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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family :wave:
Mother nature was kind to me last night, no new snow but it's only warmed up to -2 out right now, this cold never bothered me when I was young:facepalm:
I hope everyone is havin a great day




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
My good for yesterday, I received a new robe, washed it and wore it. It's nice and cozy, though it is a wee bit heavy, lol, compared to the one I've had since in my late teenage years or low 20s not for sure which, lol. I'm just surprised it's lasted this long, definitely well made.


Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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My good for yesterday, I received a new robe, washed it and wore it. It's nice and cozy, though it is a wee bit heavy, lol, compared to the one I've had since in my late teenage years or low 20s not for sure which, lol. I'm just surprised it's lasted this long, definitely well made.
So you've only had the old one for 5 years or so...

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
When we meet again
-Joel Dilley

This is a local artist, and listening to this tune brings back 2020, perhaps the saddest year of the 21st century, and I hope the last of the sadness. This song gave me so much comfort.

At first it was simple compliance procedures at the college radio station where I was volunteering, wiping down the studio counters and door knobs with with Listerine. Then the masks. Then the lockout. A plus was that I learned it was pretty easy and relatively inexpensive to set up a home recording studio and create programs that could be submitted to the station as mp3 files attached to emails. But management was uncaring and inattentive. They were locked out too, and technically challenged in ways I could barely fathom. For a few months they would rather just wait it out and run "filler" 24/7. Eventually I got fed up and resigned, which wounded me deeply after many years of serving there with a program that was popular with listeners.

I thought of the students spending a year being tracked/traced if they dared go off campus, a year without socializing, without dances, without study groups or picnics on the beautiful grounds of the campus. A year of empty dormitories, of their families paying so much for an education while they had to do online online classes like any of those cheezy online universities.

A year of local musicians being prevented from performing in small local clubs or large concert venues, except those beloved rebels who just kept doing what they do (and who mostly got clean away with it). A year of local restaurants going out of business while the "big box" restaurants, your TGI Fridays, Chilis and so forth, had the wherewithall to reemerge.

I thought of the black plague of Europe which was said to have decimated the population, yet nobody ever thought of quarantining all the healthy people, and how we were suppressing the sharing of ordinary germs which leads to our improved immunity.

I was already working at home since 2015, but my business was smashed by the Cootie19. I tried to use the time creatively, increasing my skills, taking webinars. I played this song for myself often, cried and dried my eyes, and prayed sometimes. It has kind of a gospel feel to it, and a sound of hopefulness, even a title that reflects hope. Now and then I would hear kids playing outside, obviously either rebellious kids or the children of rebellious parents, and combined with this song "When we meet again", I could have hope for the future. A few people would carry on. The life of the Coofid would come to an end, and real life would go on.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Member For 5 Years
What a difference a few measly miles makes when it comes to lake effect snow. Where I live we got maybe 2" between Friday morning and Saturday afternoon. 5 miles West, where I work got about 8-9", 25 miles West of my house got around 36" in that same timeframe.:eek:
If the wind had shifted just a bit to come out of the NW instead of out of the North, I would have been buried.
I-94 in LaPorte County at around noon Friday, still early in the storm...


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