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Daily Check-In Thread


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Sunday check in

Wife and I are fine

Mom and Pops are fine

Sis says most symptoms of COVID have passed and only has minor headaches as of late...she says she’s regained sense of taste and smell and appetite

Sis’ family all have tested negative thus far.


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Sydney has had about 70 cases in 3 days, after months of zero

I'm a few hundred km south, in Melbourne


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Sydney has had about 70 cases in 3 days, after months of zero

I'm a few hundred km south, in Melbourne
Lets hope its not that UK European new strain come back with traveler's.
Wonder if theirs is the mutated Mink one from Denmark that crossed over to Minks then back to people only several times more infectious. Denmark culled all their Minks in the farms as a result. Though it seems to have mutated other places too. India and Pakistan reporting and concerned about it infecting and hospitalising younger fitter people than it had previously.
Edit...the Mutated version from the UK has now been confirmed in 2 returned cases from the UK here in NSW Australia. :(
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Nothing going on here, just staying home. Hubby & Jessie are down for morning naps. Might make a pot of soup for later.

Stay safe and healthy :hug:


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Did my first visit to the Nursing home since Covid came here in Oz.
The guy I went to see, which I used to visit before the outbreak, said I was the first person in 7 months to visit him. He talked his head off for 2 hours :)
I was first told I could only visit 1 person. But after asking to talk to the head coordinator there I was given the go to visit others on seperate days. ?
I always visited the alone ones, so imagine seeing nobody other than nurses dropping in and out of your room for months on end! I did hear from a worker there a few months ago that many were in serious depression from no contact.
So very glad I can get back in there. ? Made my day.


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Last night went to the bathroom. Prior to returning looked at the mirror, fluffed some of the hair on the sides of my head out. Come back to our bedroom and declared to my wife, "I'm Wolverine." She chuckled but said I come rather close. One of her friends calls me that.

Nearly all silver haired now and the beard is silvering up gradually as well. I tell my wife it's her fault I'm getting gray hair, worry so much for her. She chuckles and says, "nope, you can't blame me OLD man." Tell her she's starting to get older too. Cannot win, "maybe but I'll never be as old as you," she counters.

I'm 'bout ready to pack it in, run off to Canada take asylum. Although Canada might let her extradite me. Need to figure out where I can run off apparently. *deep sigh* Until then, ...

"Don't y'all dare throw me in that thar briar patch!"
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Last night went to the bathroom. Prior to returning looked at the mirror, fluffed some of the hair on the sides of my head out. Come back to our bedroom and declared to my wife, "I'm Wolverine." She chuckled but said I come rather close. One of her friends calls me that.

Nearly all silver haired now and the beard is silvering up gradually as well. I tell my wife it's her fault I'm getting gray hair, worry so much for her. She chuckles and says, "nope, you can't blame me OLD man." Tell her she's starting to get older too. Cannot win, "maybe but I'll never be as old as you," she counters.

I'm 'bout ready to pack it in, run off to Canada take asylum. Although Canada might let her extradite me. Need to figure out where I can run off apparently. *deep sigh* Until then, ...

"Don't y'all dare throw me in that thar briar patch!"
That was a dissapointment! I was expecting to read after "Last night went to the bathroom. Prior to returning looked at the mirror, fluffed some of the hair on the sides of my head out. Come back to our bedroom and declared to my wife"............................."Hey a squirel and some moths came flying out!"
Did you check just in case? :popcorn:


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SSDD here.

Milly was outa her braincell the last day or so 'cuz of high winds and rain that freaked her out. I'm stressing over everything as usual, and vape mail is gonna be doomed. Yay...

I got some Icehouse with lime and am watching BYU beat the crap outa UCF. :)

Also, Milly found her happy place; in a paper towel wrapper she'd conquered.



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SSDD here.

Milly was outa her braincell the last day or so 'cuz of high winds and rain that freaked her out. I'm stressing over everything as usual, and vape mail is gonna be doomed. Yay...

I got some Icehouse with lime and am watching BYU beat the crap outa UCF. :)

Also, Milly found her happy place; in a paper towel wrapper she'd conquered.


Killed it dead, did she? Just look at her face, she is TRIUMPHANT, and why are you surprised, silly hooman! God I love cats!


