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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
We ought to have a monthly party like we did last night, just hard to pick a night when everyone has a chance to play, it was a blast

I enjoyed it very much. I'd hoped we would see CaFF and Sarah and VapeOn1960, but then I guess there would have been ninjas all over the place with that many players, not that it really matters. Ninjas don't interfere with the discovery of music or the fun.

Otherwise, the regulars were all here, some for only a few plays. IMO it was an epic New Years Eve party, a great start to 2024.

Does it make sense that I enjoy interacting with online friends so much more than with with in-the-flesh people, esp. family?
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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We ought to have a monthly party like we did last night, just hard to pick a night when everyone has a chance to play, it was a blast
Did you know there were well around 250 posts yesterday? Granted that's looking from midnight to midnight so not ALL of them were during the "party" period, but WOW!!!

Love the idea of a regular thread party, just not sure how well it could be arranged.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know there were well around 250 posts yesterday? Granted that's looking from midnight to midnight so not ALL of them were during the "party" period, but WOW!!!

Love the idea of a regular thread party, just not sure how well it could be arranged.
I have thought this over and was thinkin it would probably haveta be a Sunday night cause Bliss goes out on Saturday night and other than that Kad works every night except Sat and Sunday nights, Wolfie might be able to be free one Sunday night Snap could too, Goph and me are retired so we could prolly swing it, well with me it would depend on how Jean is doin after surgery. But Sunday sounds like the most likely, What's everyone else think , any other ideas?

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have thought this over and was thinkin it would probably haveta be a Sunday night cause Bliss goes out on Saturday night and other than that Kad works every night except Sat and Sunday nights, Wolfie might be able to be free one Sunday night Snap could too, Goph and me are retired so we could prolly swing it, well with me it would depend on how Jean is doin after surgery. But Sunday sounds like the most likely, What's everyone else think , any other ideas?

Is Jean's surgery rescheduled yet? The last you posted about it, the surgeon cancelled the previous date.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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And for a positive thing today - an author I had almost given up on since it's been way too freaking long since the last book in his Templeverse series evidently posted this a few weeks ago:

I've been hard at work writing, and should have a launch date for everyone soon. Thanks for your patience in dealing with my long freaking ass break. I'm champing at the bit to get the next Nate, Callie, and Sorin out there. I'm thinking I will be doing pretty consistent and frequent releases for the next year because all the creative juice has been bubbling and simmering in my head for far too long.

Hot Damn! Nate Temple is gonna ride again. (by the way, he rides a rainbow slaughtering, foul mouthed unicorn, yeah it sounds weird, but trust me these books are funny as hell, well sometimes, when nobody you've started caring about is getting killed off)

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sorry thought I posted that

You might have and I missed it.

Soon, let this nightmare be over for Jean, and let her have the joy of good health again, the thing we don't think about much until we don't have it, the lively step, the fresh morning awakening, being self reliant.

I think about the two of you every day, with great hope.


Cranky Old Fart
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Did you enjoy your New Years Eve date night with Mrs. Gopher_Byrd?
We did. My oldest is a manager at a big liquor store in the Bay Area, so she finds some really good wine and liquor. Surprisingly, the bubbly she picked out was from New Mexico. It was really good and surprised the heck out of us. We watched some stuff we had on the DVR and switched to live TV at the top of the hours. Dallas had a really good show with drones and fireworks.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You might have and I missed it.

Soon, let this nightmare be over for Jean, and let her have the joy of good health again, the thing we don't think about much until we don't have it, the lively step, the fresh morning awakening, being self reliant.

I think about the two of you every day, with great hope.
Thank you my Dear Friend :hug:
Been havin a hard time cheerin her up a little, she has the outlook that her whole life will be hampered by this, keeps sayin she just wants to stay home and die:facepalm::crazy:
It's tough to explain I will in the PM when I get time to:(

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you my Dear Friend :hug:
Been havin a hard time cheerin her up a little, she has the outlook that her whole life will be hampered by this, keeps sayin she just wants to stay home and die:facepalm::crazy:
It's tough to explain I will in the PM when I get time to:(

I know you can begin to feel that way. There was a PBS cooking series, "Christina Cooks" by Christina Pirello. I don't remember the whole story, but she was diagnosed with leukemia and given nine months to live. In her first episode she described how she didn't want to fight it, and decided to move to Tuscany where she could die in peace, surrounded by the beauty of the land. Then a friend told her of curing himself with a vegan diet, and she was sold. She went into remission, and went on to achieve a career of food writing, her TV cooking series, and other things.

My friend's mom went into remission on the diet of veg and grains. I forget what they used to call it, but you don't hear the term used anymore.

Anyway, not much time between now and February 5. If there is anything to pray for, it is inspiration for the surgeon, that he has the most brilliant operating room session he ever had, so that his skill and his touch will heal your love, make her whole again. Part of Jean's despair, and her desire to give up, must be from her mediocre to poor experiences at the hands of her medical team.

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