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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Going to work on the mower while it is cool out so Huck won't spank me


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I was sitting at my desk putting just the correct amount of tuna salad on Ritz crackers. Looking@ an old Schwinn OCC chopper bicycle I won in a card game when it hit me. Electric chopper. Have the battery's & ebay has a kit for less than 200.00. Just ordered the 750 watt 20" front wheel. 15 miles a charge. 20 mph. Why the Hell not. :cool::bliss:


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Totally left work at 1:24, came home and took a shower. Now I'm sittin watching Hell on Wheels on Netflix.
Been a long short day lol

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


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My thinking, can't ride a Hog anymore, but I can still ride a chop. Just not as big. ;):cool: only a mile to the store. Sometimes I am amazed at the power of Beer. :p:bliss:
Once seen a man riding 50 cc powered beer cooler with the big lawnmower tires. Never question the power of beer

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


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Is it disrespectful to go to your aunts funeral and have visible tattoos? Not in my world it isn't. My aunt would not care. She would just be glad to see me. I pay my respects because I loved her, not some kind of fashion show. Parade your $200K Bentley and talk to me about appearances? Fuck you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Is it disrespectful to go to your aunts funeral and have visible tattoos? Not in my world it isn't. My aunt would not care. She would just be glad to see me. I pay my respects because I loved her, not some kind of fashion show. Parade your $200K Bentley and talk to me about appearances? Fuck you.
No! Fuck em' Pretty much. Shine them on Bro.
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