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Whiskey's Corner#3

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ECF Refugee
I'm not DIY expert, but we've been purchasing TFA (cost reasons) ... We did purchase a couple of CAP previous and loved them. I then got TFA flavors that were the same (again, me being a tight ass). That was a mistake I'm afraid. We're still playing with brands, but so far the majority of TFA flavors have made the mixes bitter that we didn't have with CAP flavors.

You do know that TFA flavors are very concentrated? If they are tasting bitter, they are either spoiled, or you are using too much. I use both, (many others as well) and while one or the other might be slightly better for a given flavor, it comes down to personal taste, or how a flavor might react with others.

I might prefer one brand of pear flavoring over another, when mixing it with caramel and vanilla,(just nailed Alpha Blood!) only to prefer another brand with other flavorings. Careful note keeping is a huge help.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Afternoon everybody :wave:. Well......I think that my Dad MAY be OK now with his new phone :facepalm:. Went to one AT&T store and got it activated....but they couldn't transfer his contacts over for him we had to go to another AT&T store. They did it there.....but couldn't move his pictures over to the new phone :rolleyes:, so.....I had to do it for him :wait:. Kinda a pain in the ass, from an Apple to a Samsung phone.....but, it's done now.
Hiya Kevin:coffee::wave:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Then....about 45 minutes ago, my Dad's cousin called him. The place that my Grandmother lives called, and said that she had a fall today :(. They automatically call an ambulance and she should be at the hospital E.R. right now getting checked out. I don't know the details, but hopefully, she's OK
I sure hope your grandmother will be ok. We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
You do know that TFA flavors are very concentrated? If they are tasting bitter, they are either spoiled, or you are using too much. I use both, (many others as well) and while one or the other might be slightly better for a given flavor, it comes down to personal taste, or how a flavor might react with others.

I might prefer one brand of pear flavoring over another, when mixing it with caramel and vanilla,(just nailed Alpha Blood!) only to prefer another brand with other flavorings. Careful note keeping is a huge help.
Hiya Wolf:wave:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Jimi Hope you can come back soon!!!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Then....about 45 minutes ago, my Dad's cousin called him. The place that my Grandmother lives called, and said that she had a fall today :(. They automatically call an ambulance and she should be at the hospital E.R. right now getting checked out. I don't know the details, but hopefully, she's OK
Sorry, Kevin H. How is she doing? Really late reading posts tonight.

Kevin H.

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sorry, Kevin H. How is she doing? Really late reading posts tonight.
Morning 2WW :wave:. She got a small cut on her face, and one on her leg. The hospital did an CT scan and cleared her to go back home, so that's good! I still don't know how she fell and where, but I'm sure that I'll find out more info. later today. Thanks for asking.
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