see I'm pretty all over the place...

I definitely have favored genres, but they ain't all I listen to. That would be fucking sad.


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Dave Lombardo? Yeah, he's THAT good. (In my opinion of course)

Slayer's not even my favorite band, but he's my favorite drummer. Followed closely by probably Ginger Baker and Gene Hoglan.
Aw geez, Lemme git another beverage.....
Ya just don't git it. son...

I'll be back


Bronze Contributor
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Aw geez, Lemme git another beverage.....
Ya just don't git it. son...

I'll be back

I get it man, but ALL of this is opinions.

If you want reasons - I like Dave Lombardo because he's extremely technical but still organic and has great flow.

Ginger because, well, he's Ginger Baker and is a beast and plays the biggest kit I've ever seen pretty much.

Gene Hoglan - they don't call him "the atomic clock" for nothin. Hell, most of the stuff he's actually recorded has been mistaken for drum machines or programs.


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Anybody else out there - this is supposed to be a free for all! Post whatever the hell you want! Any music welcome. :D


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I'm back.

Y'all get too wrapped-up in metalness.. (not that there's anything wrong with it).

...and you need to have an attention-span that is greater than three minutes.
It's ALL analog. Check out the stereo Rhodes...

Before you react, just listen. Your nine minutes will be rewarded. TRUST ME.



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RIP Ronny James Dio!
Ain't nobody... NOBODY could scream and carry the tune like that.

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More Heep.

HAMMOND up the wazoo. Real Guitar tone. Not fakey digi-pedal krappe....
Nope. no faggy fake-metal here...



Bronze Contributor
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More Heep.

HAMMOND up the wazoo. Real Guitar tone. Not fakey digi-pedal krappe....
Nope. no faggy fake-metal here...

What exactly do you consider "faggy fake metal"?

I take it you play an organ?

You do realize organs and synthesizers were the first instruments to be cut by "proper" metal bands, right? I remember a whole movement about it. They simply didn't fit in at all if you were a metal band. Unless you consider Europe a metal band.

Organs/keyboards/synthesizers are coming back into fashion in metal bands little by little. Check out Children of Bodom. They also have one hell of a guitar player.
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What exactly do you consider "faggy fake metal"?

I take it you play an organ?

You do realize organs and synthesizers were the first instruments to be cut by "proper" metal bands, right? I remember a whole movement about it. They simply didn't fit in at all if you were a metal band. Unless you consider Europe a metal band.

Organs/keyboards/synthesizers are coming back into fashion in metal bands little by little. Check out Children of Bodom. They also have one hell of a guitar player.
Dude, I am a drummer. I happen to own a 1962 Hammond B3 and 1974 Rhodes stereo.
Nosir, I don't play 'em. I maintain 'em. They sound fucking wonderful!!!!!!!
I do dig the heavy stuff. I don't dig the the fakey, faggy stuff.
What is the fakey, faggey stuff? I'll let you know.


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Nice try Ant.
I'm lookin' for something that kicks my ass in a odd time signature/ heavy hammond/ Rhodes/moog/ARP kinda way.

Well, I'm not. Neither is anybody else. This is not a fucking contest nor a teaching session. This is supposed to just be people posting music that they like. Wrap yer head around that one.

This isn't fun anymore. I'm out.


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Well, I'm not. Neither is anybody else. This is not a fucking contest nor a teaching session. This is supposed to just be people posting music that they like. Wrap yer head around that one.

This isn't fun anymore. I'm out.

Geez, sorry bro, You're gittin' kinda whiny.
c'mon man, don't be so sensitive.
Were you one of the "everybody-get's-a-trophy" bunch?
Wrap your head around that. Whaaa.......

I'm not trying to teach or preach or have a fucking pissin' contest. I'm just having fun.
If you you can't handle it, well, here's you're participation trophy.

That IS a kickass graphic! Me Likey!


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This one is for my friend, AntDog:
Have a beer, take a breath, and listen....

Here ya go:


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It's all about nuance while kickin' ass.

***this in no way denegrates you or your way of life,
Caution, contents may be hot and can cause serious injury***

Where were I? Oh yeah. Here:

Hank F. Spankman

Platinum Contributor
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Dave Lombardo? Yeah, he's THAT good. (In my opinion of course)

Slayer's not even my favorite band, but he's my favorite drummer. Followed closely by probably Ginger Baker and Gene Hoglan.
Dave Lombardo is absolutely an insane drummer. Whether you like slayer or not

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