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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I got 2 SS last week , from gearbest awaiting there arrival , but already have two full gun metal kits already , what the heck might as well stock pile since EU TDP not far off now

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Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Those are interesting coils. Triple strand core claptons? Kinda looks like most of my attempts at a 3 core clapton. I never can get them to lay flat. they always stack into a triangle for me....


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Those are interesting coils. Triple strand core claptons? Kinda looks like most of my attempts at a 3 core clapton. I never can get them to lay flat. they always stack into a triangle for me....
I have not figured out why it matters? Mine vape just fine the way they are.

Happy Vaping Everyone! CV

Brad Mitchell

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I have not figured out why it matters? Mine vape just fine the way they are.

Happy Vaping Everyone! CV
I am by far the least vape specialist but I believe that 3rd core should be flat to add surface area to the wire to cause more vapor and better taste. That being said if you like it and are happy that's all that matters.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh well , Steam Crave fan page ( FB ) have just finished there comp of a free full tank setup of a signed by BJ Supreme plus 30mm with all tank sizes. give aways , for telling a short how you stopped smoking an got into vaping , I entered and forgot about it ,
Was notified last night early this morning , that im one of the Lucky winners , So will now be receiving a new SS version , since i already have several gun metal versions already ,
Think i will be needing a new large 30mm 510 mod now to place it on. Have a triade , have a Vt box 250 , been trying to convince myself i need the SX mini G class but been awaiting the Android app for comparability with it since not on ios ,

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Found one black one on eBay for $30.92 or best offer..... Maybe offer $25.00 or less ????

Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302255306117

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That a normal one not a 30mm plus manny

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These are the 30mm plus postless versions , also you can get the gold limited edition version both decks both tank sizes for 22£ on Gearbest only gold left in le , others sold out now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That a normal one not a 30mm plus manny

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These are the 30mm plus postless versions , also you can get the gold limited edition version both decks both tank sizes for 22£ on Gearbest only gold left in le , others sold out now
Fuck.... I'm a dumbass

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So for those kicked off the Steam Crave site was it by this pathetic moron, not helpful at all jumps on your posts deletes half of them to make him look important ,

So I guess I will be next.
This fart has been jumping on every ones posts lately ,
trying to be clever ,
then deleting half there posts to make him look like he has the clever arugment. Its a community for help advice an such its not a David Bulger dictatorship.
(That should be his own fb page )
How many has he booted now ?? For asking genuine question he couldn't answer or might of been corrected on i wonder
, you cant ask a simple question without him jumping on it being an arse
then booting people ,
I get it your a product tester woop woop
But you aint no lawyer an you aint got all the answers especially concerning TDP, Thats the point of a community to ask ? , help ?, an learn ? Constantly learn especially people skills which your lacking ,
an some times be told your wrong.
The difference is we spend our money buying these you get yours free ,
So we ask more questions to know , whats what ,

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Seems its the David bulger page not steam Crave any more , oh well I guess i cant handle some sad wipe an my life is over now Lmfao ,
Now on to the New tank looks very nice indeed
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

All because i asked since theres now a supreme v2 coming which testers have had a week , is it going to include the postless deck from the plus ,
The new 25mm supreme Aromamizer 25mm V2 is a smaller version of the plus same lower Jfc under the deck , but as yet only the older Supreme velocity deck is confirmed ,

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No word yet if it will include the new designs of the postless deck , which is a great deck on the 30mm plus version , I hope they make this available for the V2 Supreme since it alignes up the wick tails with the juice well better than the older version it would make sense to release this deck in a 25mm version as of yet though I have been told , that the original velocity and older 25mm postless deck will fit into the V2 Supreme version , but no other parts are compatible. Just the decks ,

But it has the new lower jfc from the plus size an looks to be another great Flavourful RDTA from steam Crave

New tank capacity possibly a extension kit might become available but that speculation at this time from what i have been told ,
Has the look of the PLUS mixed with the 25mm Supreme v1 , who would be getting this version its aimed at thoese who wanted the new innovations but didnt want 30mm ,
I guess my bank account wont be happy but I will be ordering out sometime in April 2017,

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Good news for anyone who likes the velocity style deck. (Like me). :)

Happy Vaping Everyone! CV


  • Screenshot_2017-03-23-11-13-08.jpg
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Whats the picture of ??
Cant see anything

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Whats the picture of ??
Cant see anything

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Click on the picture, it will get bigger. It is just the Facebook convo I had with Steam Crave and them confirming they will work on a V deck for the Plus. Made my day, because without the V deck this tank is going to start collection dust. I love the design, but the postless deck really cries for 4mm id coils and there is not enough airflow to push the wattage needed for such large coils. With a V deck and some 3 or 3.5mm id coils I would say this baby will be a winner. Cannot wait for the V deck to come out.

