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Are you kidding me? The Fucking National Review..LOL...the pieces of shit who wrote an article that it was "immoral" for Trump or any other candidate to court the white blue collar workers, because as the shits at the Fucking National Review put it..".the white blue collar workers should just die out"...The National Review the neo-con bible the Chamber of Commerce mouth piece.....bother me again when you can offer me something more than a chickenshit hit piece written by neo-con scum whose only intnetion is to deligtamize Trump ...You know alot of things Trump has done make me uncertain..any conservative or Libertarian who has lived in America for the last 40 years has grown to where they don't trust a single politician...and I'm sure even if Ron Paul won the whitehouse he'd do things I don't like....but I'm a grown up and realize I'm not the only person in America the president has to represent.....but I gotta tell you the more I see the neo-con scum attack Trump the more I see both the establishment of the democrats and the so called conservatives find any reason any fear any imaginary boogeyman to attack a guy who hasn't sat for a single day in the whitehouse and already they want to impeach his ass...then I think fuck these assholes I'm even more committed to support the guy until he takes office and does something the real world that pisses me off instead of listening to old chamber of commerce shiils scream at Trump to get off their lawns....Maybe you should join Micheal Moore and Jill Stien,and birdbrain I bet between the four of you, you could overturn the election....or prove Trump was the love child of Hitler and David Duke......The Fucking National Review are you kidding me....what's next you can start plastering the thread with the astute insights of CNN.
You trash Trump for not being a conservative( which nobody ever thought he was) and then bang your chest about what a big right winger you are....and then you offer the National Review up as a self respecting right winger I know has anything but disdain for the National Review.

I don't like the national review either but the article is only pointing out things that should be obvious to all of us by now. Trump put fourth an anti-globalist agenda and then immediately appoints globalist types to key positions. Sure he has not taken office yet but the plot is pretty clear when you look at the cast of characters.

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How could you link THAT article. It just proves Pulse's stance completely WRONG. He claimed Trump was NOT a globalist, and that's why Trump was SOOOO much better than his lover, wrinkled up Hillary.

Pulse swore up and down, Trump was no Globalist......

Yet he is, isn't he?

I wonder if Pulse will get off his lazy ass and "fight" Trump now? Nah, that won't happen. Pulse and Time are nothing but argumentative windbags of zero substance. Like other liberal scumbags, you wouldn't expect them to actually DO anything, would we?
Hahah its easier to scream at a computer monitor, and argue with themselves. Why the hell would they bother doing anything?


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I'm not a right winger. You must be, since you support a globalist. I'm a constitutional conservative. I'd venture to guess, you have no idea what that is, and I wouldn't bother to explain it to you, since "Hail Trump" isn't what I believe in.

It was great of you to froth at the mouth again, and also provide NO substance to even argue why Trump isn't a Globalist. Logic and critical thinking are not your forte

Even a liberal can speak truth sometimes, so why couldn't a "neo-con"?

Personally, I laugh my ass off at you, LITERALLY, because of the lying fool you are. You say shit that is a bald faced lie. You are a true nutcase. Frothing at the mouth one day about conspiracy theories, supporting a globalist the next (when supposedly you detest globalists).


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I don't like the national review either but the article is only pointing out things that should be obvious to all of us by now. Trump put fourth an anti-globalist agenda and then immediately appoints globalist types to key positions. Sure he has not taken office yet but the plot is pretty clear when you look at the cast of characters.
Yep, it's going to be the same ol same ol bullshit as always.

But watch how all the Trump Supporters just like the Obama supporters are going to make excuses.

Fucking pathetic how the sheep bleat ..........................


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I don't like the national review either but the article is only pointing out things that should be obvious to all of us by now. Trump put fourth an anti-globalist agenda and then immediately appoints globalist types to key positions. Sure he has not taken office yet but the plot is pretty clear when you look at the cast of characters.

I'm sorry, but the same people that are now saying Trump is changing his stripes are the same people that said he would never be President. And since those fucks are all globalists, why the hell would they be bitching if they thought Trump has become a globalist? It makes no sense. Why bitch if they think they are getting what they wanted to begin with?

No. I'm not buying it. The liberals and neocons both are still doing all they can to undermine Trump. If he was the globalist that you claim, they'd be singing praise for him.

The liberals still hate him.
The media still hates him.
The neocons still hate him.

