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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


When you have low self-esteem, you will keep tolerating destructive patterns of others, as you feel afraid of losing them. You put up with behavior that keeps you feeling insecure, afraid, and unworthy.

But this only causes you to lose yourself. Set healthy boundaries and don't allow anyone to mess with you. Be nicer to yourself. Stand up for yourself and never doubt your value in life.

When you no longer put up with bad behavior, you’ll be kinder, more tolerant, and more loving in your life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Thermography: The Breast Cancer Detection Method You Haven’t Heard Of​



Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years

Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed​

That was excellent. 👍 Very wisely written.
Much of that iv been seeing and hearing happen here.


Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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@Smigo I would probably be locked up if I lived in Oz. All the crap you have to go through because of a few cases in the biggest city in your province. QR code scanning to enter a store is total bull stuff. Locked up in the outback is beyond belief. I hope you can get some more fishing in my friend and keep your sanity.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
@Smigo I would probably be locked up if I lived in Oz. All the crap you have to go through because of a few cases in the biggest city in your province. QR code scanning to enter a store is total bull stuff. Locked up in the outback is beyond belief. I hope you can get some more fishing in my friend and keep your sanity.
Yeah its nuts. Our town is several thousand taking in the 4 smaller satellite ones very close to us within 15 ks. Has been nothing here in over a year. But the ones further north to the east with populations of 10 people or below 100 that have no tourism and lucky to have a post office come general store and if real lucky a pub! Seriously, locking them down and mandating masks!?
Imagine being in a town of 10 people hundreds of ks from a major town and being told you can only leave your home to buy food, just 1 person allowed to do that, see a doctor or exercise for just 2 hours a day. Or live many kilometers from any town at all and the same law applies!
But it happens everytime they lock us down here in the country.
I heard one shop owner saying on tv "we dont let anyone in here who isnt vaccinated. I am and so are my workers. If anyone wants to come in they have to prove they have had the vaccine!" I can't believe that people can say such illogical things and not stop immediately after the words came out of their mouths and say to the reporter "um....hang on...did I just say they that? Um hang on yeah I did, I didn't make much sense there did I! Lets see...if im vaxxed and my workers are vaxxed and an unvaxxed person comes near us then.....?"
I guess though the reporter would cut in with "then they are evil filth that should be shunned and arrested shouldn't they!"
The shop owner would more than likely come back with "yes, yes they are filthy evil scum, thats why I dont let them in!" :confused:

Im hoping to get out tomorrow detecting and fishing the next day. I have no doubt another lockdown here is not far off.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


If you caught this piece of writing in the FB group on Thursday, my apologies for the repetition, but it just so perfectly captured what was on my heart this week and what I wanted to express in this love note :)


I was speaking with a friend last week about many people’s tendency to put too much pressure on themselves, myself included, and she reminded me that progress will not be lost and people will not be mad at me just because I take a few days for myself, even though it’s a fear that I can’t seem to shake. And so, I promised her that I would try to remind myself of this more often.

Well, serendipitously, this week I was given the opportunity to practise that promise. Most of the time, I am pretty good at overcoming the worst of my anxiety, but on Monday, I found myself in a pretty intense state of anxiety, so much so that it was difficult for me to get anything productive done. And then this was followed by two days of feeling really under the weather, and so it wasn’t until today that I was feeling back to normal enough to return to my usual posting, writing, and other work. I really felt like doing nothing, and I knew (especially after Friday’s talk with my friend) that I needed to rest and recover, but it was quite the struggle in some moments not to feel anxious and guilty about taking unexpected time away.

And as one anxiety often feeds others, I started feeling anxiety and upset that I didn’t feel like posting or writing, that I just felt like watching TV. I wondered to myself, what if that’s all I ever feel like doing again? What if I’ve lost my momentum, my positivity, my drive for my healing protocol and for all the things I dedicate my time to? Waking up this morning feeling back to normal was nice for many reasons, but the best was that it was proof for that anxious, over-thinking part of my brain that no matter how bad I feel, how unlike myself I seem, it won’t last forever, and that bright morning where I feel like myself again is on its way.

