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Alternate Universe


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The local Romany will no longer read my

Wanna guess why? What will make a Rom refuse good coin...

The last old Rom who read me, had a heart attack and died. I feel bad, she was the only one who'd even touch me. The rest were afraid of my's both red and black. ;-)

Old Rom curse...long story...

On the plus side, I can warm me and Tiki at night just with a thought and my hands. She trusts me.
Every night, she flops over on her side next to me and wants belly rubs, or just to hold her cold paws.

Energy flow is simple's science we just are learning now...
What is the curse ? Did she really die? Or are you puling our leg ?:D


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maybe those ghosts from her past represent men who did horrid things to her, and she is seeking revenge....and in her mind she has trouble differentiating the guilty from the innocent.

right on, Miss K. :)

that just shows how reality is different for everyone. we see, based on what we have seen, what others try to paint for us, and how those end up meshed together.

life isn't black and white. just bloody. :(


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That was before she got plastic done....


To be fair, Demi Moore's DNA tried, but Bruce's was just too strong...
Did Demi have an affair with Jay Leno?


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ECF Refugee
At the risk of sounding gay.....ahem....too much Demi, not enough Bruce


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Hey that reminds me of the blizzard of 1977 when I lived in Ohio. I was just a kid at the time, so it was a lot more fun for me than my dad :)
We had the same thing in Germany in in what I thought was '76.. Might have been '77 though.. Nobody on the first floor could get out and we had to jump off the balcony and dig them and the main door out.. Was the most snow I had seen up 'till Alaska.


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I rarely dream in ways that stick when I'm awake...but every now and then I get handed something spectacular. Usually the ones I remember are either prophetic, or more about my own psyche than someone else.
I have had dreams that came true.. Like situations exactly played out that then happen a few days later.. Is weird as hell when it happens. First one I remember was in first grade.


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Fishee is having problems being able to post on the forum and needs some assistance from a mod please. Thanks


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Good Morning!..................and Thursday's oh, so sad...................

"The important thing is to take that first step. Bravely overcoming one small fear gives you the courage to take on the next."
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Roger Schaeffer

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Hope this makes sense. A while back ANTZ released studies that showed trace amounts of Formaldehyde and metals in Electronic Cigarette Vapor. These studies have been refuted and the also the methods used for the study. In my mind after reading the Rice article I was imagining my pot of rice was finished cooking, I removed the lid and some vapor[steam] was released,possibly exposing me to very minute amounts of arsenic. I just have not seen any Public Health Warnings about possible,maybe -toxic cooked rice Vapor. Maybe Public Health is not getting Financial Support from Rice Competitors [Potato Lobby?] as they are from Electronic Cigarette Competitors- Nicotine Gum Patch, Chantix ect?\

I am going to go away now

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