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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Wolfie

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just had a go with my firebug neighbor. Even after I stopped him before he was havin a guy cut small trees and bushes that he let get outta control and pilin them up in the same place as before to burn them. I told him if he fired it up I'd have the fire department here to put it right out and write citations. He already burnt the whole side off my evergreens, now one side is ever brown. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just had a go with my firebug neighbor. Even after I stopped him before he was havin a guy cut small trees and bushes that he let get outta control and pilin them up in the same place as before to burn them. I told him if he fired it up I'd have the fire department here to put it right out and write citations. He already burnt the whole side off my evergreens, now one side is ever brown. :mad: :mad: :mad:

You did the right thing Jimi.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
last of hot days today, gets down to 35 for a low in a couple days prolly gonna lose the last of my garden:( but for as little work as it was I didn't do too badly, I'll do better next year;)
I hope the day is bein kind to all:)

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