It was also a reminder to trust how your body is feeling and that it knows what you need. Trust that your mind knows what it can focus on right now and what it can’t, and that it will shift back once those needs are met. And trust that your heart knows when you need to slow down and tend to it, and that it will let you speed back up when it’s ready. Just listen to and follow your own inner wisdom. This journey has proven so much to me, and one of the most important things has been that I should listen to my heart, my body, and my gut and trust that it always knows what’s best for me and steers me right.

Oh, and that rest and self care are n.e.c.e.s.s.a.r.y.

Happy Healing ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Valuing Where You Are At​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Resources: Free Events​

After I was diagnosed, one of the unexpected things I learned (of which there were many) was the importance that our oral health plays in the health of our entire body. I had two root canals done when I was 20, and I discovered after my diagnosis that root canals aren’t great for our overall health. It is very difficult to remove all of the bacteria that is trapped in the dead root, and so chronic inflammation often takes hold in the sealed canal.

After diagnosis, I made the switch to a biological dentist. A biological dentist holds a DDS or DMD degree, just like a regular dentist, but there are important differences. A biological dentist understands the connection between the mouth and the body, and they look for the root causes of oral issues instead of just treating the symptoms. They diagnose, prevent, treat, and maintain oral health using natural therapies and without the use of detrimental substances like fluoride or metal fillings, opting instead for organic, natural, and biocompatible materials that are non-toxic and safe for human consumption. I was able to find someone who understood the risks of root canals, and I had mine amputated to get rid of the inflammation I suspected had been ongoing in there for 8+ years.

You may not know this, but there are dental meridians in our mouths like there are energy meridians in our bodies, and every tooth has a meridian going to it. There are 12 meridians in total, and each of the 32 teeth are represented on them (if you would like to learn more about this, you can check out this website). I found it extremely interesting when my biological dentist told me that my root canals were on the meridians connected to the adrenals and ovaries, our hormonal centres. This was particularly interesting because my breast cancer was hormone driven and I had subsequently learned that my body struggled with estrogen dominance and hormone methylation issues.

So! All this to say that our oral health is an extremely important part of our overall health, and it’s definitely an area that you should consider looking into as part of your healing journey. It is so often overlooked (I had no idea before I was diagnosed), and so I wanted to share a free online event that’s happening in September to help you learn more about the connection between oral health and the health of our body and how to get started taking care of your own properly. It’s happening September 6-12, it’s completely online and completely free. You’ll need to register with your email, but you can always unsubscribe after the event is over.
Register here!


No explanation needed :)

Resources: Free Events​

After I was diagnosed, one of the unexpected things I learned (of which there were many) was the importance that our oral health plays in the health of our entire body. I had two root canals done when I was 20, and I discovered after my diagnosis that root canals aren’t great for our overall health. It is very difficult to remove all of the bacteria that is trapped in the dead root, and so chronic inflammation often takes hold in the sealed canal.

After diagnosis, I made the switch to a biological dentist. A biological dentist holds a DDS or DMD degree, just like a regular dentist, but there are important differences. A biological dentist understands the connection between the mouth and the body, and they look for the root causes of oral issues instead of just treating the symptoms. They diagnose, prevent, treat, and maintain oral health using natural therapies and without the use of detrimental substances like fluoride or metal fillings, opting instead for organic, natural, and biocompatible materials that are non-toxic and safe for human consumption. I was able to find someone who understood the risks of root canals, and I had mine amputated to get rid of the inflammation I suspected had been ongoing in there for 8+ years.

You may not know this, but there are dental meridians in our mouths like there are energy meridians in our bodies, and every tooth has a meridian going to it. There are 12 meridians in total, and each of the 32 teeth are represented on them (if you would like to learn more about this, you can check out this website). I found it extremely interesting when my biological dentist told me that my root canals were on the meridians connected to the adrenals and ovaries, our hormonal centres. This was particularly interesting because my breast cancer was hormone driven and I had subsequently learned that my body struggled with estrogen dominance and hormone methylation issues.

