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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Good mornin Wolfie, how you doin my dear friend?
:wave: I'm well, Thank you for asking, Jimi :)
I know how you are doing, dear friend :hug: and I'm so sorry :hug: just start thinking of the after surgery and how Jean will feel better and life for her and you shall be better ❤️ send out vibes.gifthose positive vibes. Change how your thinking to good things that shall come :) :bliss:
But, I've noticed sharing a good thing for the day isn't going so well. I'm going to keep on doing it even if the good thing is so minor that it may be kinda silly stupid, lol.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
:wave: I'm well, Thank you for asking, Jimi :)
I know how you are doing, dear friend :hug: and I'm so sorry :hug: just start thinking of the after surgery and how Jean will feel better and life for her and you shall be better ❤️ send out View attachment 212338those positive vibes. Change how your thinking to good things that shall come :) :bliss:
But, I've noticed sharing a good thing for the day isn't going so well. I'm going to keep on doing it even if the good thing is so minor that it may be kinda silly stupid, lol.
Thank you my Dear Friend :hug:
This whole thing has just been such a mess and them puttin it off till now has cause Jean a lot of extra pain and now she is much weaker, just scares the poop outta me:(


Diamond Contributor
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I'm going to keep on doing it even if the good thing is so minor that it may be kinda silly stupid, lol.
Seeeeee.....this is kinda silly stupid.....
This morning, get out of bed, slide my feet into my slippers and they weren't freezing cold :teehee: :bliss:
During the cold snap, oh were they oh so very cold, lol. But, from here on out, for at least this week, my slippers shall be warmer :) :teehee: :bliss:
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Diamond Contributor
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Thank you my Dear Friend :hug:
This whole thing has just been such a mess and them puttin it off till now has cause Jean a lot of extra pain and now she is much weaker, just scares the poop outta me:(
I know it scares the poop out you and Jean :hug: I think, I can speak for all of us, it scares us and we are worried about both of you :hug: However, we have to get the good positives vibes out there, can't think of what may go wrong, have to think feel all shall go well with her surgery and recovery. :hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I know it scares the poop out you and Jean :hug: I think, I can speak for all of us, it scares us and we are worried about both of you :hug: However, we have to get the good positives vibes out there, can't think of what may go wrong, have to think feel all shall go well with her surgery and recovery. :hug:
Thank you, I have been tellin myself that. Last time she had surgery (minor) they had a real hard time gettin her to come out of anesthesia and start breathin again


Cranky Old Fart
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For our resident bear!



Diamond Contributor
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Thank you, I have been tellin myself that. Last time she had surgery (minor) they had a real hard time gettin her to come out of anesthesia and start breathin again
:hug: Understand and feel your worries, dear friend :hug:
But, somehow you gotta get those thoughts changed, I truly know it's difficult to do so, however Worrying about what may happen is bringing you down and being really unhealthy for your own recovery :hug:
Jean needs you to be positive, she feels you and she needs to feel the positives. You know when you walk into a room and you feel something is wrong something isn't right, like someone pissed off everyone, that feeling is hovering throughout the room and you feel it instantly when walking into that room. That's what needs to change when you walk into her room. I know it will be so very difficult to do so, but I have belief and faith you are able to do this. Stay strong dear Jimi, for her and you and each others health :hug: :hug: :hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
:hug: Understand and feel your worries, dear friend :hug:
But, somehow you gotta get those thoughts changed, I truly know it's difficult to do so, however Worrying about what may happen is bringing you down and being really unhealthy for your own recovery :hug:
Jean needs you to be positive, she feels you and she needs to feel the positives. You know when you walk into a room and you feel something is wrong something isn't right, like someone pissed off everyone, that feeling is hovering throughout the room and you feel it instantly when walking into that room. That's what needs to change when you walk into her room. I know it will be so very difficult to do so, but I have belief and faith you are able to do this. Stay strong dear Jimi, for her and you and each others health :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh I never let on to her that I am scared about it, I always try to set a positive feelin about it all. All the other is what is goin on in my head :huh:


Diamond Contributor
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Oh I never let on to her that I am scared about it, I always try to set a positive feelin about it all. All the other is what is goin on in my head :huh:
Dear Jimi, you may not tell her you are scared and worried. But, the depression echoes loud and clear. I'm here in Kansas and I feel your depression. Put on some tunez and start dancing like no one watching ;) :banana: :bingo:
Get those good vibes dancing :) :teehee:
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Thank you my Dear Friend :hug:
This whole thing has just been such a mess and them puttin it off till now has cause Jean a lot of extra pain and now she is much weaker, just scares the poop outta me:(
I can't really add much to what's already been said, but Wolfie is right about focusing on a positive outcome rather than thinking about what might go wrong. Easier said than done, I know, but try to make yourself think positive thoughts. When fear comes, briefly acknowledge it, then say to yourself "No, everything is going to work out for the best" and try to MAKE yourself believe that.



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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But, I've noticed sharing a good thing for the day isn't going so well. I'm going to keep on doing it even if the good thing is so minor that it may be kinda silly stupid, lol.
OK, so I haven't been doing this lately. I'm going to go ahead and say a good thing that I should have recognized as good but instead focused (pun intended) on the negatives I feel every time I see my eye doctor the last few years.

You see, I have dry macular degeneration (diagnosed at the ripe young age of 46, very early), more specifically geographic atrophy in my left eye. See the Henry Winkler commercials, though I can't find it on YouTube. I don't notice it to any great extent during my day to day life, but eye exams highlight for me just how bad my vision is in my left eye. I'll probably be legally blind in that eye before I ever reach retirement age.:(

The good thing is during the exam last week he told me my vision wasn't any worse than a year ago, and pictures of the macula looked like it hadn't progressed any since then. So at least for the moment it hasn't gotten worse. The other maybe good thing is that there is a possible treatment now, which up to this point there wasn't any other than taking a particular mix of vitamins and minerals (the AREDS 2 formula) to try to slow the progression. Not that it can be fixed, but if I am deemed a candidate for the new treatment, it may keep me seeing for significantly longer.

Bliss Doubt

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Yeah I know it was ninja'd

Good Morning Little School Girl - Muddy Waters

Wait, I thought I was the one who got ninja'd. You posted "Lost little girl", to which I replied with "Little girl blue", but Kad squeezed "I lost a friend" between them.

Oh well it was a whole hour and a half ago so nobody cares anymore. I'm glad everybody is here playing, to cheer up Jimi until he has to log out to do fifteen things.

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