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My new Griffin RTA (vs Crius)


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I kinda figured Rays' Clapton's would be too hot for me too..haven't got 22g but have some 24g Nichrome on hand I will try when my Griffin finally gets here..BTW, your signature line fits alot better now, thx for modifying it for us..

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Yeah man, raymo2u is the shit, I read somewhere he said he's trying to VAPE. 120 watts WTF!!! Lol
I'm gonna do a regular twisted 22g NICHROME 5/6 wraps we shall see

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LOL It all depends on your build...that determines how many wattage I use, I like .12-.14 at around 105-140w. Those coils should be reading atleast .11 EJ, you may have a short or touching from one coil end to the other coil somewhere...The juice ring can be annoying, I took mine off and used the juice control for thinner liquids but if your tank is clean and you tighten it right up it shouldnt budge. If you spin then juice control "whole tank" over and over it will catch it and loosen it.
You do not need to vape crazy wattage with big coils, you can vape them at a lower setting and still enjoy their performance, what works for me isnt for everyone...I like the warmth about the same as a TFV4 with the Quad coilhead at around 120w-130w, that should give you a good example...

Try some 24g Parallels, 6 Wrap (3.5mm ID)...that should be more your style vape...

You like your MT Tank as your accustomed to it, once you got the Griffin the way you want it it is a dream to work with..
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Raymo2u damn the Griffin is a chucker for sure,, but DAYMN the coil u sent me reads out .08 it's HOT VAPE, I don't know how u VAPE 100 watts plus, but it ain't for me, it's just freaking killed the juice, and I'm using a 75/25pg... I removed the ring around the base, the JUICE FLOW BULLSHIT has to go, it's annoying!! The damn tank kept spinning with the juice flow control... I can tell you right now I like my MUTANK THAN THE GRIFFIN!!! I'm gonna do a re build on the Griffin maybe a 22 g NICHROME 6/7 wraps will do the trick for me... Nice tank though

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You forgot to post the build on the deck...I want the pics for my builds thread


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LOL It all depends on your build...that determines how many watta I use, I like .12-.14 at arojund 105-140w. Those coils should be reading atleast .11 EJ, you may have a short or touching from one coil end to the other coil somewhere...The juice ring can be annoying, I took mine off and used the juice control for thinner liquids but if your tank is clean and you tighten it right up it shouldnt budge. If you spin then juice control "whole tank" over and over it will catch it and loosen it.
You do not need to vape crazy wattage with big coils, you can vae them at a lower setting and still enjoy their performance, what works for me isnt for everyone...
Try some 24g Parallels, 6 Wrap (3.5mm ID)...that should be more your style vape...

You like your MT Tank as your accustomed to it, once you got the Griffin the way you want it it is a dream to work with..
Sorry dude, I took the coil off,I'm sure you have a lot of them already, I tried twisted 22 g and its Ooo lala, but I'm tasting metallic taste, I took the whole thing off, I'm gonna give it another brush, keep u posted bro, damn 120 watts how the duck do u do that hahaha

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Sorry dude, I took the coil off,I'm sure you have a lot of them already, I tried twisted 22 g and its Ooo lala, but I'm tasting metallic taste, I took the whole thing off, I'm gonna give it another brush, keep u posted bro, damn 120 watts how the duck do u do that hahaha

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I told you the build is what matters with wattage...a .06 wont budge with 100w, a .09 Ohm will need 100w just to start glowing, 100w on a .4 will make it glow white and pop and so on...Its not to crazy for .1-.15 to use 110w, its a very slow warm draw...

Then again its also about how closed off your airflow is, how you draw the air (how much you pull in) and so forth. If you barely suck in any air it will feel HOT, if you pull so you can feel the resistance from the air going through the tank then it will feel much cooler. I like the Griffin cut down about 1/5 of the AFC and I Draw like I would from a RDA. My wife barely pulls in air and it seems to burn up wicks like crazy, Ive learned to vape much differently...