So! All this to say that our oral health is an extremely important part of our overall health, and it’s definitely an area that you should consider looking into as part of your healing journey. It is so often overlooked (I had no idea before I was diagnosed), and so I wanted to share a free online event that’s happening in September to help you learn more about the connection between oral health and the health of our body and how to get started taking care of your own properly. It’s happening September 6-12, it’s completely online and completely free. You’ll need to register with your email, but you can always unsubscribe after the event is over.
Register here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Despite being CENSORED………….
Despite living in fear of being cancelled.....
And, despite risking their careers to make sure the TRUTH comes out.....
Top doctors, scientists, and many colleagues, from around the world have been speaking out, daring to tell the truth about what's REALLY happening with the Covid vaccines. Check out the trailer and register now for a limited time for this FREE breakthrough 10-episode docuseries. Vaccine Secrets: Covid Crises.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Antibacterial Agents ( 'AncientBiotics' ) From Nature​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The 'Vaccine Hesitant' & 'Conspiracy Theorists' a Domestic Terrorism Threat - New Homeland Security Report Implies​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Many have spent years searching for a known cause or cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome disease. This week, I speak with a husband and wife doctor team that believes they have found a way to solve this riddle. I also meet with two doctors who were diagnosed with the disease, and the world-renowned Dr. Russell Jaffe who believes western medicine is a hindrance to curing this disease.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years

The 'Vaccine Hesitant' & 'Conspiracy Theorists' a Domestic Terrorism Threat - New Homeland Security Report Implies​

I heard about that. Vaccine hesitant terrorists! Ridiculous.
Today the Melbourne lockdown has been extended till the first week in September, the 2nd. When they were announcing it I expected them to extend it to us in the regional areas. So far no.
Yesterday I had been looking into some things like NAC and L Glutathione.
Unfortunately as good as NAC is it interacts with my thyroxin. I need to take it as once mentioned I dont have enough of a thyroid gland.
But Glutathione has no know issues with it so ordered some of that.
Ill hang onto it and those mushroom powders for if we ever feel like we are catching anything. All good fighters. 👍


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Forgiving others is essential for your growth. The entire experience of being hurt is now just a feeling that you carry around. These negative feelings will hold you back from moving on and being happy if you continue to engage with them.

Take responsibility for how you choose to respond to what has already happened and is no longer in your reality. Detach yourself from the past.

Don't let the resentments and grudges thrive within you. Respond with kindness. It's time to move on.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My poor Nana used to wear gloves to bed, Jimi... that as she scratched away at her eczema while she slept, her nails would not dig in and make the rashes bleed.

We felt terrible that those rashes caused a misery that no prescription could relieve…

But we had no idea it was a sign of cancer — the very cancer that would later take her life.

If you or a loved one suffers from frequent rashes, it is ESSENTIAL that you read this...

Could grass, sand or even too much nickel in your belt buckle be (secretly) making your life miserable?

What people going through cancer quickly come to find, is it’s not just the cancer that needs to be healed!

The factors that cause cancer can also cause a host of other problems, including serious skin conditions.

Dealing with terrible rashes and itching can be extremely disheartening on its own, let alone in the face of cancer.

But it doesn’t have to be. There is hope for soothing the itching, pain and inflammation… and putting this condition in the rearview mirror once and for all.

The key is to discover which everyday (many otherwise non-toxic) items in your life are causing flare-ups, which is why I invite you to...



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

COVID Vaccine in the US alone: 545,337 adverse reports, 12,366 deaths reported. Is this only 1% of the actual number?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dealing With Chronic Pain

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

Chronic pain affects more than 50 million Americans. For some people, pain may resonate as more emotional than physical. For others, it overwhelms the body, but they battle it with their mind.

Researchers found that back, hip, knee, and foot pain were the most common troublemakers. Injury, osteoarthritis, obesity, muscle and ligament strains and sprains, tendinitis, bursitis, pinched nerves, plantar fasciitis, bunions, and tissue tears (such as to the meniscus) are common causes.

