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haha both are awesome! The zoo I volunteered at while I was in school had a few ETBs and man are they fast! Such beautiful snakes, they're a killer display animal too. I'd love to have a nice arboreal cage setup someday if/when we ever settle down somewhere lol. Not sure what I'd have though, I love ATBs, ETBs, GTPs, but I'd kill for a rough-scaled python (morelia carinata).


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Sorry, you got me going on snakes lol. I can talk for days about snakes. I still hope to be able to become a professional herpetologist someday. I've got my BS in Wildlife Ecology and if I can find a Masters or PhD program in herpetology with an opening I'm going for it!


dude i say go for it, i would love to do something like that. i have been considering a career change lately and going back to school to be a vet tech


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Ok, so upon looking over the whole 20 pages on nonsense we have here :cool:, there are only 3 people who @Taver13 hasn't received initial contributions from and those are: @Bambua @Sigmardin and @Heather . Looks like Bam sent his out on the 17th and either Tav forgot to put an x next to his name or it's stuck in transit somewhere. Sig was supposed to take his stuff to the post office on the 27th because of some mishap with his mailman. and Heather, well she just hasn't sent anything...

So there's the update as to where we're at right now, and a look into when it possibly could be. @Bambua especially could you check into that tracking, if @Taver13 tells me he has it already I will edit this post to show so. Thanks everyone!

P.S. I like how I'm not an administrator and I'm the one that's keeping everyone updated o_O

Pauly Walnuts

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Sorry, you got me going on snakes lol. I can talk for days about snakes. I still hope to be able to become a professional herpetologist someday. I've got my BS in Wildlife Ecology and if I can find a Masters or PhD program in herpetology with an opening I'm going for it!
Is there a demand for lizard specialists? Reminds me of my buddy who got his masters in history, he couldnt find a job, theres no demand history majors, he works at a walmart now.
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Ok, so upon looking over the whole 20 pages on nonsense we have here :cool:, there are only 3 people who @Taver13 hasn't received initial contributions from and those are: @Bambua @Sigmardin and @Heather . Looks like Bam sent his out on the 17th and either Tav forgot to put an x next to his name or it's stuck in transit somewhere. Sig was supposed to take his stuff to the post office on the 27th because of some mishap with his mailman. and Heather, well she just hasn't sent anything...

So there's the update as to where we're at right now, and a look into when it possibly could be. @Bambua especially could you check into that tracking, if @Taver13 tells me he has it already I will edit this post to show so. Thanks everyone!

P.S. I like how I'm not an administrator and I'm the one that's keeping everyone updated o_O
I know a couple of those people are in other boxes too. Maybe they didn't read Tavers opening statement about our box would go out when he had received our initial contributions. At some point, we should just bounce people. If it takes this long for some people to get their initial donation in, once they actually get box, they may hold on to it for weeks, or forever.

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i know that everyones is in the mail and should be ariving either today tomorrow or saturday. it looks like this box is about to get kicked off!


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Hooray for the box almost being on its way!

I had a lovely walk in to work today, I work at Texas A&M and decided to walk across campus this morning since it's already in the 60s here :D Had my vape in one hand and coffee in the other and it was great. I will miss being able to do that in January when we move out of Texas!


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Even Heather's?
Since she is, as it appears, a person in authority. I would believe she would go above and beyond to make this box successful. Or maybe she's just PIFed out, from the other boxes she is in.

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Hooray for the box almost being on its way!

I had a lovely walk in to work today, I work at Texas A&M and decided to walk across campus this morning since it's already in the 60s here :D Had my vape in one hand and coffee in the other and it was great. I will miss being able to do that in January when we move out of Texas!
Those of you who think we have it great here in Texas, think again. In July and August, we are hitting 100+ degrees, and that gets old real fast.

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Those of you who think we have it great here in Texas, think again. In July and August, we are hitting 100+ degrees, and that gets old real fast.

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Haha yeah, I work outside during the summer and the heat is killer! Especially out in the forests in east texas, it's humid as hell and there's hardly ever a breeze to keep things moving when you're under the canopy.