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So finally after a bunch of leaking,tightness,dry hits, unsatisfactory VAPE, i figured this tank out, 7 wraps of my all time favorite 22g NICHROME 2.5 Diameter it came out to 0.14 on my cuboid,
THE HYPE IS REAL, vaping this bad boy at 60 watts IM SATISFIED.

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My Griffin is literally out for delivery right now. Can't wait to get my hands on it! Got a bunch of DIY liquids ready to go.

Come on, postman!


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So finally after a bunch of leaking,tightness,dry hits, unsatisfactory VAPE, i figured this tank out, 7 wraps of my all time favorite 22g NICHROME 2.5 Diameter it came out to 0.14 on my cuboid,
THE HYPE IS REAL, vaping this bad boy at 60 watts IM SATISFIED.

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Nothing in life does everything for you, you need to just find what works and then go from there, if your setting up something wrong of coarse it will not work well. I posted a tut on what you should follow for wicking, this isnt the MT Tank so you shouldnt expect the same type of build/wicking to work. You cant really slander something for not functioning right if your not building it correctly. Ive noticed that you have done this alot, you need to wait to gather your thoughts on a product until you atleast build it/use it as if works then go from there and take notes on the way.

This Tanks Hype is Real, I have not Exaggerated, its very easy to work on, it has the largest space to work with on a RTA (22mm), and once you get your build/wicking that fits your style of vaping in it you will be pleased.
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Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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Nothing in life does everything for you, you need to just find what works and then go from there, if your setting up something wrong of coarse it will not work well. I posted a tut on what you should follow for wicking, this isnt the MT Tank so you shouldnt expect the same type of build/wicking to work. You cant really slander something for not functioning right if your not building it correctly. Ive noticed that you have done this alot, you need to wait to gather your thoughts on a product until you atleast build it/use it as if works then go from there and take notes on the way.

This Tanks Hype is Real, I have not Exaggerated, its very easy to work on, it has the largest space to work with on a RTA (22mm), and once you get your build/wicking that fits your style of vaping in it you will be pleased.
I certainly can't weigh in with any kind of "pro" review or anything, I haven't even had mine a full 24 hours yet. I will say, though, that I thought the wicking aspect was a breeze on this, compared even to the Crius. It's absolutely huge to build on, and I've gone through three tank-fulls (on my fourth) and I haven't had a single dry hit or so much as a tiny little drop of juice anywhere - afc, top-fill seam, nothing. Dry as a bone. So far, it's beating the pants off the Crius - that thing, as awesome as it was, wept juice from the AFC from the get-go.


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Nothing in life does everything for you, you need to just find what works and then go from there, if your setting up something wrong of coarse it will not work well. I posted a tut on what you should follow for wicking, this isnt the MT Tank so you shouldnt expect the same type of build/wicking to work. You cant really slander something for not functioning right if your not building it correctly. Ive noticed that you have done this alot, you need to wait to gather your thoughts on a product until you atleast build it/use it as if works then go from there and take notes on the way.

This Tanks Hype is Real, I have not Exaggerated, its very easy to work on, it has the largest space to work with on a RTA (22mm), and once you get your build/wicking that fits your style of vaping in it you will be pleased.
Yeah man you are absolutely CORRECT!! After I took the coils you sent me out,first of all THOSE COILS are great, I was so excited to VAPE on the Griffin,I was rushing or something, when it came out to .09 the only mod that can fire it was the fuchai and OH man clouds all day but it was hot, then I realized I was VAPING the wrong juice, I should've use a 80/20pg THICKER JUICE. But moving on, like what I said took it all apart gave it a good scrubbing I let it dry, took a nap for like 45 minutes last night LOL, then wife called,I took a shower then I went back at it, so my initial issues were
Top cap
Airflow control
Juice flow control

Top cap/fill cap
The damn thing was so tight, everytime I take it off the whole chamber comes off with it....
Then I remember you saying juice the top cap and the juice slots outside so I did that,PROBLEM SOLve..