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Killed it dead, did she? Just look at her face, she is TRIUMPHANT, and why are you surprised, silly hooman! God I love cats!
Yup, she didn't just beat it, she humiliated it by taking a nap in it's remains afterwards. :D

Wrapper: p0wned.

Still on track for a $120 electric bill for Dec. and that is less than last year. Temps are dropping and still no sign of my Energy Assitance funds yet, so concerned about that. I can't pay a $100+ bill and I'm not one of those types that just doesn't pay my bills. Those folks get all the help..SNAP literally advised me to not pay my bill, THEN they could help. How's that for a fucked-up system?

This incoming stim shit is gonna be saved for the likelihood of my having to relocate in June. IDK how though: no friends to help this time as they all moved away from this city and state, nobody I know has a truck, can't drive it if I had one. Average 1BR Apt rent here is more than I get a month, not counting 1st/last/deposit/cat. About a 2% vacancy rate and gentrification is in full swing too. And ya wonder why half the city is on crack/etc. SMH.
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Yesterday, fed not our cats up at the barn. Seems we got a new addition. It is a white cat with orange dusty patches. It seems a juvenile cat, did not see if it was male or female am presuming female.

She come out and then let me give her a greeting pet. She got a bit startled, went under the barn. I sat down and coaxed a little bit. She come back out and sat on a log next to me, letting me pet her. Then, as on cue she stepped over and got in my lap.

I heard a loud healthy "motor" going. She seemed to have some post nasal drip. That may be due to a cold from the season/weather. She didn't appear rabid or acting out of character for a domestic cat. Two of the tabby dust juvenile cats sat under the barn seeing her respond to me. Hopeful this new addition can guide the others to gradually taming down.

Then, this morning the water for the house has been cut off. Apparently my ditz SIL went in and dropped something off the back of the toilet, broke the bathroom water pipe. Gee wouldn't you know it the oh so great plumber and builder that my wife's BIL is did not include a bathroom water shut off. Nah, that would have been too easy. Instead you need to shut all the water off to fix anything in the bathroom. *smh*

Besides that, having something be capable of breaking a feed pipe ought to been taken to account. Of course, I really need to remind myself this is the same guy that tried three times to set a toilet using silicone base gaskets and not wax. My wife's granddad had to go get the proper wax base gasket and set the toilet. Yep, great and gloriously learned plumber the BIL.

Oh well, "always something". ETA: Okay, well we got hot water back. Yay.
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This incoming stim shit is gonna be saved for the likelihood of my having to relocate in June. IDK how though: no friends to help this time as they all moved away from this city and state, nobody I know has a truck, can't drive it if I had one. Average 1BR Apt rent here is more than I get a month, not counting 1st/last/deposit/cat. About a 2% vacancy rate and gentrification is in full swing too. And ya wonder why half the city is on crack/etc. SMH.

Are you particularly attached to city/urban living? Do you specifically need to live in a city?

I ask because the cost of living rural in general is a fair bit lower. Yes there are trade offs. And yes some trade offs can incur a little more expense. With a lower cost of living though that can balance out.

Merely trying to offer a different means to consider. If you have already, my apologies.
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Nothing new here, same old. Still waiting on Dr. report for Hubby. Jessie is still half cuddly purr monster, half wired-up zoomer. We stay at home except for food and Dr. appointments. Boring!

Stay safe and healthy :hug:

Just Frank

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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.


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Don't know anyone who has caught this shit yet . Must be lucky I guess. A friend of mine has a daughter who works at an Amazon facility near me. She said one girl tested positive at the door so they sent her and her crew home for 2 weeks. None of them got seriously sick though.
Good luck to all on here who have people who caught this and condolences to the ones that lost people.
Stay well


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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
So sorry to hear that. Very sad news. My best and kindest wishes to you and your family. :(


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We dont do Xmas but respect those who do.
So to all, stay safe, everyone, have a great and safe holiday time, and show your love and respect to all. (And yes I often remind myself to do that too) im far from perfect, kick myself daily.
Stay safe n well friends! :) ?


Cranky Old Fart
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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
Sorry to hear this. My prayers for you and your family.


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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
May you find peace in the memories and the Angels surround you with Love and comfort you through this difficult time. :hug:

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.

Deep condolences - heck of a time for that to happen


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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. It's a hard year for many.


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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
So sorry :hug:

Ms. Trixy

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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
That's so sad, Frankie. God bless you and your family.


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Wishing everyone a Merry Holidays!!

