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topbox mini

  1. T

    Can I use Kangertech Toptank mini on my Subox mini?

    Hi, I have a mod for a 50 watt Kangertech Subox mini, and I just bought a tank for it online, but I realized I bought the TopTank Mini instead of a SubTank Mini. Will this tank still work with my mod? Please reply quick, I need to know whether I should cancel it. Thank You.
  2. Redgotcloudz

    Topbox mini 9.99 ohms error

    My topbox began to flash 9.99ohms a while ago but I would simply unscrew the tank a little and it would work again. I used it with no problem all last week and then Friday night it wouldn't fire up at all, it just kept flashing the 9.99. I've done some research and tried many of the things I've...
  3. peachyclouds

    Juice turning colors?

    Hi all, I have the Kanger Topbox kit and am currently using the mini RBA that came with the kit as my coil. The guys at my local vape shop built it for me (ahead of the FDA regulations going into effect - I made sure of this so I could see how to do it in person at least once and ask any...
  4. peachyclouds

    Trouble unscrewing components of Kanger Toptank

    So I just got the Kanger Topbox Mini kit about three weeks ago as an upgrade from my first mod, the Joyetech eGo AIO. So this is my first experience with detachable tanks and adjustable wattage. For some reason, I've had some awful trouble with unscrewing components of the tank from time to...
  5. R

    Help!!!!! Kangertech topbox mini nothing is working righ!!!!!

    Ok so I just got the kangertech topbox mini starter kit last week it came with the 4 coils (clapton,nickel,rba,and ss) BF accidentally fried the Clapton and rba, so I used the ss one yes with the red ring and well the housing wasn't even aligned right it was faulty and caused major leakage and...
  6. S


    RIght! here we go. bought myself a kangertech TOPBOX mini, used all the prebuilt coils FANTASTIC! The ni200 was my preferred coil. Heres the predicament, i bought myself a coilmaster v2 tool kit to coil and wick the provided RDA. So i done my research followed ''vape authority's'' RDA build on...
  7. gangs73r

    Info about my mod battery lifetime

    Good evening everybody, I've camed back with some questions. A minute of your time and patience thank you. I've recently bought a starter kit from Kangertech and that is the TOPBOX Mini 75w TC mode, I have 2 Sony vtc5 18650 batteries 2600 mAh, 3,6 V- 3,7 V, 30 A, bought a tester and a well...
  8. Natcat

    HELP problems with my Kanger TOPBOX mini

    So its been hitting fine all day then i went to hit it more recently and it was being weird like i locked it or something so i had to hold down the big button until it crackled and worked. this was like this for about an hour. if i didnt keep hitting it it would lock up like that. Then now it...
  9. Tempro

    Kanger topbox mini kit

    Hello! I would like to order a Kanger topbox mini kit TC75W with the RBA the cotton the screwdriver and everything. The only problem is I live in Europe, Hungary and lot of webshops do not ship here and there are lot of sketchy webshops where i wouldnt risk because i would get a clone or...
  10. elegomall

    Eleaf iStick TC 100W&Kanger TOPBOX Mini in Stock!

    The very first batch Eleaf iStick TC 100W and Kanger TOPBOX Mini kit are both in stock on Elegomall now, welcome to order with special member prices: Eleaf iStick TC 100W: Kanger TOPBOX Mini...

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