Airflow control initially was so damn tight, after a couple of spinning and adjusting, BOOOYAH its perfect, unlike the MUTANK it's loose and shit!

Juice flow control... Never had a tank with juice flow control, now I appreciate it... Flawless...

Leaking was major problem initially, after 2000 Japanese cotton, I finally figured out how to wick this bad boy, and I removed that annoying ring.. I fell asleep last night and didn't realized I have the cuboid with me Griffin in my hand, I woke up this morning I was expecting juice all over the bed, guess what, NOT A DROP OF JUICE NO LEAKING AT ALL...
OVER ALL the Griffin is NICE,and you really have to know what ur doing with this tank, I'm gonna try to install the CLAPTONS u sent me again later when i get home, KYGP!

MTANK I think is more of a flavor RTA compared to the GRIFFIN, the Griffin is more of RDA/RTA tank, like a competition RTA, it's design to be build super sub ohm you can't just put a regular 26g and expects to get a lot of flavor...
Again you have to know the tank and how it is meant to be USE...
Ok I'm done...IMO

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If you have more time and want better flavor then put those coils I made back in and wick them loosely and follow the wicking tut I provided. Then after you got everything together try 50w and go up from there. If you get it to where its warm enough for you then stop and use it like that, the flavor should be near a RDA experiences as more of the chamber is filled with the bigger build.

When installing the coils make sure there isnt anything touching the coils from the other coil, I think this is why the coils were reading .08 Ohm, there was a short somewhere. Using my Alligator clips those coils were .25 Ohms each so its should give you a .12 with them both installed correctly..
If not try making larger Diameter coils with more wraps, you want the chamber space taken up, this is why the flavor might not be as spectacular as you want it to be...A 2mm coil in a oven isnt going to cook a turkey :D


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My Griffin is out for delivery today along with some 316L SS. I'm a virgin with SS and TC(Cuboid).:oops:
According to Steam Engine dual coils 9 wraps, 2.5mm should give me .3 Ohms. Is this correct and what temp should I start out at and do the coils need to be spaced? Sorry for the stupid questions, but I don't want to die today.


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My Griffin is out for delivery today along with some 316L SS. I'm a virgin with SS and TC(Cuboid).:oops:
According to Steam Engine dual coils 9 wraps, 2.5mm should give me .3 Ohms. Is this correct and what temp should I start out at and do the coils need to be spaced? Sorry for the stupid questions, but I don't want to die today.
I dont have much experience with SS but if it shows .3 when its on a mod then you shouldnt have an issue. The Cuboid has a 25A Output Limit so have no fear when using it, even with 10a CD Batteries (SHITTY BATTERIES) you couldnt even cause yourself a problem using it, it has a very low ceiling to be extremely safe.


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Well I'm still waiting on my black Griffin to get here :(
But I just ordered this stainless Griffin from VapeNW... Gonna be interesting to see which one gets here comes down the coast from WA and the other comes across the Pacific from HI, destination here in San Diego, lol

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I have mine sitting in front of me just trying to figure out how to coil it. Any suggestions.


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Well I'm still waiting on my black Griffin to get here :(
But I just ordered this stainless Griffin from VapeNW... Gonna be interesting to see which one gets here comes down the coast from WA and the other comes across the Pacific from HI, destination here in San Diego, lol

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I know shipping to Pearl City is a 3 day ship (I ship a lot of stuff to there). WA is a 2 day ship there, but for both I don't know if it's the same coming back?


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I have mine sitting in front of me just trying to figure out how to coil it. Any suggestions.
Northern Fog has a easy 24g build on YouTube I think I'm gonna try as a staring point when my Griffin(s) finally get here...

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Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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Well I'm still waiting on my black Griffin to get here :(
But I just ordered this stainless Griffin from VapeNW... Gonna be interesting to see which one gets here comes down the coast from WA and the other comes across the Pacific from HI, destination here in San Diego, lol

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VaporDNA has it in black. That's where I got mine, it's about a day out from getting here. VapeNW is where I got my SS one.