Some management techniques involve changing your reaction to pain, which is especially useful when there is no treatment or therapy that will make it go away entirely. One study in the journal Pain found that hypnosis, cognitive therapy, hypnotic cognitive therapy, and pain education all make a significant difference.

Special: The Secret to Healthy Digestion: ‘Many People Are Going to Think This Is Too Good to Be True’

Researchers gave volunteers with chronic pain four sessions of those treatments and found that all forms had a medium-to-large impact on pain intensity — and the improvements lasted through 12 months of follow-up.

The Cleveland Clinic says meditation, tai chi, biofeedback, Reiki, aromatherapy, and other stress-reduction techniques also can help lessen the impact of chronic pain on your life. For conditions like fibromyalgia, exercise, good quality sleep, and a diet free of simple sugars, added syrups, simple carbs, red and processed meats, egg yolks, and cheese, along with stress-relief techniques, can help.

Medical treatments for chronic pain include physical, occupational, and massage therapy; acupuncture; TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation); topical creams containing capsaicin, cortisone, or NSAIDs; and nerve blocks. Sometimes, cortisone shots are helpful. And surgery can be a positive solution for joint pain and other injuries.

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen can ease discomfort, as can prescription NSAIDs, and there are times when opioids are needed.

But always combine medications and surgery with aggressive, self-directed solutions that relieve stress and upgrade your lifestyle habits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


I am so excited to share with you that I will be a speaker, along with 22 other global expert speakers on a summit from August 17th to 27th, hosted by Sarah Hillier. Join me at The Emerging Midlife Woman: Secrets to Happiness Through Balancing Hormones While Discovering Who You Truly Are.

Join me now to save your front-row seat HERE

Sarah is a midlife woman herself. She has been working with women for over 20 years. She is passionate about forging a path along with others who want to have women be heard during this time in their life and rid the old grandma stigma of, “deal with it, be silent and it is what it is”.

Sarah has thoughtfully sought speakers to share on topics that dive deep into the aspects of daily life challenges for women who are perimenopause to menopausal.

We know and hear of the ‘surface’ symptoms of a woman’s natural biological change, but not enough about the silent questions and thoughts every woman thinks about.

Does this sound like you?

  • Women in the workplace and menopause. Good question!
  • Hormones? Okay, Let’s dig deep and explain what happens
  • Why does stress affect women differently in midlife?
  • How can I have conversations with loved ones about what my needs are?
  • I want a healthy sex life midlife but it is uncomfortable
  • Why the bad rap for Hormone Replacement Therapy? Myth?
  • I want to live my life on purpose and not feel guilt or shame
  • How can I communicate with men about menopause in a language they understand?
  • The 3:00 AM biological alarm clock. Why?
  • How does the root cause of inflammation play a role in exacerbating symptoms?
  • Skin dryness! The accelerated aging and chin hairs?!
  • Do you say I can Ditch ALL Diets and learn intuitive eating and finally have a real loving relationship with my food? Yes, please!
  • Baggy clothes are my go-to. I miss feeling sexy and feminine!
  • Confidence is low or is it lost? I want to reclaim it!
  • Toss out the old stories and bring out the real me front and center!
It is going to be epic! I know with each speaker you will find many AH-HA moments.

You will feel as if each speaker is directly talking with you!

Sarah likes to share, “Midlife is a rite of passage for every woman to celebrate fully who she is becoming after years of being everything else to everyone”.

Join me by clicking on this LINK to save your front-row seat for this summit that you do not want to miss!

See you there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Feds declare anti-vaxxers are “terrorists,” unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence and blame it on “anti-lockdown extremists”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Tom Hanks’ son: “I am never getting the vaccine!”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Graphene oxide used in coronavirus vaccines linked to adverse events, even death​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Welcome to 1938: First, they came for the unvaccinated​



Diamond Contributor
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British mother demands apology from government after police terrorized “petrified” daughter who was self-isolating for covid​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jim,

We got a question last night for tomorrow's Depression Q&A webinar that brought me to tears. It started like this....