I haz a fun...treated myself to a truly amazing beer from Ninkasi's seasonal pack.


It's a good day...Dad brought me a block of cheddar cheese, a bag of Reese's Trees (love those), and a few bucks for Xmas from the fam. Milly is a good kitteh, I can't complain. Made 80ml of HS-RY4 finally, and Milly's meat is thawing to make her HER present...;)

Watching Marshall vs Buffalo college football, and the NFL is later.
I'm dressed for the temp, yet "festively"and being content in my 55F living room to watch it. :D


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Are you particularly attached to city/urban living? Do you specifically need to live in a city?

I ask because the cost of living rural in general is a fair bit lower. Yes there are trade offs. And yes some trade offs can incur a little more expense. With a lower cost of living though that can balance out.

Merely trying to offer a different means to consider. If you have already, my apologies.
Oh I've considered it, but this ain't like where you live man...still takes money and a vehicle and I got neither. Haven't driven in 22 yrs, don't even have a license. So, no way to move all my shit, much less live anywhere else.

I'm a single 54yo male....not much in the way of opportunity.
$800/mo. isn't enough to live anywhere, but I manage. I couldn't manage being totally on my own, I'd go insane like my father 60, he was delusional and paranoid.
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Oh I've considered it, but this ain't like where you live man...still takes money and a vehicle and I got neither. Haven't driven in 22 yrs, don't even have a license. So, no way to move all my shit, much less live anywhere else.

I'm a single 54yo male....not much in the way of opportunity.
$800/mo. isn't enough to live anywhere, but I manage. I couldn't manage being totally on my own, I'd go insane like my father 60, he was delusional and paranoid.

Well, ... I haven't driven in forty eight years. Oh, a few times here and there behind a car wheel just to attempt learning it. But never held more than a learner permit. I can drive forklifts, various other small craft, tractors and such. But not driven cars as in to drive.

Hm. Too late for me on insanity. Already there. I'm listed as depressive, chronic clinical, and generally anti-social with a NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) diagnoses. Also got shell shock (PTSD) but no one wants to write any of that up as a "disability" for me. Nobody wants to list me "officially".

Think they're afraid I could likely hold a PHD or Masters in psychology, fix myself and sue them. And well, I nearly do have that *points to his head* up in there. Had to as I lived with someone that was insane.

Age thirteen, I had read our local college's full psychology department curriculum. Nothing else to read for me at that point anyway. I had devoured our school libraries, even religion and philosophy. So got put to college level stuff.

But yes, I understand, there's not much around here to go do. We got work if you're lucky enough to find it without needing to go out of state. Um, no movie theaters, no skating rinks, no bowling alleys. Got some places to go stand and wet a fishing line but if you ain't boating you ain't catching. Reckon I could hunt deer but no real point when they suicide bomb cars.

So no nothing really to do unless milling around wal mart is your "thing". *shrugs* We stream using a Roku. She tries watching those ghost reality show/dramas until they get too damn painful with their drama/stupidity.I usually wind up getting suckered into chick flicks, feely good or rom-com movies, tv shows.

But I don't suffer my "insanity", I embrace and enjoy it. *chuckles* Fuck 'em they can't take a joke. :)

Oddly, I'm looking forward to hopefully going back to being a custodian/janitor part time for the schools. I can get dropped off, picked up, transported betwixt by family. The consensus being "you got work, we'll get you there and back". Reckon it helps I drop a bit of cash for fuel at times.

And I don't see much "opportunity" around here either, for lack of it, or for lack on my part. I'm always considered non-skilled general labor. Been thinking on going to a local VO-Tech to get certified for carpentry but I dunno.
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Yesterday was good, heard from all of the family. Hubby made a great dinner. Jessie received her very own sherpa throw! She kneads it, rolls around on it, snuggles in it. Happy cat. I screwed up and burnt my fingers, spent the evening with them in cool water. I'm an airhead sometimes. Today is going to be warm, nice.
Stay safe and healthy :hug:


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Heck yeah!! I had been there and saw that deal, but not the coupon code..thx!! :D used a store credit I'd forgotten

View attachment 166263

And, I got the gunmetal one I'd wanted before too but couldn't find in stock...Yay!
Plus the fact that being on the West coast, shipping from Hawaii is dope. Love eciggity. :cool:
I picked up 2 of those aspire feedlink squonkers with little expectations,, gotta say the 1 im using has been a very good mod,, I use it as the beater and out running errands,,, with the economy as it is i didn't want to be seen with anything nice.

