Ya i kno thats y people use those speciality readers and kno that mods can be used to do so i just dont like using my mods to dry fire my kanthal coils im ocd like that, i totally understand that kanthal can only be used in power mode and i have absolutely no need to adjust my nickel coils thanks for the heads up tho@ottoslaborworks,
Those resistance meters which also fire atomizers are for the folks that figure eliminating the steps of moving their atomizers around while building (deck to meter to mod to deck to freezer to disney world) is worth a premium.
A mech will fire anything - even if firing it is a very bad idea.
Pulse firing TC coils should only be done with complete understanding of the risks and the knowledge to identify the problems pulsing Ti or Ni200 can create. There is no reason you can't fire the TC coils on a TC mod ... either switch to power mode (if your mod lets you decide) or turn the temperature and power or joules all the way up. It won't stop firing the coil until it reaches the temperature you have selected or hits the time limit trying. The chips are no more sensitive than less sophisticated variable wattage chips.
My concern is that you describe Kanthal builds for TC. You aren't going to get temperature control to work with Kanthal. You can run a Kanthal build on a TC Mod, but only in its power mode. If you are gonna twist Kanthal with Ni200 ... be very careful pulsing - the Kanthal can get plenty hot enough to destroy the Ni200.
IMO ... none of the little build deck meters are gonna get passed down to your grandchildren. They are notorious for failing pretty quickly. It'll prolly still work as a short detector - what's it read if you short an attached atty - hopefully 0.00.
sent from the back of Otto's bus