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Whiskey's Corner#3

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VU Donator
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Kinda chilly for there
Your telling me! All last week was perfect 75-80F. Then last night this cold crap moved in.

I'd take it Phantom, 20 degrees colder here.
I hear ya! I'm originally from Kansas, so 44 during the middle of winter is "warm". :) I don't miss the cold one bit though.

Good morning, Phantom.
Morning Mark!

Good morning Phantom
Morning Pete!

Yup -- Still on my first cup of coffee. Was up until 2AM last night playing PC game with wife and son. "Age of Empires II HD"
It's always fun playing as a team and kicking the :poop: out of the other players. :D


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Whiskey. :hug: It has turned very chilly here again, I'm sitting on my deck vaping, drinking coffee and tossing tennis balls with my dogs, I can really feel cold air coming off the river and I saw Blue Jays today. :D


VU Donator
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OMG! TFA flavors kinda suck! We purchased CAP flavors yesterday that matched the TFA flavors that we already had (we've been having issues with bitter mixes) ... so we figured, wth, might as well. WOW, is there a difference!


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Thank you. I am going to order some flavoring today so I will give them a try.
I'm not DIY expert, but we've been purchasing TFA (cost reasons) ... We did purchase a couple of CAP previous and loved them. I then got TFA flavors that were the same (again, me being a tight ass). That was a mistake I'm afraid. We're still playing with brands, but so far the majority of TFA flavors have made the mixes bitter that we didn't have with CAP flavors.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Put this in the cat thread , sharing here cause it's so cool!!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
off and on here, but they say several inches, these bands going through are short but dump about 2 inches each one.

Kevin H.

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Afternoon everybody :wave:. Well......I think that my Dad MAY be OK now with his new phone :facepalm:. Went to one AT&T store and got it activated....but they couldn't transfer his contacts over for him we had to go to another AT&T store. They did it there.....but couldn't move his pictures over to the new phone :rolleyes:, so.....I had to do it for him :wait:. Kinda a pain in the ass, from an Apple to a Samsung phone.....but, it's done now.

Kevin H.

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Then....about 45 minutes ago, my Dad's cousin called him. The place that my Grandmother lives called, and said that she had a fall today :(. They automatically call an ambulance and she should be at the hospital E.R. right now getting checked out. I don't know the details, but hopefully, she's OK
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