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ECF Refugee
Or this

I've been in three dust storms that looked like a brown version of the very same scene.


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ECF Refugee not put 50/50 juice in a dual vertical build @ .17ohms. My face just fell off.


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ECF Refugee
Oh....Classique box mod is now on it's way to meeeeeee. Sadly, from Hawaii.


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Made you look?
Yep, it was driving me nuts that I couldn't figure out a logical sequence and then was annoyed that the "answer" was that someone came up with it who didn't quite understand how to develop a logic test.


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Yep, it was driving me nuts that I couldn't figure out a logical sequence and then was annoyed that the "answer" was that someone came up with it who didn't quite understand how to develop a logic test.

Ah, but pure logic doesn't actually exist in a human world. ;)

Agreed, it's cheating a bit to think that was accurate, but if it made you worked.


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I can deal with snow as long as it's not like this:


Or this:

Hey that reminds me of the blizzard of 1977 when I lived in Ohio. I was just a kid at the time, so it was a lot more fun for me than my dad :)


Bronze Contributor
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Hey that reminds me of the blizzard of 1977 when I lived in Ohio. I was just a kid at the time, so it was a lot more fun for me than my dad :)

I remember that! We lived near Oberlin at the time.
I remember someone coming out with a front end loader to clear our driveway. They piled all of the snow up beside or small pond and made us an awesome sledding hill. Good times!


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ECF Refugee
Bippity Boppity Boo
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Platinum Contributor
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Odd dream I had. There was this woman who was attached to strings as a marionette. Her puppet master would have her control men...who were also on strings. She would manipulate them to do her will (platonic control it must be stressed)....then when they came to be completely under her will...she would merely drop the handles and let them fall to the floor. With a very veiled self satisfied face, she then would select another. It is almost as if her puppet master was not so much an individual....but a ghost or ghosts from her past. How strange!

Sounds rather...Freudian. :)

Women are no veiled creatures with a mystical power over Men. Men give them their power willingly in most cases.

Just as Men, enjoy their power, so do Women. As is right. It should be Balance.

I find this interesting:

If not entirely accurate.

Holy man or not, the more you deny yourself who you are, the more miserable you are. Yes, we've done terrible things. It does not define us. It is not our soul. I know, I did street ministries as well....of a Pentecostal variety. But, the souls I 'saved' can never truly exhume my soul.

In my past lives, I've killed thousands, sent them to their deaths in war, and in pillage I did far worse.

But, this is my last turn according to the ROM, and I'm better. Not good, but better. :)

I still have the nightmares....but less so..
I hava good and old-soul kitty...when she sleeps with me, I am at peace.
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ECF Refugee
Moe has clearly taken both the blue and red pills.


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ECF Refugee
Well, unless he has indigestion, that is unfortunate. ;)

He tells me there are no ill effects beyond when he farts...the computer monitor flickers and a wee bird dies in some other dimension.


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ECF Refugee
That btw was my vile rumour for the day


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Okay, So my fiancé is in nursing school and is struggling with some of her homework. The "nurse math" aka dosages and MLS per hour and such. I offered my help and she just kind of shrugged me off and said I wouldn't understand.

So I say okay hit me with a few of your questions. I went ten for ten all done in my head in less than five minutes...ahh life's little victories


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Okay, So my fiancé is in nursing school and is struggling with some of her homework. The "nurse math" aka dosages and MLS per hour and such. I offered my help and she just kind of shrugged me off and said I wouldn't understand.

So I say okay hit me with a few of your questions. I went ten for ten all done in my head in less than five minutes...ahh life's little victories
Those victories are measured by how many vile things she called you in her mind.


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Poon, no, I did not notice any poon unfortunately. But...
Arrggg!!! Those dots will not stay still!!!!!


Platinum Contributor
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Okay, So my fiancé is in nursing school and is struggling with some of her homework. The "nurse math" aka dosages and MLS per hour and such. I offered my help and she just kind of shrugged me off and said I wouldn't understand.

