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  1. 3Avape Official

    50Pcs/Box Advken Doctor Coil Preloaded Cotton $3.75

    Parameters: Type: Strip cotton 50 strips per box Compatible with: DIY RBA/ RDA/ RTA/ RDTA/ MTL Atomizer Package size: 85x 64x 50mm Package includes: One Box of Advken Doctor Coil Preloaded Cotton
  2. 3Avape Official

    Immortal Modz Reckoning RDA $35.5

    Product introduction The Immortal Modz Reckoning RDA is a 25mm diameter RDA with a vertical clamp system designed with both performance for the cloud chaser and offerings to the coils gods kept in mind. With a spring loaded positive center post and opposing negative posts, it can handle...
  3. T

    You guys see this tube mod adapter?

    Lurker, first time poster, but I didn't see anyone else posting this. Some new place made this mod to keep it from dripping so you just squeeze the bottle. It's here: Has anyone bought one yet?
  4. benjaminvapes

    Transition from mech mod to box mod really need help!

    so I've been vaping on a vaporfi edge battery with vsix sub ohm tank for over a year. I tried using the kanger tech mini topbox but hated it. I'm currently looking into getting a box mod with two tanks one rdta and one sub ohm that i can both use on the same device. At the moment I'm considering...
  5. PrplSkunkButt97

    New Squonk. Need Insight.

    I bought a Kangertech Dripbox 160 this past weekend. We left the store but came back the next day because we forgot the batteries. We got home and put it on charge so that I would have it while watching the Super Bowl. When I went to unplug it from the cable I could see on the screen it was at...
  6. Khaoticfury

    GeekVape GBOX S100

    Really watching the new S100 squonker from GeekVape. Looks like same shape as DripBox 160, but I like that the battery door also holds the juice bottle in place, instead of the removable magnetic piece on the DripBox. I also like the bigger screen and rubber paint on mod. I am hoping the S100...
  7. Khaoticfury

    bEST sQUONK bOX?

    I took a look at a friend's kanger squonk box and it looks fun! I love the vape from a dripper, just hate the hassle of dripping. That being said, what is the best squonk type device out right now?
  8. chinacatsunflower-

    A Drip Tip's Effect?

    Do different drip tips affect the type of vape you experience? If so, in what way and how? I recently have gotten into RBA's and want a few drip tips, but I'm not sure which to buy!

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