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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
So mom got these bar things..
Instead of her normal coconut bliss.
These fuckers are so foul and hideous the creators should be crotch punched and thrown in front of a speeding train.
They look like fudge bars.
Texture is like a freezer pop.. mind fuck number 1
the taste.. think carob the bastard want to be chocolate. but rancid.
About a quarter way into it you are going this is not so bad then the sour milk asstertaste hits.

Kevin H.

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My Dad and his freaking iPhone :rolleyes:.......He's gonna drive me to drink......more:facepalm:. The story is too long, so I won't bore you with the long version. The quick version....He got fed up with his iPhone 5 (previously my sister's phone), and said that he was getting a new phone (NOT another iPhone, cuz' he would NEVER pay that for a phone either). I told him that I would go with him to the (cr)Apple store and they should be able to fix it. He said, "I'm NOT going there!"......After SOMEBODY ELSE told him to go to the Apple Store, he listens to them, goes there, they fix the stupid phone........UNFKNbelivable! :gaah:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My Dad and his freaking iPhone :rolleyes:.......He's gonna drive me to drink......more:facepalm:. The story is too long, so I won't bore you with the long version. The quick version....He got fed up with his iPhone 5 (previously my sister's phone), and said that he was getting a new phone (NOT another iPhone, cuz' he would NEVER pay that for a phone either). I told him that I would go with him to the (cr)Apple store and they should be able to fix it. He said, "I'm NOT going there!"......After SOMEBODY ELSE told him to go to the Apple Store, he listens to them, goes there, they fix the stupid phone........UNFKNbelivable! :gaah:
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