CV :)


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Click on the picture, it will get bigger. It is just the Facebook convo I had with Steam Crave and them confirming they will work on a V deck for the Plus. Made my day, because without the V deck this tank is going to start collection dust. I love the design, but the postless deck really cries for 4mm id coils and there is not enough airflow to push the wattage needed for such large coils. With a V deck and some 3 or 3.5mm id coils I would say this baby will be a winner. Cannot wait for the V deck to come out.

CV :)
Oh nice about time , an get some vertical coil builds in there too , this should help make it even better ,im.fine with the postless , but do want other options ,

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VU Donator
Member For 2 Years
Please excuse my ignorance for not ready the full post but how does the airflow in the aromamizer perform compared to ijoy tornado hero rta, smok big baby or VCMT rta?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Supreme plus has a slightly larger top cap and top tank section matching in width the 25mm version for those whom said could not get a good enough grip on the top cap new revised version has seem to of fixed that problem now

Signed box by BJ

Won the signed version , it has around 1mm added width or such its enough to see visually along with the clear orings better threads and slighty wider easier to use drip tip section so no more stuck tips , are what ive noticed comparing the ones I have to this latest One ,

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Please excuse my ignorance for not ready the full post but how does the airflow in the aromamizer perform compared to ijoy tornado hero rta, smok big baby or VCMT rta?
Its actually fairs pretty well Ive owned most of those
but I Only kept Certain ones
I still use my Supremes ,
my supreme lite ,
25mm an the 30mm plus ,
There all are side airflow direct to coil (builds) rather than under the coil,
I personally preferred the side Airflow since the UD Bellus, still own an use them along with
Boreas ,
Supreme lite
Supreme plus
Supreme 25mm
Mod Farther 30mm
Velocity v2 rdta
Ijoy limitless Classic edition RDTA in Orange , these are the types i prefer and side Airflow works very well to me. Thats my preference yours might be different that's vaping for you something for everyone.
Even The Goon Rda ,
Twisted messes
And many others use and work well with the side Airflow ,
The ones I use that are bottom Airflow ,
Ijoy Exo RTA
Billow v3 Plus ,
Merlin ,
Taifun Gt 2 ,
Taifun GT v3 mini ,
Taifun Gtv3
kayfun v5 ,
Hurricane v2 ,
Which are Mainly single Coil types ,
I guess it's all user preferences , I like the side Airflow direct to coil , you can get to go up an under or directory onto its side,

I will be getting the Supreme plus v2 25mm and any new bellus type if an when any are released.
I seem to only like bottom Aiflow mainly for single coil type RTA,s. Not RDA
But thats just me i Sqounk my RDA,s .

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Please excuse my ignorance for not ready the full post but how does the airflow in the aromamizer perform compared to ijoy tornado hero rta, smok big baby or VCMT rta?
Also the boreas Aromamizer Supremes , Mod Farther all have removable replaceable decks , that can be hot swappable over to different builds , without stripping and empting the whole tanks ,

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Member For 4 Years
Is there supposed to be a gap between the air hole slider, and juice lock slider? Have about a 1mm spacing in between mine. Can move the air slider up and down, so the space can be between the bottom of the glass on tank or can pull it up and 1mm space is between the bottom of air ring and top of juice lock. If that makes sense... All the pics I see that doesn't happen but...maybe I got one that's missing and O ring or something, or was I supposed to put one on?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Is there supposed to be a gap between the air hole slider, and juice lock slider? Have about a 1mm spacing in between mine. Can move the air slider up and down, so the space can be between the bottom of the glass on tank or can pull it up and 1mm space is between the bottom of air ring and top of juice lock. If that makes sense... All the pics I see that doesn't happen but...maybe I got one that's missing and O ring or something, or was I supposed to put one on?
You haven't got the deck lined up properly, that's what happens when you don't lock it in correctly.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That can vary ,on each tank i own some its there, On others there isnt a Slight gap between them an one its only on one side ,

It does needs a small gap to be Able to freely move though ,
without having to take off mod and be an adjustable airflow it need s a gap to move freely ,
As long as the double O rings do there job its not a problem

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Gold Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
7 wrap 4mm diameter SS316L aliens.... 3 core ihner and one wrap all stainless Steel..... Ohming at .15 to .21

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk
Thanks Manny
So 4mm ID works? Some of the earlier posts questioned if 4mm would fit. What about wicking with that much cotton?

Tap't out from Vietnam.


Gold Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
The postless deck runs well from 3mm to 6mm id builds , thoese earlier where just some one bring a div starting arguments

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Thanks. I'm ordering some coils and wire from advance vape. I guess I'll start with 4mm for the coils; and build my own if I want to try bigger. Except I don't have any coil rods bigger than 4mm. Haha


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I use a big single coil in mine which suits my vape style, I like a big coil and a lot of airflow for SS builds. My normal id is 5mm for the Supreme+.

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