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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part Deux
For anyone not familiar with the history of blink-182, they took a hiatus in 2005 due to various disagreements primarily involving their guitarist, DeLonge. Relationships with him remained strained for several years. When the drummer, Barker, survived a terrible plane crash a few years later it brought them back together, at least for awhile. But the unresolved issues, especially would eventually cause them to replace DeLonge.

“When we did get back together after my plane crash, we only got back together, I don’t know, maybe because I almost died,” Barker said at the time. “But [DeLonge] didn’t even listen to mixes or masterings from that record. He didn’t even care about it. Why Blink even got back together in the first place is questionable.”

2021 Hoppus announced he was battling cancer. DeLonge became one of his biggest supporters through his treatment. Evidently they resolved some of their long standing issues, and DeLonge returned to the band in 2022.

In late September of this year, I awoke in the middle of the night with one of those coughing fits like the ones I had experienced back in 2015. Up until then I hadn't cared too much one way or the other if smoking was going to eventually kill me, but at that point I decided I needed to once again do something. Pulled out all my old stuff, sorted through it, started vaping again at least enough to cut my smoking roughly in half.

At about the same time I heard blink-182's new song "One More Time" on the radio. It opens with the line:
From strangers into brothers
From brothers into strangers once again'

These words struck me, I had been a part of a group of people that started as strangers, but became family, and now once more we were strangers. So I decided it was time to get back on my old home thread at ECF, especially since I had returned to vaping. Only the thread was long since closed, the old 'family' gone, no posts from any of them anywhere in a couple years.

Came back to VU, same thing, the Refugees, at least the ones I had mostly talked to, gone. A couple still seem to very occasionally drop by VU, but they aren't very active. Don't know why I thought nothing would change in the six years I was gone, but honestly I miss some of the camaraderie that I had in those threads.

That said, I am glad I stumbled into this thread and joined you.

I will fill in some of the holes I've left in my story at another time.
Thank you for sharin with us my friend, it is sad when old friends drift away like that. Glad you found us we share that same family feelin here.;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon


! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This seems like a good place for a short story.
A Tale of Two (or more) Threads by Not_Charles_Dickens :giggle:
It wasn't the best of times, it wasn't the worst of times (both of those were still in the future, but that will be another story for another time), it was just regular times. It was almost the age of wisdom (vaping), but in the spring of 2015 it was still the age of foolishness (cigarettes), smoking around a pack and a half per day. I had a couple of scary nights though waking of with coughing fits so bad I felt like I was going to pass out before I was able to breathe again. And so I determined I needed to try to quit for about the thousandth time.
Ran across some info on the Aspire Ego One, bought it, and after finding a couple juices I liked, put the ciggys down about two weeks later. Was vaping 18mg at the time. Then I was in a car wreck, and considering that things went flying wildly in the car (that tends to happen when the car goes from 60 to 0 in s split second) I was concerned about the safety of my mod. Did some searching found links to Mooch's battery safety stuff (not that it answered my specific question) and wound up on ECF. Stopped looking at that point so didn't know about VU yet.
On ECF I found a small group of people who just sort of clicked, we started out own social thread, and gradually became more like family than friends. Shared each others highs and lows, supported each other, etc. That thread became my home for the next two years. Met two of the people from that thread in person, talked to three of them on the phone. Knew a few of them by their real names.
After a couple months found my vape style changing, realized I preferred things a bit more open, a bit higher wattage, but not at 'cloudz bro' levels. Started hanging out with the mod wompers from time to time, bought modwompy type gear, reduced my nic to better suit the gear. Probably moved to fast on cutting my nic levels, because for some reason after that car wreck I went back to smoking occasionally, and would go through cycles of not smoking for several days, then smoking a couple per day for a bit, then not smoking again for awhile. Was there to see the exchange between Rixy and Retired1 that led to the people from that thread abandoning ECF and moving here.
Which is what led me to VU in April 2016. But my 'family' was still there so even though I hung out in the ECF Refugee thread, I wasn't a true refugee. But I enjoyed the company of Juicy, Andria, moo, Hank (RIP), and, well, while I didn't know all of you back then, a couple of you did post in that thread at least on occasion.
Short version (the longer version will have to wait for another time) is that in October 2017 I took a kind of sabbatical from both forums. The good news is that I stopped smoking completely from then until basically February of 2020. At that point, for a variety of reasons, I started smoking again. A couple a day at first but it gradually moved back to the point of my old pack and a half per day habit. Occasionally I would think about trying to get back to vaping, but mostly just sort of looked at my gear and ignored it.
A couple months back I heard a song that was actually the trigger for me to return, but, well, I've already written half a book, so I'll come back to that another time.

Thanks for opening up. I read parts 1 and 2 with interest. And listened to the Blink song. Now I have a whole release to explore, maybe download some of the songs.

It seems 2015 was a life changing year for you. Wishing you a warm and happy holiday with your brother and mom.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Drinking Water (Aqua de Beber) - Antônio Carlos Jobim (composer) , Frank Sinatra

Love Jobim, and so do a zillion artists who have done his music.

Here's a broken link to my absolute favorite of all his compositions, Portrait in Black and White. It's sad and bittersweet and seems to have memories in it, ruminations, a struggle to recover little bits of memory and old problems. Or maybe that's just me. Anyway, played here by Marcos Ariel.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Negative things can be positive things, it depends on how you look at them... I had a small Basel cell skin cancer removed today. They almost got all of it when they did the biopsy a month ago. So today was just a little slice and not needing the full Mohs procedure. And yes, it was non-malignant. No need to amputate at the neck... 🤣

Hey Goph, I know you're a smart guy, and I know I'm not your mother, but... You are wearing a hat while working in your garden to protect your skin from the sun?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Today, was the first time, since Tangee was a kitty, slept on my lap. Than Calie came over and cuddled, than Tigglee came over stepped on both of them and Calie said heck with all this, got up and left, lol. After the interruption, Tigglee ended up laying by the side of my leg and Tangee wasn't bothered slept right on through, lol.

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