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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Our black cloud just wont leave us along. Got a call first thing this mornin and it was one of Jeans so called medical team. They said she has to go AGAIN and get her pre surgery physical, EKG, Chest, X-ray, and blood work because they delayed her surgery so long. So now have to do all that again but I agree it's been too long they should of done the surgery when they had her do all of this the first time:facepalm::mad:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Havin a bad day but tryin to keep a good attitude about myself:facepalm:
I hope the day is bein good to everyone here;)

Manfred Mann - Blinded by the Light

Today is the 83rd. Birthday of South African musician Manfred Mann (actually Manfred Sepse Lubowitz). Dear Manfred, we congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best for your new year of life.
Who has never heard a song by Manfred Mann, or. has heard his own Earth Band, is either deaf or lives in the remoteness of the desert. Karg must be life without those pretty flamingo sounds ha! Ha! Said The Clown, Mighty Quinn, My Name Is Jack, Blinded By The Light, or Davys On The Road Again. Like hardly anyone else, Manfred Mann has over the decades bridge between entertaining music on the one hand and sophisticated, progressive compositions on the other. As an absolute expert on all instruments, even remotely related to keys, he is reaping appreciative criticism from all sides. To mark the birthday of the wonderful Manfred Mann today, we're showing you his big hit "Ha! Ha! Said the Clown" from 1967.
We hope you like our post and wish you a good entertainment.
(y) #manfredmann



Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Negative things can be positive things, it depends on how you look at them... I had a small Basel cell skin cancer removed today. They almost got all of it when they did the biopsy a month ago. So today was just a little slice and not needing the full Mohs procedure. And yes, it was non-malignant. No need to amputate at the neck... 🤣
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Negative things can be positive things, it depends on how you look at them... I had a small Basel cell skin cancer removed today. They almost got all of it when they did the biopsy a month ago. So today was just a little slice and not needing the full Mohs procedure. And yes, it was non-malignant. No need to amputate at the neck... 🤣

I can't just "laugh" vote that, so:

For the joke (amputate at the neck)


And for the successful procedure, whew!

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