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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Morning 2WW :wave:. She got a small cut on her face, and one on her leg. The hospital did an CT scan and cleared her to go back home, so that's good! I still don't know how she fell and where, but I'm sure that I'll find out more info. later today. Thanks for asking.
Morning Kevin H. That is wonder news. Glad she was able to go home. Hope today is better than yesterday.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


And she said yes.... She shall now be Mrs. b1rd

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Beautiful ring, congratulation to the both of you! :hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
O' boy. Prayers are still on going for you and family. My dad is going in this Wednesday for his 2nd to last chemotherapy. One more in two weeks after Wednesday. He is so looking forward to that day being over. Big hugs.
We are hoping she doesn't need a long run of it, they took a few lymph nodes to biopsy while they did the mastectomy which came back negative, so hopefully they got everything doing all that. Chemo for a preventive measure. Glad your dad is almost done his.<3


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Gah whiskey what kind of breast cancer?
Everyone's chemo choice is their fight and choices, best advice is cut all the sugars, corn syrups, canola oil out of her diet. None of this pudding and sweet shit I know someone who gained 50lbs on chemo.

And the a #1 thing to cut out is SOY in all forms.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee

A friend's mom in her late 70s went through the triple negative thing and insisted on a ct scan prior to chemo/rad to see if there were other spots. There were none and the Dr.s agreed to monitor and scan if the need arises vs. chemo

Age and tolerence should be considered at the upper age limitts. Pain and side effects or live.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Vapin, did you get the alien mini yet, can't recall if you posted about it yet
No, I like it's looks, but wonder if I would be happy with much less power that I'm used to. Looking at their site, I saw a new 150W with built in battery Alien looking mod that is going to be introduced. That's why I'm waiting.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
They are doing the scan on Weds, Nasty
Good depending on age and NED elsewhere my heart felt suggestion is to not go the chemo route if it is not needed vs. the mindset of chemo for everyone for everything. The same chemo they give is ineffective for triple neg vs. triple positive but the FDA says give the exact same. For 75+ years old why endure that misery when it is not needed for like 12 months.
Go registered Dietician, nutritionists are a dime a dozen and inject their own perspectives with no recourse.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
No worries and friend's mom is 85 and 6 months down the line kicking ass with no cancer but considering the age and what chemos does she told the docs to shove it.

Give you a good example.
Triple positive her2 has a 14% with chemo of coming back that was 3 years ago before they came out that they were over doing it and it was ineffective. 12% of survival at 5. No mention of the damage the triple cocktail and tamoxiphine does.
she went natural told them to shove the chemo and there were no %, she is uncharted waters.

Check out the berg diet in the morning at least.
Just make sure the dairy is rBGH free.
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