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Haha yeah, I work outside during the summer and the heat is killer! Especially out in the forests in east texas, it's humid as hell and there's hardly ever a breeze to keep things moving when you're under the canopy.
I'm in Dallas, where it's not quite so humid. I've been to Houston on one of those 105 degree days, and with the humidity, it's hard to breathe.

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I'm in Dallas, where it's not quite so humid. I've been to Houston on one of those 105 degree days, and with the humidity, it's hard to breathe.

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We get up around 100 here in Indiana as well except our humidity is normally 80%+ to go with it... that sucks. When you walk outside and you're already soaked...


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One day, I'm gonna move to Florida. Where it's beautiful all year. Except hurricane season.

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Donald Bickers

ive had my clouper mini 9 days,man what a beast,,,,,this morning I fired it up ,and got a message "To Hot" and the case was definitely hot,so I took the battery out and the inside of it is melted,what a bummer!!!

and it wont power up at all now

Pauly Walnuts

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That sucks. They must be a real piece of shit. This is not the first one ive heard to melt, short or make batteries vent.


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Wow! Living proof of what everyone's talking about. Thanks for sharing Donald.

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Donald, since that's been in a lot of the threads recently. You might start that, as it's own thread.

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That sucks @Donald Bickers hopefully the vendor you purchased it from will replace it. I have to say I haven't been impressed by any of the Cloupor products. Them not being safe just makes that even more so! Definitely don't want anything that is known to have "meltdowns."


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Maybe the rest of the stuff arrived today, and the box gets Rollin tomorrow.

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Donald Bickers

I got a tv, a grill and an oven. Was gonna Pif it to Salvation Army, wonder if it will fit in box.

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I need a new oven to man,,,,,stuff it in,,,,,,whats that they say,,,"if it fits it ships"


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Donald, I'm really sorry about your mini. I remember the day you got it. You were so excited, posting pics and all. I was happy to hear about it, thought I wanted one too. I'm glad that at least, you were aware when it was happening. I'll never consider a Cloupor product again.

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Since she is, as it appears, a person in authority. I would believe she would go above and beyond to make this box successful. Or maybe she's just PIFed out, from the other boxes she is in.

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We have gone over this already. I am not sending an initial contribution. I have an issue at the moment with my health. I am not PIF'ed out. If it was life or death or the box was being held up it would be in the mail. It is not a big deal. Let it go man.


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We have gone over this already. I am not sending an initial contribution. I have an issue at the moment with my health. I am not PIF'ed out. If it was life or death or the box was being held up it would be in the mail. It is not a big deal. Let it go man.
Just curious, but how are you gunna make it to the post office twice in the next couple of days for box 3.1 and 3.2 with your health?


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I don't have to go to the post office. Print the slip at home and send it from home. Simple. Why is it bothering you so bad? Do you think I won't contribute? Are you that interested in what you get instead of what you give. Box 3.1 I took a DIY bottle of juice and a sticker, plus a cape charm. That's it. I have a lot of stuff I don't use. Not much I need. The whole concept is too give to others. Worry about yourself man.


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I left the house today for doctors and X-rays. I was told by Traver13 not to send anything at this point.


Yes. What was the question?
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nice, my next is going to be an emerald tree python

I've always wanted a habitat suitable for keeping a pair of these. That said, y'all reptile folk are freaks.


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I don't have to go to the post office. Print the slip at home and send it from home. Simple. Why is it bothering you so bad? Do you think I won't contribute? Are you that interested in what you get instead of what you give. Box 3.1 I took a DIY bottle of juice and a sticker, plus a cape charm. That's it. I have a lot of stuff I don't use. Not much I need. The whole concept is too give to others. Worry about yourself man.
Even better, if it's that easy, why couldn't you do it?

