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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Maybe being late everyday this week has proved to them that I'm done. That and leaving a note on every computer saying my last days the 19th lol.

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


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Member For 4 Years
They had a black lives matter protest march in Louisville yesterday. They expected a huge crowd. There were extra officers on duty, etc. 25 people showed. 14 of them were the organizers.

There was also a NASCAR race here in Kentucky yesterday.

Never underestimate the drawing power of NASCAR.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hooked trailer to electric bicycle. Went grocery shopping. Loaded food into trailer. Cops come at me with hands on guns. I wear shoulder holster. Lanyard with GUN permit & ID under 10.00 Dead Terminate adios. Forever. Do the math. :cool::bliss:.


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Member For 4 Years
Attention Fiesta employees. Old man wearing reflective vest sitting on cases of Sprite. Do not help his old ass, his gun is bigger than mine. That is all. rotfl


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Member For 4 Years
I just observe & report. Ass hats waited for me to put all my groceries in the cart before fuckin with me. Lazy Bastards.


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This was the past week since I live in mass they are already screwing us even more than most of the nation the only other state is Texas

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so how do you all steep juice you made it got that was fresh? I have a few ways, but always like to hear how others handle it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just give the fuck up. Girls that say their boys, boys that say their girls, some that don't know which. I got 5 years left tops, less if I'm lucky. :confused::headbang:


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so how do you all steep juice you made it got that was fresh? I have a few ways, but always like to hear how others handle it.
I don't steep anything really. I end up not getting to it right away anyway for the most part. At most if I try it and don't like it as much it's caps off for a day or two then it's usually fine. Otherwise it just sits til I'm ready for it.

For my diy I did hot water bath for ten minutes just to thin the vg and mix it well, otherwise didn't do anything else
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