So I say okay hit me with a few of your questions. I went ten for ten all done in my head in less than five minutes...ahh life's little victories

Congrats bro, I also dated/almost married a nursing student once...GLWT. ;-)

I'm guessing she is like mine: type A weird, hates being corrected?
I took mine to Denny's for a shit-tonne of coffee and helped her study Grey's.
Fun as fuck to horrify the normals....we left the pages where there were hooks in...things... open. LOLZ ensued.

After days of rotation doing care for old men who had both feces control issues and I am a spammer ban me during bath time...she appreciated the laffz.

Nursing school is pure hell.

Mum was an RN, Dad was a Pathologist/Coroner....I did COPES care.
One word of advice for someone dating a student nurse..or anyone else in the medical profession:

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ECF Refugee
Rumer's face looks like it was made from spare parts.


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I remember that! We lived near Oberlin at the time.
I remember someone coming out with a front end loader to clear our driveway. They piled all of the snow up beside or small pond and made us an awesome sledding hill. Good times!
Yeah, we were in Dayton. Nothing could get near our place. The roads were all lined with cars covered by snow drifts so it was really trecherous where we were.


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Odd dream I had. There was this woman who was attached to strings as a marionette. Her puppet master would have her control men...who were also on strings. She would manipulate them to do her will (platonic control it must be stressed)....then when they came to be completely under her will...she would merely drop the handles and let them fall to the floor. With a very veiled self satisfied face, she then would select another. It is almost as if her puppet master was not so much an individual....but a ghost or ghosts from her past. How strange!
And highly detailed


Vapid Vapetress
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Odd dream I had. There was this woman who was attached to strings as a marionette. Her puppet master would have her control men...who were also on strings. She would manipulate them to do her will (platonic control it must be stressed)....then when they came to be completely under her will...she would merely drop the handles and let them fall to the floor. With a very veiled self satisfied face, she then would select another. It is almost as if her puppet master was not so much an individual....but a ghost or ghosts from her past. How strange!
maybe those ghosts from her past represent men who did horrid things to her, and she is seeking revenge....and in her mind she has trouble differentiating the guilty from the innocent.


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ECF Refugee
maybe those ghosts from her past represent men who did horrid things to her, and she is seeking revenge....and in her mind she has trouble differentiating the guilty from the innocent.
Or I need to rethink my recent movie selections lol


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I just got a heebie, turned around, and this is what I saw....


Just sitting there, staring. Not saying a feline word. Sooo very composed.

Damn, she's good. :D

(Just for scale, it's a queen-sized bed. She's a fair large kitteh - Built like Spike: compact, yet muscular as fuck)
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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That was before she got plastic done....


To be fair, Demi Moore's DNA tried, but Bruce's was just too strong...
How many people in hollywierd don't' have plastic surgery?


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ECF Refugee
Hell no. Your daughter is far prettier.

Annnddd...shutting up now....... ;)
No worries, I agree. Fortunately it is all from her mother. My poor unfortunate son looks quite like me.


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ECF Refugee
Nae handsome in the slightest, and had my accent professionally obliterated. My two kids and my sole remaining brother are the only Americans by birth in my fairly extinct family...I have a sister and a niece and nephew back in the UK....that is it.


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Nae handsome in the slightest, and had my accent professionally obliterated. My two kids and my sole remaining brother are the only Americans by birth in my fairly extinct family...I have a sister and a niece and nephew back in the UK....that is it.

Yeh, I was an only child in a very long line....that got put in foster care and adopted by Norwegian/Germans....beat that. ;-)

I'm the last of my line. Which is good, because Da's Irish line is cursed and Mum's.....well, can you say related to Mary, Queen of Scots?

Any wonder I'm Mad....


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The local Romany will no longer read my

Wanna guess why? What will make a Rom refuse good coin...

The last old Rom who read me, had a heart attack and died. I feel bad, she was the only one who'd even touch me. The rest were afraid of my's both red and black. ;-)

Old Rom curse...long story...

On the plus side, I can warm me and Tiki at night just with a thought and my hands. She trusts me.
Every night, she flops over on her side next to me and wants belly rubs, or just to hold her cold paws.

Energy flow is simple's science we just are learning now...
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