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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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I've been wanting to try INW peanuts and planned to try it on its own, but I haven't yet. Instead, I did this:

2% inw peanuts
.5% fa hazelnut
.5% fa nut mix
.5% fa walnut
1% tfa toasted marshmallow

Vaping it the next day, it is mild,sweet, very definitely peanutty--reminds me of peanut-flavored cereal. There is a harshness, even at 3 volts in a protank--unless I take very gentle hits--which I am attributing either to non-matured TFA Toasted Marshmallow or INW Peanuts, as I've used the other ingredients with almost no steep time and have not experienced any harshness.

It is definitely sweet and nutty, a little salty, and I'm getting a slight toastiness, I assume, from the tfa toasted marshmallow. (Of course I don't know for sure, because I didn't do the single flavor inw peanuts taste test!) I'm betting the flavors are not merged the way they may eventually become... IF I can wait. It's tasty enough that I'm having a little trouble not vaping it.

Does anyone have any maturing time suggestions re the INW Peanuts flavor? is it a steeper or... not so much?

I feel like I'm onto something that I'm going to eventually love with this, though, and this is the first time I've felt that with my own recipe. (rickroll!) I'm considering other versions adding and/or subbing banana and caramel and cookie (fa).


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INW peanuts took about 10 days for me. Love the little bit of salty. Marshmallow sounds like a great addition @lirruping! Fluffernutter. :)
Have you ever heat steeped it? I know some flavors don't take kindly to it. I'll have to add this flavor to my list. Thankfully, these days, when I say that, it's a much shorter list.


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LOL! No matter how many flavors, it seems like there's always one or two more. Plus all this new stuff...German, Molinberry, what's next?!
Anyway, no. I don't heat steep anymore, so I have no idea. I do the Zen Chill Method (read lazy)- make it, sit it on the shelf and maybe remember to shake it every day or so. :)


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That sooo needs to be trademarked. Glassgrl's
Zen Chill method


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Yeah, I was following the Molinberry thread, but I have some catchin' up to do on it. I've been sampling some of the German's. Some hits, some misses. That's how it goes for many, though.


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That sooo needs to be trademarked. Glassgrl's
Zen Chill method
:D Intellectual property now. lol That reminds me...I just want to thank everyone here from the bottom of my little silly heart that we don't have arguments over steeping vs.aging vs.whatthefuckever. Who cares? We know what we mean. <3

So...yeah! The German Strawberry and Fig are definitely keepers for me. A buddy sent me a few Molinberry's to sample. The peach nectar was good, but there's something about it...I'll probably leave that flavor line alone for awhile.


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Have you ever heat steeped it? I know some flavors don't take kindly to it. I'll have to add this flavor to my list. Thankfully, these days, when I say that, it's a much shorter list.

I sometimes give them a short hot water bath, but lately have been too lazy to do anything but shake it up and wait. (Or not wait, as here). I've read that spice type flavors (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove) are muted by heat steeping--is this what you mean by "some flavors"?
I envy you your short list!


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INW peanuts took about 10 days for me. Love the little bit of salty. Marshmallow sounds like a great addition @lirruping! Fluffernutter. :)

Of course! I didn't even think of fluffernutter! It IS a bit like that. I was thinking about those roasted nuts you get from the cart in the subway when I was trying to decide what to add.
Thanks for the 10 days info -- it's nice to think it will only get better.


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I sometimes give them a short hot water bath, but lately have been too lazy to do anything but shake it up and wait. (Or not wait, as here). I've read that spice type flavors (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove) are muted by heat steeping--is this what you mean by "some flavors"?
I envy you your short list!
Yes, exactly. Spices. But, you never know what might not do well. I'm like you, "or not wait" is a popular method for me, too, lol.


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I usually just froth big batches and let the smaller ones sit to do whatever. Molinberry was weird tasting to me. The mouth-feel was horrible. I don't know how to describe it. Too wet and the flavors tasted weird.