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VaporDNA has it in black. That's where I got mine, it's about a day out from getting here. VapeNW is where I got my SS one.
I ordered the black the 22nd from Eciggity... hasn't arrived yet,

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My Cuboid, My Black Griffin, MY Fast Tech order, and My HB2's havent come in yet either....they all have been one state away for 3 days with no updates....


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My Cuboid, My Black Griffin, MY Fast Tech order, and My HB2's havent come in yet either....they all have been one state away for 3 days with no updates....
I contacted Eciggity (black Griffin) by phone, they said to let them know if its not here by Friday...if it has not arrived they will file it as a lost order and send me another one, which I thought was pretty cool...

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I got my Griffin from Everzon. Ordered on the 14th, shipped on the 18th and got it today 26th. I was able to get it for $18.30 along with a spool of Geek Vape clapton coil for a total of $26.65 including shipping . Some how I was able to sign up as a wholesale acct. and ordered that way. This is my first time dealing with them and I will most definitely buy from them again. I've been buying from Fasttech for two years but I think Everzon will be my new go to Chinese vendor.


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I got my Griffin from Everzon. Ordered on the 14th, shipped on the 18th and got it today 26th. I was able to get it for $18.30 along with a spool of Geek Vape clapton coil for a total of $26.65 including shipping . Some how I was able to sign up as a wholesale acct. and ordered that way. This is my first time dealing with them and I will most definitely buy from them again. I've been buying from Fasttech for two years but I think Everzon will be my new go to Chinese vendor.
How did you manage that? LOL It says wholesale orders should be more than $200!


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How did you manage that? LOL It says wholesale orders should be more than $200!
I signed up a few months back when they posted something here about special pricing. When I responded, they just said I had to start a wholesale acct. to see the special pricing. So I did. I had no problems when I placed my order and paid with PayPal. If I wasn't so apprehensive because it was my first time buying from them, and knowing what I know now, I would have bought more stuff. But I needed to test the waters first.


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I signed up a few months back when they posted something here about special pricing. When I responded, they just said I had to start a wholesale acct. to see the special pricing. So I did. I had no problems when I placed my order and paid with PayPal. If I wasn't so apprehensive because it was my first time buying from them, and knowing what I know now, I would have bought more stuff. But I needed to test the waters first.
Amazing price!


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Amazing price!
I know. Right?
Items Ordered |
Product Name SKU Price Qty Subtotal
Subtotal $22.21
Shipping & Handling $4.44
Grand Total $26.65
Geek Vape Griffin RTA Tank
Griffin $18.30
Ordered: 1
Shipped: 1
Geek vape Clapton Wire (Kanthal A1 26ga/32ga 15ft)
Kanthal A1-2 $3.91
Ordered: 1
Shipped: 1


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I know. Right?
Items Ordered |
Product Name SKU Price Qty Subtotal
Subtotal $22.21
Shipping & Handling $4.44
Grand Total $26.65
Geek Vape Griffin RTA Tank
Griffin $18.30
Ordered: 1
Shipped: 1
Geek vape Clapton Wire (Kanthal A1 26ga/32ga 15ft)
Kanthal A1-2 $3.91
Ordered: 1
Shipped: 1
I wasn't disbelieving you - I was just envious of the price!! I don't need any more shinies, but it's tempting:p


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I know. Right?
Items Ordered |
Product Name SKU Price Qty Subtotal
Subtotal $22.21
Shipping & Handling $4.44
Grand Total $26.65
Geek Vape Griffin RTA Tank
Griffin $18.30
Ordered: 1
Shipped: 1
Geek vape Clapton Wire (Kanthal A1 26ga/32ga 15ft)
Kanthal A1-2 $3.91
Ordered: 1
Shipped: 1
They didn't apply the $200 wholesale minimum?


