Going out tonight, a couple guys from work are forcing me to go to a bar with karaoke. May (or may not, depending on how many people are there and the song selection) sing a little. Speaking of "the good stuff" I could really use some anti-anxiety meds right now. But it might screw me with Workman's Comp, surely they will eventually realize they never tested me after the accident and will insist on doing so.
Just here for a short while while I eat something. Feeling nauseous and I think it's from the Tylenol/Ibuprofen/Anti-biotics I've been taking all day without much food in my stomach. For some reason my thumb is hurting more today than it did yesterday. Guess that's better than having it go numb. Yes
@Jimi I know, keep it above my heart. My nurse friend gave me the same advice the night it happened, but hard to do when you are working.