Has anyone ordered from one on one flavoring? I remember when they started and thought they were flavorwest repackaged. Any ideas if they are just a re-packer?
I've not tried One on One, but I can't recall reading a bad experience, necessarily. Thanks for you input on Molinberry.

So, @glassgrl, you found a strawberry you like?! Awesome. I may try that and the fig. I've been very happy with the FA Fig. Strawberry is hit and miss for me, depending on the recipe.


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Maybe start a thread about it? Could it possibly have been Big Nasty that replied to you? I see his name when I search Snus. A lot.


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I've not tried One on One, but I can't recall reading a bad experience, necessarily. Thanks for you input on Molinberry.

So, @glassgrl, you found a strawberry you like?! Awesome. I may try that and the fig. I've been very happy with the FA Fig. Strawberry is hit and miss for me, depending on the recipe.
Yes! Finally! There are other ones I can use in a mix, but never as a standalone until the German strawberry. Did you find your banana yet?


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Yes! Finally! There are other ones I can use in a mix, but never as a standalone until the German strawberry. Did you find your banana yet?

I would love to hear your thoughts on German Strawberry, @glassgrl.

I am also looking for a good (ie, for me: natural but strong) banana. I absolutely can't stand TFA Ripe Banana. I like fa banana, but it is too faint--at least in my limited tests so far. The best banana I've ever tasted was actually a nicvape juice I bought on my first ejuice purchase from a brick & mortar store, aptly named: "banana". (They don't sell the flavor afaik). But even that could've packed a little more banana punch.


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The German Strawberry is the only one I've tried that tastes to me like an actual strawberry. Ripe, a bit sweet and tart. Most of the other ones have tasted either too green or too fake/syrupy.

That sucks Huck. I hope you and lirrup find your banana. Have you tried mixing any of them? If the FA is too faint, but you like it, maybe try .5-1% tfa ripe? That low it doesn't taste like runts but bumps up the lighter bananas.


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LOL! No matter how many flavors, it seems like there's always one or two more. Plus all this new stuff...German, Molinberry, what's next?!
Anyway, no. I don't heat steep anymore, so I have no idea. I do the Zen Chill Method (read lazy)- make it, sit it on the shelf and maybe remember to shake it every day or so. :)

Never enough flavors!

Only thing I let steep is the tea bags in a big pitcher when I make sweet tea. :-D


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Bananas and pickles?


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Pickle juice is good to drink. Good for hangovers. Even tho I don't drink alcohol anymore pickle juice is still yummy. Has to be a good kosher dill flavor. No vaping pickles for me!


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I don't have any INW flavors. I'm sure eventually I'll check out a few. Still need to experiment with the FA lavender I bought.


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I hope it's good. I'd love to hear about that one.

Of the INW I do have, which isn't many, they're all good. Especially the fruits!


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Was watcHing donuts wars earlier. One of the bakErs make a bourbon kiwi mixture for inside donut. I watch cooking shows alot which inspire me for vape mixes.


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No pickle vapes for me. That'd be @RocketPuppy. I've been into this INW Sezam all day. What a fun flavor. So many possibilities.

Is it a raw or toasted sesame flavor?
I've been thinking about that sesame, wishing I bought it. Next month, maybe, if I don't have to buy a replacement mod. I hate that I don't have unlimited funds for DIY. It's just so UNFAIR! *stomp*

On the bright side, I do have all ingredients to make a nice batch of egg fu yung--including toasted sesame oil to finish the gravy. 2am is a little late to get started on that, though. Or is it?


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Did someone say pickles? Kosher dill pickles...yumyums!!! Claire - have you tried Bubbies Pickles? They're perfect. They even get better with time.

Rp. I was just at supermarket. Went to get eggs and bubbies pickles were above the eggs! I have seen them before. Don't think I've tried them - but I will next time.

Right now I have 2 large jars open in fridge that I need to finish before I get more. My son gets a yummy kind of Jewish half sour. I need to find out the name. Best I find around here besides bubbies is batampte.