Now he's in the club? I don't think so. The narrative is ridiculous when you think about it. The good ol' boys still whining about Trump but claiming he is one of them at the same time? That doesn't pass the smell test. So far, the naysayers haven't been right about anything. He is going to be President and the vast majority said it couldn't happen. I think they are wrong again. He's not perfect, but we will see some drastic changes.
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Yep, it's going to be the same ol same ol bullshit as always.

But watch how all the Trump Supporters just like the Obama supporters are going to make excuses.

Fucking pathetic how the sheep bleat ..........................

Yeah, you said that Trump wouldn't win, no matter what. So far, your predictions are less accurate than David Koresh.


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I'm sorry, but the same people that are now saying Trump is changing his stripes are the same people that said he would never be President. And since those fucks are all globalists, why the hell would they be bitching if they thought Trump has become a globalist? It makes no sense. Why bitch if they think they are getting what they wanted to begin with?

No. I'm not buying it. The liberals and neocons both are still doing all they can to undermine Trump. If he was the globalist that you claim, they'd be singing praise for him.

The liberals still hate him.
The media still hates him.
The neocons still hate him.

Now he's in the club? I don't think so. The narrative is ridiculous when you think about. The good ol' boys still whining about Trump but claiming he is one of them at the same time? That doesn't pass the smell test. So far, the naysayers haven't been right about anything. He is going to be President and the vast majority said it couldn't happen. I think they are wrong again. He's not perfect, but we will see some drastic changes.

I'm ready for that TAX BREAK... SHIT!! Fucking tired of giving almost half of my paycheck to SAM!!
This is one thing I'm hoping he does!
The others that he blah blah... good luck with that shit...



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I don't like the national review either but the article is only pointing out things that should be obvious to all of us by now. Trump put fourth an anti-globalist agenda and then immediately appoints globalist types to key positions. Sure he has not taken office yet but the plot is pretty clear when you look at the cast of characters.
Sorry,...I think I will wait and see for myslef what the guy actually does....before I tar and feather him, for what you precieve he far as I can tell nothing about Trump is very clear.and people pontificating on someone who has absolutely no lobbyists to pay off and no political debts borders on stargazing and tea leaf reading....could he be a total sell out..hell yes I even wrote months ago it was likely as the amount of power the global elite control is huge....but I will let his ass hit the chair before I make the call ....all this other shit is just part of the globalist hysteria to delegitamize the only candidate in a hundred years that is not beholding to either party.....that is the first candidate since Regan who wasn't put in power by the media hype.The article is stupid it's points are neither thoughtfull nor well thought out is angry, biased,an attack and fucking trivial..the point of the article was not an honest evaluation of a very odd administration it was an attempt to smear...the national review writes shit, and the people who read it can eat shit.


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Yeah, you said that Trump wouldn't win, no matter what. So far, your predictions are less accurate than David Koresh.
Only reason why he won was due to the release of the emails. If that didn't happen Hillary would have won.

But let's sit back and watch the Chump, he's been backing down on his campaign promises just like Obama did. Same shit different date time group, as proven by his current actions not a single fucking thing is going to change.

How about that Wall, how about prosecuting Hillary, how about ..............................

Same shit, different date/time group.

Time for you and the general public to get a fucking clue......................


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I think the masses are being led on a Trump bash and they don't even know why.... Trump did something unthinkable he broke more than the glass ceiling....he ran against both the parties that have controled american politics and power since the Civil War and beat them...he is the first man with maybe the exception of Regan who was no put into power by the kingmakers the media....Trump's election is far far far more "historic" than Obamas...Trump was chosen by the people, and not the kingmakers, and rather than the entire country celebrating that amazing accomplishment...they are bashing the shit out of the guy..Obama on the other hand was a turtle on a post he was a total creation of the man of no talent or accomplishments with a pedestrian intellect is pumped up to being called a genius and given a Noble peace prize for tying his own shoes.....most of these blind prophets hate Trump not because he's a liberal,not because he;s a right winger, not because he's a globalist, not because he's a racist, not becuase he grabbed their pussies, but becuase he defeated the kingmakers and the kingmakers are using every single media outlet conservative and liberal to attack Trump,,,because his election has proven they can be defeated, and his succsess will be another nail in the coffin of the oligarchs of america both left and right.....his election, his succsess are very dangerous because they will prove that both parties are irrelevant, that you don't have to be a carreer politician to be a president.....
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Only reason why he won was due to the release of the emails. If that didn't happen Hillary would have won.