Hi- do u have any info or treatment for people with the MTHFR gene? Both my daughters have OCD - causing major anxiety/depression to the point of begging me to let them die. Tried all the pharma drugs without any improvement. They are 25 & 27.
It brought me to tears for a couple of different reasons.

  1. I completely get how these young people feel. Many times I've wanted to die myself during my worst depressions - it seemed less painful than going on. So I totally understand the overwhelming anguish of this parent...
  2. It reminded me of how important the work we do here actually is. It saves lives. It helps people keep moving forward - one day at a time. People need to know there are alternatives to drugs - and that they work way better on many occasions.
If you want to hear the whole question - and Andrew's answer - and many more similar questions - join us tomorrow (Tuesday) for the live Q&A webinar.

I promise - you will leave uplifted and with new hope for your own health and future.

See you then.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Sneaky Sources of Sugar
Today, the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar each year, which breaks down to almost 3 pounds (or 6 cups!) of sugar each week. That’s a lot of sugar – so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to that sugar may be a key factor contributing to our national obesity epidemic.

Obesity increases your risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes, two of the leading causes of kidney disease. To protect your kidneys, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and follow a healthy diet. This means paying attention to food nutrition labels and considering the impact sugar – in addition to fat, sodium and other ingredients — has on our diets.

Sucrose, commonly known as “table sugar” is made from highly processed sugar cane or sugar beets. It is the most popular added ingredient to dessert foods such as candy, cakes and cookies. Additionally, sugar is also often added to foods and drinks that you may not consider “sweet,” so you might not realize they contain high levels of sugar. Added sugars don't add anything but empty calories, so in other words, there's no extra nutritional benefit to consuming these sugars. To help control your sugar intake, here are five sneaky sources of sugar you may want to avoid:


Commonly used condiments are loaded with sugar and calories. Ketchup, sweet pickle relish and barbeque sauce are full of hidden sugar. Ketchup and sweet pickle relish have about 4-5 grams of sugar per 1 tablespoon serving.

Breakfast Cereals

Most breakfast cereals contain high amounts of sugar. Some contain 32-40 grams of sugar per 1/2 cup serving. For healthier options choose cereals that contain 4-10 grams of sugar per 1/2 cup serving.

White bread

White bread contains high levels of sugar which will ultimately spike your blood sugar (glucose) levels. Spikes in blood sugar levels lead to spikes in insulin and can ultimately make you feel tired and hungrier. White bread is stripped of the wheat grain and almost of all is nutrients and fiber, the ingredients that help fill you up, so choose whole wheat bread because it is made with the wheat germ and bran included.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), a type of sugar, is a sweetener used extensively in America because it’s very cheap, easy to make, and available everywhere. One tablespoon of HFCS has 53 calories and contains over 14 grams of sugar. Since the 1970s, HFCS has become a popular ingredient in processed foods and beverages, including salad dressings, yogurt, breads, and frozen pizzas – just to name a few. HFCS provides no nutritional health benefits and you can reduce and avoid consuming it by looking for “high-fructose corn syrup” in ingredient lists.

Soft drinks

Soda is a prime example of a drink that contains empty calories. It provides no nutritional value and is likely to contribute to weight gain. A can of soft drink has about seven teaspoons of sugar. To burn off one 12oz can/bottle of cola (152 calories), a person who weighs 150 – 160 pounds would need to walk briskly for approximately 30 minutes.

To your better health without sugar,
The Team at Sugar Free Wellness​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey friend,

Gluten sensitivity is a relatively new subject that is still being studied worldwide, and the science behind it is evolving extremely fast.

Therefore, much of the recent research in this field is unknown by many medical practitioners, leaving many patients in the dark about the connections between gluten and health problems, like high blood sugar and diabetes.

And it's not just from wheat and wheat products...

The information in the 10-module masterclass, called Glutenology™, will take you on a journey that illuminates those connections and gives you all the information you need (and the scientific research to back it up) to help you remove gluten from your life.

