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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi-
Horrible hot and muggy here- should start cooling down on Saturday I hope. We just had heavy rain storms roll through- made everything hotter. My AC is broken and will have to wait to be fixed next year- already spent our house repair budget this year- new roof, new driveway and new furnace.
Thank god for fans!
:wave: :cool:
Sorry to hear your AC went down. I have kinda gotten used to not havin AC, my sinuses wont tollerate AC ;) . Good thing is it's half over:facepalm:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good evenin Family :wave:
Hard day today, dug up at least 250 pounds of taders and washed them and put away for winter:bliss:
That gives us about 500 pounds with what we dug the other day;)
Fresh garden taders taste so good;)
Hope to catch someone here tomorrow:rolleyes:
Hope everyone had a great day:)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Thanks for signing up for my webinar with Eddie Stone called REDUCING YOUR HEAVY METALS TOXICITY!

Have you had a chance to watch it yet? If not, check it out here.

Many people have methods to detoxify from heavy metals that I think are not backed by science, and/or are expensive, and/or involve needles and invasiveness, and/or bleed your body of minerals at the same time as it’s removing heavy metals.

Find out about a few highly effective, and inexpensive, needle-free ways to decrease your “toxic body burden” and bring down your heavy metals toxicity!

We ALL have exposures. The key is to learn how to get less of it.

There are 2 critically important ways to decrease your heavy metals that we talked about in the webinar that you NEED to know about ASAP!

We have the webinar up for the next 72 hours--watch the webinar and find out your next steps here.

To your health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Whether you’re trying to heal from a chronic illness or fight an acute infection, you cannot properly heal when your nervous system is consistently out of whack.

Anecdotal evidence and published scientific studies show that experiencing prolonged stress negatively impacts the immunological state… and that prolonged elevated psychological stress is associated with increased risk of all types of infections.

>> Understand how stress impacts your immunity when you join me at Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Putting Our Kids First -- YOUR Voice Counts -- ACT NOW!
The agenda to mask all our children, in schools, despite a clear absence of evidence showing them safe or effective, is ramping up nationwide. WHO will protect our children, IF NOT YOU? The time to stand up is NOW. Take a few seconds and send a clear message to your elected officials THIS STOPS WITH US NOW: Please share this with 10 friends, family, or colleagues and help us overcome the global censorship of free speech and grassroots activism!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The 'Vaccine Hesitant' & 'Conspiracy Theorists' a Domestic Terrorism Threat - New Homeland Security Report Implies​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Last week my Mom calls me, says she was up at 4am. I asked Why. She proceeds to tell me, that someone was in her driveway parked between her home and garage. She than says, I OPENED the door to look. I about lost it :eek: and my head about exploded.
I kept it under control and asked Why did you OPEN the door. She didn't know why. Thank G-D, whomever it was, was sitting in the vehicle and not standing at the door.
I said, if this happens again, grab your phone and call the Sheriff. Than grab your pepper spray (she gave away all the guns) , keep all the lights off, stay down below the windows and if you are able, without being seen, look out the window to see if you can see what type of vehicle it is so that way you can tell it to the Sheriff when he arrives, if the vehicle is gone by the time he shows up. If, the person is already inside, hide under bed or in the bathroom and lock the door, call the Sheriff, and then call us and your son !
I'm always worried about her living there all by herself and this didn’t help help one bit ! That scared the hell out me, I can imagine how she was feeling. :cry:

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !

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