But let's sit back and watch the Chump, he's been backing down on his campaign promises just like Obama did. Same shit different date time group, as proven by his current actions not a single fucking thing is going to change.

How about that Wall, how about prosecuting Hillary, how about ..............................

Same shit, different date/time group.

Time for you and the general public to get a fucking clue......................
I understand your fears hell .....we all have them, we have been betrayed so many times, but what is it based on....the guy hasn't spent a single day in power....this guy is being demonized way beyond what is critical thought and into the realm of witch burning....


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I think the masses are being led on a Trump bash and they don't even know why.... Trump did something unthinkable he broke more than the glass ceiling....he ran against both the parties that have controled american politics and power since the Civil War and beat them...he is the first man with maybe the exception of Regan who was no put into power by the kingmakers the media....Trump's election is far far far more "historic" than Obamas...Trump was chosen by the people, and not the kingmakers, and rather than the entire country celebrating that amazing accomplishment...they are bashing the shit out of the guy..most of these blind prophets hate Trump not because he's a liberal,not because he;s a right winger, not because he's a globalist, not because he's a racist, not becuase he grabbed their pussies, but becuase he defeated the kingmakers and the kingmakers are using every single media outlet conservative and liberal to attack Trump,,,because his election has proven they can be defeated, and his succsess will be another nail in the coffin of the oligarchs of america both left and right.....his election, his succsess are very dangerous because they will prove that both parties are irrelevant, that you don't have to be a carreer politician to be a president.....

Yep, if they don't delegitimize Trump they might lose more elections down the road.


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Yep, if they don't delegitimize Trump they might lose more elections down the road.
if they don't delegitamize Trump what's next????Carpenters as mayors and assemblymen...doctors as farmers as short what the fuck...a goverment of citizens instead of a cloistered class of political elite who spend their lives brokering power to climb a ladder of power ...a goverment of citizens giving service rather than a bunch of pirates plundering the peoples house.Every single carreer politician in America if not the world hates Trump left right green communist,socialist they all hate him...Those people who tell us like the priest used to tell us...that we can't goveren ourselves, we are the lower classes we have not been inducted into the priesthood of politics our minds are to simple...and like dumb fucking animals we believe them...we don't trust oursleves or each other unless a party of carreer politicians comes along and puts a robe and a crown on the head of our candidate and whispers some latin words over his head and presto change o he's now annointed and can now intercede with God for us, becuase we are too unworthy to do it for ourselves.

What none of you astute political thinkers on this thread bashing Trump are not willing to face up to or admitt even to themselves is...It doesn't matter who Trump doesn't matter what he does or what he doesn't do..he is going to be demonized every hour of every day by the media, by the GOP, by the DNC, by Soros race thugs BLM...becuase he in their eyes is illegitamte he was not sanctioned by the elite, by the old boys club, by the carreeer political class and the media....the media used to have a place of immense power and respect in America, now they are like the rest of us equal on the streets looking for a job....and the same goes for the GOP and the DNC.
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I think those were the words you used pre election too, when I said he'd win.

How'd that work out?:)
I like the way you edited out my response.

Oh well, how's Trump's promises working out for you?

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I understand your fears hell .....we all have them, we have been betrayed so many times, but what is it based on....the guy hasn't spent a single day in power....this guy is being demonized way beyond what is critical thought and into the realm of witch burning....
yeah he hasn't spent a single day in office and he's already backing out on what he ran on.

How's prosecuting Hillary working out for you?


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I LOVE how a certain someone acts like Trump is far removed from the political elite. You know, how Trump financially supported the woman he ran against. How he has been rubbing elbows with the political elite for most of his life, to get what he wants. How he was tied into the media for so many years now.

Trump is just a regular guy like everyone else. Sure he is.......

What Trump is, is a talented liar and bullshitter. He is used to saying anything he needs to, to get what he wants. That doesn't sound like a crony politician at all does it? He openly has broken every promise he made, to get elected.

Now the dude is stacking his cabinet with globalists. Huh, does anyone find it odd how the neo-con are anxious to get to work with Trump, when they have been happy to GIVE the Bummer everything he wanted over the past 8 years? Strange.......

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I LOVE how a certain someone acts like Trump is far removed from the political elite. You know, how Trump financially supported the woman he ran against. How he has been rubbing elbows with the political elite for most of his life, to get what he wants. How he was tied into the media for so many years now.

Trump is just a regular guy like everyone else. Sure he is.......