I like the juice more than the pickles sometimes!


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I was reading on page 28 of this thread and found a recipe for saline solution. 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt in 150 ml of distilled water. I tried it in my popcorn recipe and it really worked well at 2%. In fact it completed the recipe and I was able to reduce most of the other ingredients.

My question is: Is there a downside to using salt at this level?


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I used to keep saline in my base mix when I was using a higher VG ratio. It gave me coil problems, so I stopped using it. I rebuild way less frequently without. Using it in a single mix, I wouldn't expect too much trouble.


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I used to keep saline in my base mix when I was using a higher VG ratio. It gave me coil problems, so I stopped using it. I rebuild way less frequently without. Using it in a single mix, I wouldn't expect too much trouble.
Thanks Huckleberried. I thought about trying what you did. I think I'll stick to mixing it with the juice. Have you heard any health concerns? I haven't, I'm just asking.


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That's what I heard also. It seems to work. I've won quite a number of juices and some of them taste particularly fresh and clean. I think this might be how they do it.


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That's interesting. Hmm. I do still have the stuff and I've considered adding it here and there on a couple that seem overly drying. Food for thought, thanks!


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That's good to hear. I'll keep track of the amounts to figure out my level. I rebuild all my coils and enjoy it a lot, so no problem there. Thanks for the information.


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So saline works diff than distilled water?


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So saline works diff than distilled water?

I am interested in trying out saline too, both for its supposed flavoring enhancement and on the chance that it will help to make my juice less dehydrating. (Dehydration is a big issue for me with vaping). But I'm wary, because I've heard people say it "flattens" the flavors in a mix over time. I've heard this said of other additives, too, including lemon juice or citric acid, apple cider vinegar, ethyl maltol. Always interested to hear people's experiences with it.


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Happy Valentine's!

Bahumbug here. Other half got called into work. House chores and planting my ass on couch is my plans.
This is the first year I've ever felt that "screw valentine's day " feeling people talk about. I never really gave a hoot one way or the other. It must be old age and/or bitterness, finally worming their way in :/
Not that I begrudge anyone a happy V-Day! not for a minute :)


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It does for me. I use it in my base mix for the moisture.
Vaping dries out my sinuses bad and for me the saline in the base seems to help.
It's not for everyone though...
This was my hope when I was using it. I didn't notice any difference, except with my coils. And maybe I wasn't using the right amount at the time, either. How much do you use in yours, Ld?


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This was my hope when I was using it. I didn't notice any difference, except with my coils. And maybe I wasn't using the right amount at the time, either. How much do you use in yours, Ld?
I don't use much... about 2%.
It is not a major difference, my sinuses still get dry but it doesn't seem as bad using saline compared to not. I did stop using it for a bit and that is when I noticed the difference for me.

Also I vape mainly clear juices so I haven't noticed a problem with coils. YMMV


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This is the first year I've ever felt that "screw valentine's day " feeling people talk about. I never really gave a hoot one way or the other. It must be old age and/or bitterness, finally worming their way in :/
Not that I begrudge anyone a happy V-Day! not for a minute :)
I won't call you old, because we are the same age, lol. And I seriously doubt bitterness could come from you, even if it does try worming in. I think that the older I've gotten, the excitement of Valentines is just so different than when I was much younger. Back then, it was a very big deal! I saw someone on TV call it "Single Awareness Day", lol!

Our plan is much like @ClaireW, ass+couch= 2 happy Valentines.


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I don't use much... about 2%.
It is not a major difference, my sinuses still get dry but it doesn't seem as bad using saline compared to not. I did stop using it for a bit and that is when I noticed the difference for me.

Also I vape mainly clear juices so I haven't noticed a problem with coils. YMMV
Hmm. That's good to know. I was using a bit more than that, so maybe I could use a small amount like you are, then add it on occasion like @caddisfly is doing. I may try that out again. Might help me to stop using the saline nasal spray so frequently. Thanks for the info :)

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