I don't care what everyone thinks, this isn't and never has been a PIF box. In a PIF situation, you give and don't expect/take anything in return. There isn't a single one of us that plans on getting the box, putting stuff in, and shipping it back out without taking anything for ourselves. This is in no way a PIF situation. Don't get me wrong, if someone is really out of money at the time or needs/wants something from the box, I'm glad that my things could help out in such a situation. It truly does, and will make me happy when such a thing happens, you just can't call it PIF. If we all truly wanted to be in the PIF spirit, we would find someone in need (money or still smoking cigs) and give them our old stuff to help out. It's the worst possible mane for this box, it should be called the Pawn box, sell your shit in order to get different stuff...

And I care because it just doesn't make sense to me how someone can be part of a box and not participate in what was asked of them...


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People do get them and not take anything. Look through the old boxes. I have explained I have pneumonia, I volunteered to be taken off. Others are not so rude to want that. I question the groups judgement in sending the box to someone that is so greedy. Let it go man. It's simple.


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I don't have to go to the post office. Print the slip at home and send it from home. Simple. Why is it bothering you so bad? Do you think I won't contribute?

That's kind of why I didn't understand how Pneumonia was stopping you from sending your initial contribution. I don't leave my house to mail things either...I do exactly as you said. I figured you were one of those old-fashioned types that didn't use Paypal or know how to print postage, so I left it alone. However with your statements now, I fail to see why you haven't sent in an initial contribution other than you just didn't want to. I can understand why others are upset about it and I see their point... everyone else had to "pay to play" so to speak.


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Someone actually told me I could print it and send it from the house. So you were right at the start. I PMed to say I shouldn't get the boxes as I wasn't sure when I could get them out. The admins are very helpful and I might add understanding.


Yes. What was the question?
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I left the house today for doctors and X-rays. I was told by Traver13 not to send anything at this point.

Mostly posting 'cause I hope that leaving the house means you are at least headed down the road to recovery. But also because I was compelled to like a couple of your posts which I also hope will clear up fellow PIFers concerns regarding how this box is gonna start. I'm certain that you will contribute to our fun when your turn comes 'round. And, I'm hoping you'll be feeling top-of-the-world soon.


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People do get them and not take anything. Look through the old boxes. I have explained I have pneumonia, I volunteered to be taken off. Others are not so rude to want that. I question the groups judgement in sending the box to someone that is so greedy. Let it go man. It's simple.

I have read thru all of box 3 and 4 and you never mentioned that anywhere... Me being greedy? I have 9 bottles of juice, a mech, an atty, and 2 tanks to put in and all I'm looking for is possibly a mech, an atty, and some juice if there's anything there that I've been interested in...


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That may be your intent but just be nice man. It isn't hard. No worries. I didn't mention what? The pneumonia? No need to.


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Mostly posting 'cause I hope that leaving the house means you are at least headed down the road to recovery. But also because I was compelled to like a couple of your posts which I also hope will clear up fellow PIFers concerns regarding how this box is gonna start. I'm certain that you will contribute to our fun when your turn comes 'round. And, I'm hoping you'll be feeling top-of-the-world soon.
Don't get me wrong, I sincerely hope you get to feeling better... I'm not that type of person... I genuinely feel for you as a human being when it comes to that...


well, this wasnt what i wanted to come home from a shit day at work too. ugh. im going to have to figure out how to deal with this. gimme a few i need to shower and relax a bit before i get into anything on here. ill be back in a bit


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Mostly posting 'cause I hope that leaving the house means you are at least headed down the road to recovery. But also because I was compelled to like a couple of your posts which I also hope will clear up fellow PIFers concerns regarding how this box is gonna start. I'm certain that you will contribute to our fun when your turn comes 'round. And, I'm hoping you'll be feeling top-of-the-world soon.
Appreciated! Yes I am feeling better. Not great but not like I got hit by a train either.


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That may be your intent but just be nice man. It isn't hard. No worries. I didn't mention what? The pneumonia? No need to.
I honestly feel like I am being nice? I'm not cussing at you or telling tav to take you off the list... I could be a lot less nice if the situation called for it, but it doesnt...

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