What Trump is, is a talented liar and bullshitter. He is used to saying anything he needs to, to get what he wants. That doesn't sound like a crony politician at all does it? He openly has broken every promise he made, to get elected.

Now the dude is stacking his cabinet with globalists. Huh, does anyone find it odd how the neo-con are anxious to get to work with Trump, when they have been happy to GIVE the Bummer everything he wanted over the past 8 years? Strange.......
If you Dont stop making sense, you'll get labeled as drain bamaged or diagnosed by a specialist in horse semen who moonlights as a candystriper


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yeah he hasn't spent a single day in office and he's already backing out on what he ran on.

How's prosecuting Hillary working out for you?
Get real....can you imagine the outcry Trump would face worldwide if he put Clinton in would be a total distraction from goverening the country...the left would LOVE for him to jail her. it would energize every left wing nut job and femminazi on the planet into the streets...why do it...when he can simply leak information and expose the Clintons and effectively destroy them and anyone surrounded by them...if he indites her it will be in such a way as his fingerprints are not on it.


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If you Dont stop making sense, you'll get labeled as drain bamaged or diagnosed by a specialist in horse semen who moonlights as a candystriper
you are a fucking imbecile and your attempts at wit prove it ...stick with what you're good at, drooling on yourself and the nervous twittering of junior high school locker room humor.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I LOVE how a certain someone acts like Trump is far removed from the political elite. You know, how Trump financially supported the woman he ran against. How he has been rubbing elbows with the political elite for most of his life, to get what he wants. How he was tied into the media for so many years now.

Trump is just a regular guy like everyone else. Sure he is.......

What Trump is, is a talented liar and bullshitter. He is used to saying anything he needs to, to get what he wants. That doesn't sound like a crony politician at all does it? He openly has broken every promise he made, to get elected.

Now the dude is stacking his cabinet with globalists. Huh, does anyone find it odd how the neo-con are anxious to get to work with Trump, when they have been happy to GIVE the Bummer everything he wanted over the past 8 years? Strange.......
I'll love it when you bring us something more subsnative than hit pieces written by globalist shills...yeah Trump could wind up screwing all of us..I'm by nature a cynic...I expect the worse so I'm never surprised..... it's a shit way to go through life, and not very realistic.However what I detect from you is not a studied evaluation of the issues at hand, but more the ravings and bitterness of dissapointment.


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Get real....can you imagine the outcry Trump would face worldwide if he put Clinton in would be a total distraction from goverening the country...the left would LOVE for him to jail her. it would energize every left wing nut job and femminazi on the planet into the streets...why do it...when he can simply leak information and expose the Clintons and effectively destroy them and anyone surrounded by them...if he indites her it will be in such a way as his fingerprints are not on it.
Excuses, excuses, just like the Obama apologists.

So sad, nothing ever changes.

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Excuses, excuses, just like the Obama apologists.

So sad, nothing ever changes.

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you didn't address the point I made....You are ignoring less than 9 months Trump has single handedly done more damage to the Clinton Crime family than the entire collection of collaborators known as the GOP. has done in 30 years..He snatched her life long dream from her,exposed her as an evil sick loony to the point even a huge portion of rank and file democrats abandoned her and are infuriated that the DNC ran her....her political life is officially DOA..The Clinton foundation is in shambles, and the people who funded them are scurrying to find a hole to hide in...The Clintons can't raise bus fare, and if they do the IRS is going to be on them like stink on shit....indite her...hell what more damage can he do to the Clintons...You know as well as I do if Jeb Bush or any other establishment candidate had been handed the wikileaks file on the Clintons they would have said their dog ate them.
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I'll love it when you bring us something more subsnative than hit pieces written by globalist shills...yeah Trump could wind up screwing all of us..I'm by nature a cynic...I expect the worse so I'm never surprised..... it's a shit way to go through life, and not very realistic.However what I detect from you is not a studied evaluation of the issues at hand, but more the ravings and bitterness of dissapointment.
Could? You blind fucker, he already has. Who in his cabinet isn't part of the good ol' boys club? What god damn campaign promise IS he holding to?

You keep holding onto blind hope that Trump is something different than we have had for the past, well, lifetime of politicians. Wake the fuck up.


