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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Good mornin Family:wave:
Where is everyone today:confused:?
Another great day here;)
I hope everyone stops in and plays a few today:)

I’m glad you’re saying good morning now, too. I woke up a while ago but I’m still drinking coffee! :teehee:
I’m not sure where our fam went to, but the forum has been quiet lately.
Hope you’re doing good, my friend. :hug::hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I had ry. Only for an hour and a half. My asshole ex shortened my time with him so he could go baby shopping. And I can’t do anything about it til I can go back to court! :mad:

That sucks. But you’re doing really well, so you WILL get Rylen back. It seems like the ex is enjoying messing with your head, though. I’m sorry!


Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Which means that he’s unhappy and controlling your time with Rylen is a way of having some control.

You’ll get him back and I guess he knows it!
I hope so. It’s so hard. I only get bloody 2 hours with my son and then today he decides to take a half hour from me... so he could go baby shopping... like idc if you and your gf want to go baby shopping. Do it tomorrow or before I get ry or after! Why does my time have to be cut short? I barely get any time to do anything with my son! I understand I screwed up, but I’d never take ry away from him like he does me. He only let me see ry for 2 hours on Christmas and 2 hours for New Years. Being the holidays I should’ve atleast been given 4 so I could enjoy it with him! Not open presents and ok now go home! I can’t afford a lawyer, when this all started we had one but we couldn’t afford him anymore. But I have text messages and write everything down with the date and time for when he does things like this to show in court.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I’m glad you’re saying good morning now, too. I woke up a while ago but I’m still drinking coffee! :teehee:
I’m not sure where our fam went to, but the forum has been quiet lately.
Hope you’re doing good, my friend. :hug::hug:
Yeah I was a little late:rolleyes:
I think it still the holiday backwash:giggle:
Thank you, doin pretty good, hope you are doin well my friend:hug::hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope so. It’s so hard. I only get bloody 2 hours with my son and then today he decides to take a half hour from me... so he could go baby shopping... like idc if you and your gf want to go baby shopping. Do it tomorrow or before I get ry or after! Why does my time have to be cut short? I barely get any time to do anything with my son! I understand I screwed up, but I’d never take ry away from him like he does me. He only let me see ry for 2 hours on Christmas and 2 hours for New Years. Being the holidays I should’ve atleast been given 4 so I could enjoy it with him! Not open presents and ok now go home! I can’t afford a lawyer, when this all started we had one but we couldn’t afford him anymore. But I have text messages and write everything down with the date and time for when he does things like this to show in court.
If he wanted to go baby shopping then he should of let Ry stay with you while he/they went shopping;), just like Rhianne said this guy is just screwing with you:mad:. It's a very good idea to keep track of everything , even things Ry tells you, even though you might not be able to prove them who knows when you might be able to use them:)

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
That will catch up to you when you get older:(
Yeah I know... I’m trying. I’m addicted to caffeine so I have to start cutting back on soda. I was eating a lot of junk food and cut back on that. I just don’t like the taste of healthy food. Gotta figure out what to do.
It's funny, when you vape the same unit all day just how fast the tank can go dry:rolleyes: but when you want to try a new flavor that tank lasts forever:blech:
Lol I know what you’re talking about so much lately!
Come here and vape some of this:giggle:
I’ll come over and vape!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah I know... I’m trying. I’m addicted to caffeine so I have to start cutting back on soda. I was eating a lot of junk food and cut back on that. I just don’t like the taste of healthy food. Gotta figure out what to do.

Lol I know what you’re talking about so much lately!

I’ll come over and vape!
It's all in how you prepare it:)

I bet you do, oh the agoney:giggle:

Come on over;)

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