Discover what gluten is and why it’s important to you.

>>Join me at the complimentary and online Glutenology™ Masterclass!

Because of his passion to educate the world about gluten sensitivity, my good friend Dr. Peter Osborne created this comprehensive masterclass backed by 20 years of clinical experience and research on gluten sensitivity.

He’s excited to share his knowledge with you.

Be sure to register now and mark your calendar for day 1 on September 15-19, 2021!


Dr. Brian Mowll


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Younger, Longer Health Summit
22 world-renowned longevity & anti-aging M.D.s and researchers were each challenged to reveal their answer to this one mission-critical question:
From your area of expertise, what are the 3 most effective steps of all that people must take to look and feel their best now… avoid disease… and live long and well doing it?
You’re about to discover their life-changing answers at the Younger, Longer Health Summit. Happening Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Despite being CENSORED...
Despite living in fear of being cancelled...
And, despite risking their careers to make sure the TRUTH comes out...
Top doctors, scientists, and many colleagues, from around the world have been speaking out, daring to tell the truth about what's REALLY happening with the COVID vaccines. Our friend and colleague, Jonathan Otto, founder of Health Secret, is releasing a 10 episode documentary series, Vaccines Secrets: COVID Crisis to talk about arguably the most contentious issue of our time. Join us August 30 for this riveting series.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The basic principles of a whole-foods, plant-based diet are as follows:
  • Emphasizes whole, minimally processed and ideally locally sourced foods.
  • Severely limit or avoid all animal products.
  • Focuses on plants, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts.
  • Excludes refined foods, like added sugars, additives, white flour and processed oils.

Foods with Simple Carbohydrates ... READ MORE HERE



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi
In case you missed it, Jonathan Otto, founder of Health Secret, is releasing a NEW documentary series to talk about arguably the most contentious issue of our time.

People attending this fr-ee event will be coming from all different perspectives, and Jonathan wants to take the time to be open with you, and share his findings with you so you can consider these things.

Also, after you register for this event, he has a 14-minute video that has some of the world's top voices on this subject that we want you to see.

It’s Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Lee Merritt, Jennifer Margulis, and Robert Scott Bell.

And it’s very shocking to see what they discuss.

Go here to watch this 14 minute video.

In this video you'll see:

  • Dr. Larry Palevsky discusses 5 reasons why this is NOT actually a v@ccine.

  • Robert Scott Bell discussing the attempts by homeopaths to discover potential remedies for adverse reactions.

  • Dr. Lee Merritt discusses how the key people involved in the C0VID (and v@ccine) narrative were also involved in HIV/AIDS, and why that matters.

  • Jennifer Margulis discusses the unusual incentives, including Krispy Kreme donuts, and even fr-ee tickets entered into a 1 million dollar lottery in exchange for receiving “the jab”.


Watch the video here

Also, Jonathan has interviewed over 30 experts, the majority of which are Medical Doctors, who are sharing their clinical findings, and their research in this complimentary docuseries.

They will explore the risks associated with the health of your body as a whole, including brain health, autoimmune disease, and cancer risks.

This is the information people are NOT talking about.

And it’s critical because it also details what people can do if they wish to help rectify their situation or strengthen their health from the damage this experimental v@ccine may have done to them.

Also, please remember, Jonathan respects everyone's choice on this matter.

He will not stand in the way of that. Our differences don't divide us. We all have strengths, and he believes that this gives us an opportunity to love.

So regardless of whether you or a loved one has received this “jab” or not, it’s essential that you get this information.

Because it’s what we do now that matters. The past is the past. Let’s look to the future.
Go here now to save your seat for this incredible new docuseries from Jonathan Otto



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My brother’s belt buckle was making him SICK, Jimi!

Wait… what?

The truth is, simple everyday items are making people SICK…

People just like YOU are dealing with mysterious, misery-causing symptoms that may signal far greater danger.

How do you know if that annoying itch is a red flag?

Could grass, sand or even too much nickel in your belt buckle be (secretly) making your life miserable?