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you didn't address the point I made....You are ignoring less than 9 months Trump has single handedly done more damage to the Clinton Crime family than the entire collection of collaborators known as the GOP. has done in 30 years..He snatched her life long dream from her,exposed her as an evil sick loony to the point even a huge portion of rank and file democrats abandoned her and are infuriated that the DNC ran her....her political life is officially DOA..The Clinton foundation is in shambles, and the people who funded them are scurrying to find a hole to hide in...The Clintons can't raise bus fare, and if they do the IRS is going to be on them like stink on shit....indite her...hell what more damage can he do to the Clintons...You know as well as I do if Jeb Bush or any other establishment candidate had been handed the wikileaks file on the Clintons they would have said their dog ate them.
What a joke, no he didn't, it was wikileaks there slick ;)


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Could? You blind fucker, he already has. Who in his cabinet isn't part of the good ol' boys club? What god damn campaign promise IS he holding to?

You keep holding onto blind hope that Trump is something different than we have had for the past, well, lifetime of politicians. Wake the fuck up.
What the fuck campaign promise has he broken when he hasn't even been sworn the fuck are impeaching the fucker before he is even in office....are you a memeber of Code Pink?


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you didn't address the point I made....You are ignoring less than 9 months Trump has single handedly done more damage to the Clinton Crime family than the entire collection of collaborators known as the GOP. has done in 30 years..He snatched her life long dream from her,exposed her as an evil sick loony to the point even a huge portion of rank and file democrats abandoned her and are infuriated that the DNC ran her....her political life is officially DOA..The Clinton foundation is in shambles, and the people who funded them are scurrying to find a hole to hide in...The Clintons can't raise bus fare, and if they do the IRS is going to be on them like stink on shit....indite her...hell what more damage can he do to the Clintons...You know as well as I do if Jeb Bush or any other establishment candidate had been handed the wikileaks file on the Clintons they would have said their dog ate them.
Trump has already SAID, he isn't going to pursue her. That's different than Jeb, how? Trump doesn't give a fuck what she has DONE, he isn't going to piss with the matter ANY more. He only incited the anger with her to get elected.

She is far from done. He daughter is the NEXT crooked Clinton to move into politics. Bet on it. The Foundation will live on to get more money, watch and see.


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What the fuck campaign promise has he broken when he hasn't even been sworn the fuck are impeaching the fucker before he is even in office....are you a memeber of Code Pink?
Are you that dumb or just that obtuse?


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Could? You blind fucker, he already has. Who in his cabinet isn't part of the good ol' boys club? What god damn campaign promise IS he holding to?

You keep holding onto blind hope that Trump is something different than we have had for the past, well, lifetime of politicians. Wake the fuck up.
They're nothing but apologists just like the Obama supporters when Obama's true colors came out once elected.



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What a joke, no he didn't, it was wikileaks there slick ;)
you are the master of ignoring things that you don't want to see......any other republican would have bungled the wikileaks releases...they would have mouthed the globalist narritive of "Oh we can't trust this shit it's RUSSIAN hackers propoganda and lies...." know it's true.


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Are you that dumb or just that obtuse?
neither I'm just not as butthurt as you are....your bitter because your pony didn't win and you can't deal with reality as we find it have to paint it black in order to justify your rage.


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They're nothing but apologists just like the Obama supporters when Obama's true colors came out once elected.

Sheep? that's rich you are mouthing the same narritive that Hollywood, MTV, Modanna, Beyonce and the entire fake news are pushing and you think your indpendent ...LOL


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neither I'm just not as butthurt as you are....your bitter because your pony didn't win and you can't deal with reality as we find it have to paint it black in order to justify your rage.
Like most of the people like ME who voted for Trump, we EXPECT and DEMAND he fulfill his campaign promises.

Maybe you are stupid enough to pay for a new Mercedes and get a beat up POS Pinto, and be happy with it. I am not. You are dumb as a box of hammers if you are really happy with Trump at this point.

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you are a fucking imbecile and your attempts at wit prove it ...stick with what you're good at, drooling on yourself and the nervous twittering of junior high school locker room humor.
Hahaha!!! Right on poster boy!
Same running Stab for 2 months, sure sounds like wit to me.

You would rather try making sad attempts at degredation to people who see things any differently than you and Christ the Trump, rather than hold him to his word.

I would think your blind worship shows more to you and the semen collectors brain damage than anyone else in this or your shitstain worship thread.


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you are the master of ignoring things that you don't want to see......any other republican would have bungled the wikileaks releases...they would have mouthed the globalist narritive of "Oh we can't trust this shit it's RUSSIAN hackers propoganda and lies...." know it's true.
Really? Who's the one ignoring the facts?
Spin, spin, spin.

