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! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
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Story of the Wolf Spider...
There's been a Wolf spider hanging around the corner cabinet since early August. There's also been three Daddy Long Legs hanging out with the Wolf.
I've tried many of times to get the Wolf, but each time I barely touch the Web it would jet behind the cabinet :xD: . Decided to let the Daddys stick around (hoping) that one of the Daddys would get it and it finally happened :) :bliss: . Yesterday, woke up and saw the Daddy Legs eating away YEPPIE ! But, I wanted to see how it all went down and missed it, oh well, just happy Wolfy is dead.

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Last night around midnight as I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom; there is a window in the hallway, I heard something on the siding of the home and then on the window, kinda hard to explain exactly what I heard. All I know it sounded really weird and freaked me out :eek: ! Lol, was kinda scared to look out the window, but I did and didn't see anything :huh: . Hoping, it was a racoon or maybe a bat trying to get a bug, I don't know just really weird :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, that kept me awake till after 2am :xD:

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Another blisterin hot day here:(
Worked in the garden this mornin, tryin to regain fluids now:rolleyes:
Used to be I'd be drinkin a cold beer right now but now it's lemonade:facepalm:
Hope everyone is havin a great day:)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Gut Solution​
Hi Jim,

More than 100 years ago, a man named George Porter Phillips made an interesting observation...

His patients with depression were also suffering from severe constipation.

But which one came first—the depression or the digestive issues?

Phillips followed his instincts and worked on healing his patients’ gut to improve their mental health.

And amazingly, it worked!

Jim, this was a discovery made more than a century ago, but modern medicine is only starting to catch up today.

What if your depression or anxiety is also coming from your gut?

Harvard recently published 13 studies confirming the gut as the root cause of mental deterioration.

Curiously, Belgian researchers found that those with depression were missing two species of gut microbes: Coprococcus and Dialister.

One thing is starting to be clear...

To heal our minds, we first need to heal our gut.

But where do you begin?

A new 8-part docuseries called "The Gut Solution" is about to air and I want you to be part of it, especially if you or a loved one is suffering from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or other mental health conditions.

More than 40 world-leading gut health experts will tell you exactly how to regain full health by harnessing the power of your gut.

So if your medications or any other treatment you’ve tried are not working for you…

Or if you want to lead a happier and more carefree life...

I highly encourage you to save your seat here.

You deserve to be free of your mental health condition.

Your Partner in Health,

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy

P.S. Once upon a time, experts believed that serotonin (one of the "happy hormones") was produced exclusively by the brain. Today, we now know that over 90% of your serotonin is actually produced in your gut.

So Jim, if your mental health has seen better days, then I highly encourage you to watch The Gut Solution. Mental health is something that is close to my heart, and I’m positive this series will help you get through this.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I first learned this very counter-intuitive lesson from Ari Whitten, the energy expert I told you about earlier this week.
Avoiding all stress is a surefire way to… DECREASE your energy levels.
The opposite is also true: to increase your energy, you need to increase your stress!
I know this sounds totally crazy, but stick with me here. I felt the same when I first heard this cutting-edge info.
What Ari means is that the latest science shows that the way to get your energy back (especially when you suffer from chronic fatigue) is to either:
1) make your mitochondria (your cells’ power plants) bigger
2) to create new mitochondria altogether -- which is called “mitogenesis”
What does this have to do with stress? Everything.
The key to getting your energy production back on track, you have to make sure your mitochondria are exposed to what are called “hormetic stressors”.
Hormetic stress is a source of stress which can make you healthier -- but only when you recover from that stress. A very common one is exercise (you tear muscles, they repair, you become stronger).
So what Ari is saying here is not that you should kill yourself in the gym in order to heal from chronic fatigue... that would be silly.
What he IS saying is that you need to gradually build up your tolerance to stress using the right hormetic stressors like exposure to cold, exposure to heat (ex: sauna), exercise, breathing exercises, and a ton of other techniques he shares in his training videos.
If you haven’t subscribed to his videos yet, make sure to do so. Ari will share about hormetic stress, and also teach you why drinking caffeine every single day will in fact LOWER your energy levels over time.
Ari is one of my most trusted sources for science-based information on many topics. I highly recommend learning from him.
===> Ari Whitten’s Masterclass Video Trainings -- how to double your energy
Warning: Ari’s videos are not simplistic 5-minute tidbits. They are in-depth presentations that are PACKED with incredible information you likely never heard about before, while still being explained in simple terms. Ari is a top notch teacher.

SnapDragon NY

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HiYa Snap, how you doin today my friend?
Hiya Jimi-
Just staying in the house- it is too brutal to be outside here- I hope it ends soon. Otherwise I am doing OK. I have been listening to old Howard Stern shows on you tube- loved Howard from 1994 until 2008 when he left for Sirius radio. I had Sirius radio till 2008 when I retired from my job. He used to keep me company on my 30 mile trip to work.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Last night around midnight as I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom; there is a window in the hallway, I heard something on the siding of the home and then on the window, kinda hard to explain exactly what I heard. All I know it sounded really weird and freaked me out :eek: ! Lol, was kinda scared to look out the window, but I did and didn't see anything :huh: . Hoping, it was a racoon or maybe a bat trying to get a bug, I don't know just really weird :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, that kept me awake till after 2am :xD:

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Don't know if you have seen this or not...
In the first pic it starts to manifest, the second pic is full size. The third it's gone....all within 15 seconds.

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !
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