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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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#Team Jimi Supporter
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Good morning folks! Another busy day. Got to get a lot done today. There will be no dawdling on the interwebmachine, I swear!

Good morning, SG. Have a good day, my friend!

Good morning everybody . 84*F here already......and muggy as Hell.

Good morning, Kev! Try to stay cool, my friend!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Welcome to the corner!!!
Hiya all I think I was told to go sit in the corner for a while ;)


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On the coffee. As long as it is not any of that La Ta Da stuff that came out of a cats butt coffee.
I have yet to try the coffee that has been expelled from the south end of a northbound Civet.
I only use fair trade, organic whole bean coffee. This is mainly due to being engaged to a former barista.


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Member For 4 Years
I made a sign when the goat showed up. Guess I will put it out front again. Your animal is here. Rotfl. She is munching grass out back. Closed the gate so she is here. Got a bath tub so she has water. Rotfl. 4 wheel drive T bone.


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Being honest has worked well for me all my life. No need to change what works. Someone's motorcycle is in my back yard. They just need to come get it. 1500 pounds of steak is tempting tho.


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The cow did wander over to you.... possession is 9/10ths of the law...
That only applies to items that are not previously owned. It stems from an old English saying that applied ONLY to found items that had no clear owner.
For example, in England, if you dig up artifacts, they belong to the Sovereign if it can be proven that the original owner buried them with intent to recover. However, recently an archeological team unearthed a viking (not capitalised since viking is actually a verb, and not a pronoun) longship. It was determined by the high courts that the ship was never intended to be recovered, and thus the legal property of the person in possession. 9/10ths of the law found that it was discarded, whilst the final tenth obviously determined that it was previously owned at one time, and that the owner cannot be present to argue it's possession.
This saying exists to a minuscule degree in the US, as salvage laws dictate "Finders keepers", in that the found property is considered lost, unless said item(s) are removed from private property, which delivers that 9/10ths to the owner of the land.
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