Continue to drink the Koolaid and make excuses on everything he back tracks on like a "good party member" that you obviously are.


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Sheep? that's rich you are mouthing the same narritive that Hollywood, MTV, Modanna, Beyonce and the entire fake news are pushing and you think your indpendent ...LOL
Really, I guess the National Review is part of the Hollywood Left elite .
Christ you are a lock step party member .........

"Since winning the White House, Trump has not “burned it down.” Instead, he’s “built it up.” Trump’s anti-establishment candidacy has put the establishment in charge" Thursday 2016-12-21&utm_term=NR5PM Actives


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They're two faces of the same fucking coin, so pathetic to see all the apologists coming out bleating the excuses of Trumps reversal of what he ran on. For me that just shows nothing is ever, ever going to change. The elite will continue to rule and those of us Plebs will continue to get screwed for they know how to manipulate the sheep.

Sad, it doesn't have to be that way. All it takes is holding the elected officials to both the rule of law and what they campaigned on, it's really not that fucking hard. But the Sheep here in the US have the attention span of a gnat.

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They're two faces of the same fucking coin, so pathetic to see all the apologists coming out bleating the excuses of Trumps reversal of what he ran on. For me that just shows nothing is ever, ever going to change. The elite will continue to rule and those of us Plebs will continue to get screwed for they know how to manipulate the sheep.

Sad, it doesn't have to be that way. All it takes is holding the elected officials to both the rule of law and what they campaigned on, it's really not that fucking hard. But the Sheep here in the US have the attention span of a gnat.
Exactly what myself and ej have been saying since day 1

Apparently the concept is to difficult for some to grasp


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They're two faces of the same fucking coin, so pathetic to see all the apologists coming out bleating the excuses of Trumps reversal of what he ran on. For me that just shows nothing is ever, ever going to change. The elite will continue to rule and those of us Plebs will continue to get screwed for they know how to manipulate the sheep.

Sad, it doesn't have to be that way. All it takes is holding the elected officials to both the rule of law and what they campaigned on, it's really not that fucking hard. But the Sheep here in the US have the attention span of a gnat.

I don't even engage with pv and time anymore cuz I already know where they stand... it's pointless.



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I like the way you edited out my response.

Oh well, how's Trump's promises working out for you?

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They are working out great, so far.

Hitlery has not nominated or appointed a single person to her administration.


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They are working out great, so far.

Hitlery has not nominated or appointed a single person to her administration.
If your single issue was not Hillary in office then fine. It wasn't Trump that defeated her, it was her dirty laundry coming out through Wikileaks. Side note, pathetic how the only investigative reporters are hackers these days.

But back to the subject of Trump. Well he's stacked his administration with the same insider establishment status quo assholes, so much for draining the swamp eh?

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I don't even engage with pv and time anymore cuz I already know where they stand... it's pointless.

Pointless but still hillarious! .

I have a small group that love watching the drivel. It's really funny to see people think that because they say it with colorful words, that it must be true.

We are thinking of turning their posts into a drinking game.


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I don't even engage with pv and time anymore cuz I already know where they stand... it's pointless.

yeah, rather pathetic. But what else could you expect from "Good Party Members"?

Shit's never going to change, same sewer swamp that is DC will continue and continue. For the majority of the US voters are such sheep that are so easily manipulated. Look at all the excuses coming out about Trump flipping on his campaign platform? Look at what happened when Obama embraced and expanded the Bush Doctrine? All you hear is excuses for their "Dear Leader" .................


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah, rather pathetic. But what else could you expect from "Good Party Members"?

Shit's never going to change, same sewer swamp that is DC will continue and continue. For the majority of the US voters are such sheep that are so easily manipulated. Look at all the excuses coming out about Trump flipping on his campaign platform? Look at what happened when Obama embraced and expanded the Bush Doctrine? All you hear is excuses for their "Dear Leader" .................

Please don't say DRAIN THE SWAMP.. it was cute though



VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah, rather pathetic. But what else could you expect from "Good Party Members"?

Shit's never going to change, same sewer swamp that is DC will continue and continue. For the majority of the US voters are such sheep that are so easily manipulated. Look at all the excuses coming out about Trump flipping on his campaign platform? Look at what happened when Obama embraced and expanded the Bush Doctrine? All you hear is excuses for their "Dear Leader" .................

It's called RELITY CHECK, if you have one!

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