Edit,,, i didn't catch the date on op post, somehow I thought i was responding to a current post. - my apologies

Hope everyone had a good Christmas.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Yesterday was good, heard from all of the family. Hubby made a great dinner. Jessie received her very own sherpa throw! She kneads it, rolls around on it, snuggles in it. Happy cat. I screwed up and burnt my fingers, spent the evening with them in cool water. I'm an airhead sometimes. Today is going to be warm, nice.
Stay safe and healthy :hug:
Always keep this on hand. Amazing pain releif for burns. Stupid me grabbed a hot tray a couple of months ago that had been in the oven. A dab, small blob on the burn spots and let it soak itself/absorb into the skin.
From a website "Lidocaine topical (for use on the skin) is used to reduce pain or discomfort caused by skin irritations such as sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and minor cuts, scratches, or burns."

Not to be used on open wounds though where it can absorb into the bloodstream.
Used as it is intended though its amazing.


Diamond Contributor
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My dad died last night. He had a bad stroke and couldn't recover from it. We weren't really that close though. My parents separated when I was a kid. It'll probably set in at some point but I don't want to think about it. I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind occupied for now.
Sorry to hear of loss of your father, prayers for you and the family


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Pretty sunshine this morning, but cold. Supposed to get to 67* but around freezing at night. Jessie now thinks that all of the sherpas are hers! Hubby & I each have regular on, plus Jessie & I have the thinner "throw". She takes turns with them, whether we are using them or not. Spoiled cat!

Stay safe and healthy :hug:


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I picked up 2 of those aspire feedlink squonkers with little expectations,, gotta say the 1 im using has been a very good mod,, I use it as the beater and out running errands,,, with the economy as it is i didn't want to be seen with anything nice.

Edit,,, i didn't catch the date on op post, somehow I thought i was responding to a current post. - my apologies

Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

It took me a little bit to get used to using the Feedlink, but once I adjusted to the position of the button, I really like that mod. Same thing happened with the Aspire Puxos - not a button problem, but just adjusting to the way it felt in my hand, because it's so light, plus I didn't particularly like the panels on it. It works really well with a Wasp Nano RTA on it.


Cranky Old Fart
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Pretty sunshine this morning, but cold. Supposed to get to 67* but around freezing at night. Jessie now thinks that all of the sherpas are hers! Hubby & I each have regular on, plus Jessie & I have the thinner "throw". She takes turns with them, whether we are using them or not. Spoiled cat!

Stay safe and healthy :hug:
She's not a spoiled cat, she's just acting normal for a cat. What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine... :giggle:


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She's not a spoiled cat, she's just acting normal for a cat. What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine... :giggle:
Agree. Mine, she will wreck all your shit...and say howdy...
Humane Society named her Maleficent for a reason. She is wytch spawn, but i like it.. ;-)

Look at those eyes...there is murder in there. But, yet she bulls her way under covers and snuggles with me at night now. No claws. :)

I wanted a young and fierce cat, I got one. That window is 4' off the floor wit a 3" ledge, she has zero fear.

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Hope everyone here had a merry Christmas and has a happy new year. Hope Santa was good to you all!
We kept it low key, smoked a brisket, sent the kids on a scavenger hunt for their gifts.


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Went and visited another patient in the Hospital I was a Volunteer regular visitor.
It was heartbreaking. The poor guy has not had a visitor since March this year when I was stopped. He is and was bed ridden. We had a great catch up and some laughs.
Showed him pictures of fish and gold. Was great.
This isn't to be a thumbs up like for me, this is a reach out to any who can do this for others like him to do it if you can. There are so many lonely people like him and others feeling so neglected and not wanted.
If you have some time, do it. Even myself I dont think I'd ever realise what it means until I walk in their shoes. Instead of watching a movie, surfing the net, go and spend some time with them if you can.
Dont like this or love it. I dont want that. Just do it if you can.
Covid is so isolating people not just in normal society, but more so those in hospitals with no family or those that have them but just dont care. Show some care and love.
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All ok where we live but just finished watching an update of Covid in Asia the UK and USA.
Not good, sorry to see and hear what I just have. The numbers are mind blowing. :(
Stay safe everyone.

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