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Redheaded Stepchildren


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Sounds like a CGM (continuous glucose monitor). Life changing for a damned diabetic cry baby boohoo my sugar is high/low needy bastards……
The one I have is connected to my pump and a lot of the mundane stuff is taken care of automatically like my basal rate ( a set amount my pump delivers in tiny increments over a set period) which changes throughout the day. Less insulin while working, more when I get off work and become more sedentary. CGM info can be sent to your phone for a quick look at your current blood sugar and eliminates the need for most finger sticks.

Is sis on a pump or taking injections?
Before the pump I would do 5 injections a day if I was having the best, most amazing blood sugar day. A bad day would be 12-15 or more a day.
Holy shit 12-15???


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Finally rang maintenance. The cold tap in the shower has been broken since last winter (July). I have just been having 50 degree C (120+ ancient nordic) showers since then, to avoid the phone call. He did a temporary fix and will be back on thursday to proper fix it


Cranky Old Fart
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Finally rang maintenance. The cold tap in the shower has been broken since last winter (July). I have just been having 50 degree C (120+ ancient nordic) showers since then, to avoid the phone call. He did a temporary fix and will be back on thursday to proper fix it
No shrinkage excuse for you... Like a frightened turtle... 🤣



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Ohio state apparently won feetsball championship

Joe, their punter, is the son of Eddie McGuire

Eddie McGuire was formerly the president of the Collingwood football club

Collingwood are the most hated team in the competition

Eddie McGuire has also hosted various TV shows. Including our version of "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Gameshow


VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Ohio state apparently won feetsball championship

Joe, their punter, is the son of Eddie McGuire

Eddie McGuire was formerly the president of the Collingwood football club

Collingwood are the most hated team in the competition

Eddie McGuire has also hosted various TV shows. Including our version of "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Gameshow

a cable TV station actually had a button on remotes for collingwood games "press red for Ed" that would give you cctv pointed at eddie. To see him sook about everything


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Member For 5 Years
3 niblings. 2 nieces and 1 nephew
Around 28, 25, 21 y/o
Private school education

Theoretically reasonably smart

They are the offspring of diabetic sister, who turned 50 today

Niblings in their infinite wisdom decided that birthday breakfast for a diabetic should be pancakes

The private school cost $10,000 each per year


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March 18th

But the dodgers are in the opener. So I might have to boycott the early games. Until a proper team like the braves or giants play

I see the quack tomorrow. For a referral to a physiotherapist for my bung knee. But I think that Dr just wants the higher billing referral item compared to a normal appointment


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
our system is intended as the best of american with the best from the UK NHS

many would say that we took the worst of both instead

Amlodipine 5mg
Propranolol 10mg

i showed up with a migraine aura. So distracted

Insulin….I found the honey hole…$35 for my months supply. Before a pharmacist hooked me up in this program I was paying $165 for my months supply. I could cross the border and go to Mexico……..$10. And they’re not losing money at $10. And don’t get me started on CGM, sensors, cartridges, tubing….etc…
It’s a racket for sure but you have no choice.


Silver Contributor
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
3 niblings. 2 nieces and 1 nephew
Around 28, 25, 21 y/o
Private school education

Theoretically reasonably smart

They are the offspring of diabetic sister, who turned 50 today

Niblings in their infinite wisdom decided that birthday breakfast for a diabetic should be pancakes

The private school cost $10,000 each per year
Oh nooooooooo…


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Friday WAS good.
Very, very good.
My POS “supervisor” that has been on extremely thin ice for 6 months finally got fired yesterday. I’ve been promised every day for the last month and a half that it was any day now….just hang on….any day now……

Bastards waited till I was gone for the day. Assistant store mgr. called me to give me the good news and said they waited for me to leave to avoid inappropriate cheering, laughing and embarrassing white boy dancing.
The entire department is pumped and we’re planning an early Monday morning celebratory donut party.

Looking forward to Monday and the next/last 10 months of my indentured servant career.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Friday WAS good.
Very, very good.
My POS “supervisor” that has been on extremely thin ice for 6 months finally got fired yesterday. I’ve been promised every day for the last month and a half that it was any day now….just hang on….any day now……

Bastards waited till I was gone for the day. Assistant store mgr. called me to give me the good news and said they waited for me to leave to avoid inappropriate cheering, laughing and embarrassing white boy dancing.
The entire department is pumped and we’re planning an early Monday morning celebratory donut party.

Looking forward to Monday and the next/last 10 months of my indentured servant career.
:confetti: :confetti:



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Member For 5 Years

knuckles? basketball doesn't get a lot of press here. But...

is it no longer a team sport? the only things i ever hear is commentators questioning if some young player is better than jordan

and if lots of people say yes, then there'll be articles quoting mj saying xyz player from the 70s was better

no "i" in team
no "team" in GOAT


Silver Contributor
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Friday WAS good.
Very, very good.
My POS “supervisor” that has been on extremely thin ice for 6 months finally got fired yesterday. I’ve been promised every day for the last month and a half that it was any day now….just hang on….any day now……

Bastards waited till I was gone for the day. Assistant store mgr. called me to give me the good news and said they waited for me to leave to avoid inappropriate cheering, laughing and embarrassing white boy dancing.
The entire department is pumped and we’re planning an early Monday morning celebratory donut party.

Looking forward to Monday and the next/last 10 months of my indentured servant career.

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