What people going through cancer quickly come to find, is it’s not just the cancer that needs to be healed!

The factors that cause cancer can also cause a host of other problems, including serious skin conditions.

Dealing with terrible rashes and itching can be extremely disheartening on its own, let alone in the face of cancer.

But it doesn’t have to be. There is hope for soothing the itching, pain and inflammation… and putting this condition in the rearview mirror once and for all.

The key is to discover which everyday (many otherwise non-toxic) items in your life are causing flare-ups, which is why I invite you to...

Discover which everyday items in your home are contributing to cancer AND skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis!

Skin disease can come in many forms — eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma; the list goes on and on. What these conditions all have in common is the ability to make life miserable, especially while facing cancer. Some people may write them off as just a little dryness or redness, but for those who suffer, the difference between a good day and a bad day can be decided solely by the state of their skin.

When a condition like this is under control, life can go on as usual. But when flare-ups happen, the dryness, itchiness and burning can be all-consuming. The ability to concentrate on just about anything else in life, unfortunately including healing overall, goes out the window.

If skin flare-up triggers can be determined and avoided, the body will be better able to completely heal from the inside out and the outside in. Life will be more enjoyable throughout the healing process, and you can work toward the day where these triggers no longer cause the suffering they once did.

To total-body health,

The Holistic Body Health Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility, claiming COVID “case”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Here come the endless COVID booster shots! Fauci says it’s “likely, inevitable” they’re never going to end​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Florida Leads the Way with Legislative Victories in 2021! -- Ask YOUR State Legislators to follow their lead!

To ban vaccine passports, crack down on government overreach
STATUS: Signed by Governor (5/3/2021)
This landmark legislation took direct aim at the vast government overreach that people across the state fell victim to throughout the Covid crisis, but, perhaps most notably, instituted a formal ban on vaccine passports in Florida. In other words, under SB 2006, no business or government entity can require Floridians to provide proof of vaccination status. Furthermore, the new law also bars local governments from closing down businesses or in-person schooling except in the case of imminent hurricane emergencies.

To reform Florida's elections and protect the sanctity of the vote
STATUS: Signed by Governor (5/6/2021)
This new law prioritizes voting reform in Florida, and cracks down on the potential for fraud and irregularities in future state elections. SB 90 strengthens existing voter ID laws by requiring additional information in order to obtain an absentee/mail-in ballot, and bans the mass-mailing of such ballots, so that the only individuals who receive mail-in ballots are those who specifically requested them. It also guarantees both candidates, political parties, and/or designated poll watchers the ability to observe signature verification processes, bans ballot harvesting, and prohibits the use of private money to fund the administration of Florida elections.

You can learn more about other significant legislation signed into law by Gov. DeSantis, from sports fairness to Big Tech reform,v this year by clicking HERE...



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you can see, Florida has not only proven itself a foremost defender of American values and principles, but its elected officials have taken decisive, often preemptive action to ensure that the people of their state remain protected from the radical policies bred from a dangerous, Socialist-style ideology that is currently plaguing our nation under the current Administration.

America is capable of so much more, and Florida is proof of that.

With the radical left in complete control of Washington, DC, now is the time for individual states to take matters into their own hands, and defend their people by offering bold solutions to big problems, from the widespread lack of confidence in our elections to the ongoing indoctrination of students in the classroom.

The Florida State Legislature, with the support and leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, has demonstrated what it will take to stand up to Joe Biden and the radical left and be successful -- not merely by blocking bad policies, but also by offering strong alternatives in their place.

Other states can learn a great deal from what Florida has accomplished in this year's legislative session, and we hope you'll join us by contacting YOUR State Legislators today, and urging them to take a page from Florida playbook by modeling their legislative approach in the coming months and years after the Sunshine State's.

You can reach your State Legislators in one easy step using this simple contact form (see right) that we're making available here on LifeSite's Action Center.

With one click, your message is sent directly to their office without having to look up any contact details.

Then, please SHARE this important information with your friends and family members to spread the word across your state!

Thank you,

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