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How come u only bought ONE??? Dude you could've bought more and sell that's a lot of money right there...
Let me try it lol

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How come u only bought ONE??? Dude you could've bought more and sell that's a lot of money right there...
Let me try it lol

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Give it a shot. They're out of black. I never dealt with them before and wanted to be sure I was going to get what I paid for. Like I said before, just testing the waters.


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Give it a shot. They're out of black. I never dealt with them before and wanted to be sure I was going to get what I paid for. Like I said before, just testing the waters.
I was checking out with the wholesale price freaking PayPal won't show lol

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just got this USPS update stating my Griffin got delayed..might get it tomorrow, hopefully!

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just got this USPS update stating my Griffin got delayed..might get it tomorrow, hopefully!

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my cuboid is delayed too ... watch both my orders come in the same day ... stupid blizzard !
Ive been reading in this thread and several more about people having issues with their griffin leaking. Well im having the opposite problem. Mine refuses to feed juice. Ive rewicked it every way possible. Changed o-rings. Nothing helps. When i take the top fill cap off it releases air like crazy. Maybe a vacuum problem? Idk. Plz help.

Running a dual coil 24 ga. 8 wrap. 2.5 id.

Max vg juice. Like 90/10 or higher.


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Ive been reading in this thread and several more about people having issues with their griffin leaking. Well im having the opposite problem. Mine refuses to feed juice. Ive rewicked it every way possible. Changed o-rings. Nothing helps. When i take the top fill cap off it releases air like crazy. Maybe a vacuum problem? Idk. Plz help.

Running a dual coil 24 ga. 8 wrap. 2.5 id.

Max vg juice. Like 90/10 or higher.
Im guessing your stuffing your cotton in tight into the juice ports, the others didnt have enough wick in them...the cotton needs to be light and fluffy where juice makes contact or it chokes it off instead, having it too loose you can use the juice control to close it to prevent leaking...

Cut your cotton flush to the ring and use a flathead to LIGHTLY guide it into the port, it should just be cupped by the ring and port. If its bunched up then pull it out and fluff it with your screwdriver and then try again.

See how my cotton looks fluffy and not force into the ports? No cotton showing under the ring? Those tips end right after where the ring is and there is about a millimeter between the tips and the juice ledge. You can see the ledge where the cotton should rest on/above if you raise the ring a few twists.

If you have problems getting it right then remove the ring, get your cotton cut at the ledge and then replace the ring and the pull the tips up lightly, not enough to pull them out. The better cotton prep you do the better your wicking will be when vaping, pay attention to detail, after you get it its very easy to replicate.
Alien Wicked.jpg
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Ok guys I'm giving this tank one more chance. I'm trying to like it but damnt the damn tank just pee wtf...

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Ok guys I'm giving this tank one more chance. I'm trying to like it but damnt the damn tank just pee wtf...

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Pee? Lol
I guess your saying it leaks alot..hope when I get mine I can wick it without leaks..lolol

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I've been following this thread checking out all the builds you guys are throwing in this thing. Some of you are still waiting for a Griffin in the mail...I have the opposite problem, waiting for wire and cotton LOL

I've got mine sitting right here and the build quality definitely seems good. No wonky threads, tight fits, etc. If I could change one thing, it'd be a bit bigger ring at the top, with a beveled edge to the top cap. As it is right now the metal strip at the top of the glass is really thin and I can tell I'll have to be careful just what I'm unscrewing to fill.


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I've been following this thread checking out all the builds you guys are throwing in this thing. Some of you are still waiting for a Griffin in the mail...I have the opposite problem, waiting for wire and cotton LOL

I've got mine sitting right here and the build quality definitely seems good. No wonky threads, tight fits, etc. If I could change one thing, it'd be a bit bigger ring at the top, with a beveled edge to the top cap. As it is right now the metal strip at the top of the glass is really thin and I can tell I'll have to be careful just what I'm unscrewing to fill.
Thanks, that's good to know..yeah, I have both cotton and wire but still waiting on vape mail to bring me my Griffin, lol..maybe, just maybe I might get it tomorrow... I hope! Lol

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