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Whiskey's Corner has moved to another forum

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just passing through sharin' the love
1 week old today:inlove::inlove:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
We all know which...I didn't think it was *Wife..I was just over there and saw Redd's post warning the thread about
the possibility of the thread getting killed and asking that we mind the rules.
I also saw retired1's comment and deletion of your post.

Eventually Oliver might stop to realize that there has lately been a large exodus from his forum
precisely because of retired1.
I'm friendly with another of the moderators over there who tells me that there is grumbling among many of the other mods
that retired is causing people to leave and ruining the "ECF Experience", and the one (very popular) mod
rarely goes to ECF anymore because of r1.
He's quite anal/banal about his zealotry.

I figured that it was retired1. He has slapped my peepee in the past for posting good music. Never been banned.
I don't know whether to be hurt, pissed-off, or proud!
OK, I'm pissed-off AND proud.
Zealots have no place in forum moderation. They are a Britishistan collective, so I can understand their "sensitivity".
I don't like it. "sensitivity" is for girlie-men and pussies.
Sometimes, I like to push the envelope a bit, but I will never offend anyone that doesn't deserve it...
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