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OK. Now I'm addicted to Borderlands Pre-Sequel, now that I've upgraded my backpack and storage locker (bank). These things are essential unless you want to waste half your time deciding which items you want to sacrifice on the road for lack of space. I'm already quite the badass even though I'm still very early in the game; this is what doing all the side missions does for you, upgrades you quickly so that you're a few levels in strength ahead of the story missions.

Whoops, there goes another one, just like the other one! :D If you disappear from this forum, at least we'll know what happened. :rolleyes:
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Whoops, there goes another one, just like the other one! :D If you disappear from this forum, we'll know what happened. :rolleyes:
Send a search party to Elpris, the moon of Pandora.


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sorry took me so long to reply to this, but i felt i had to. among my various mental problems is severe social phobia. i am thankful for the internet, because it's the only place i can interact freely with people without overwhelming anxiety. and sometimes it gets so bad i can't even interact here.

something mundane to most people, like a trip to the grocery store, is an adventure in high anxiety and paranoia for me. i constantly fear someone will engage me in conversation or judge me for my purchases.

so please forgive me if i don't rush to meet everyone who i "meet" online. i appreciate those who put up with me here, and who let me be me as much as i can be.
Not me.. I mean I use to be that way when I was in school.. But in the Navy I learned there were SOOOO many messed up people (as in weird) that I figured out I am not that far off and thus am 'normal' ;)

Besides, if someone doesnt like me, thats THEIR problem, not mine :D


Vapid Vapetress
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Not me.. I mean I use to be that way when I was in school.. But in the Navy I learned there were SOOOO many messed up people (as in weird) that I figured out I am not that far off and thus am 'normal' ;)

Besides, if someone doesnt like me, thats THEIR problem, not mine :D

i wish so badly i could look at things that way. i constantly feel the need for approval. i envy you.

btw did you get a chance to look at that istick yet?


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i wish so badly i could look at things that way. i constantly feel the need for approval. i envy you.

btw did you get a chance to look at that istick yet?
I did a little.. But atm I cant get it to come out of the case. Seems to be the fire button is hitting something on the board.. However, just from my cursory look, inside is 2 boards connected together, with the USB port soldered to one of them and its not broken. It seems that when you dropped it, the boards dislodged and 'slid up'. I was able to repostion it back to the correct place, but still couldnt get it to turn on... And the superglue is glogging the USB port so cant verify it still charges :)

I'll get back on it in a couple of days..


Vapid Vapetress
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I did a little.. But atm I cant get it to come out of the case. Seems to be the fire button is hitting something on the board.. However, just from my cursory look, inside is 2 boards connected together, with the USB port soldered to one of them and its not broken. It seems that when you dropped it, the boards dislodged and 'slid up'. I was able to repostion it back to the correct place, but still couldnt get it to turn on... And the superglue is glogging the USB port so cant verify it still charges :)

I'll get back on it in a couple of days..

yeah the super glue wasn't one of my brighter ideas, i suppose. but i don't solder or anything like that, so......
hope you can get it going and give it a good home. if not, no great loss. :)


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Time to shut down, You all have a good night!!



Vapid Vapetress
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good night, whiskey


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hi hon, did you fight this weekend?

love that movie. :)
Yes as a matter of fact I did...

..I lost...

I was winning the fight 2 rounds to one, and I got knocked out with 10 seconds left in the third and final round


Vapid Vapetress
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Yes as a matter of fact I did...

..I lost...

I was winning the fight 2 rounds to one, and I got knocked out with 10 seconds left in the third and final round

omg, like really knocked out? unconscious??

well you can't win them all. next time :)


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Yes, I was knocked unconisious, I was u resonsive for 1 minute and 45 what my coach told me


Vapid Vapetress
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Yes, I was knocked unconisious, I was u resonsive for 1 minute and 45 what my coach told me

oh my.....i don't like that at all. nope. not at all.


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oh my.....i don't like that at all. nope. not at all.
It's really not that bad until the next day...kinda feels like waking up from a deep deep sleep, and being a bit disoriented


Vapid Vapetress
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It's really not that bad until the next day...kinda feels like waking up from a deep deep sleep, and being a bit disoriented

yeah i got knocked out once when i got hit by a car while roller blading. it's like you don't even exist for awhile.


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yeah i got knocked out once when i got hit by a car while roller blading. it's like you don't even exist for awhile.
That's a good comoarison...that fucking sucks though!!! How long ago was that


Vapid Vapetress
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That's a good comoarison...that fucking sucks though!!! How long ago was that

oh long time ago. i was in college. i was crossing at an intersection and a guy in a big SUV turned right and bumped me. last thing i remember was seeing this big grill...then darkness.


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oh long time ago. i was in college. i was crossing at an intersection and a guy in a big SUV turned right and bumped me. last thing i remember was seeing this big grill...then darkness.
Yea I don't remember the entire third round...I'm told I did well until I went to through a head kick and dropped my hands early...he said the fight was mine until then


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sorry took me so long to reply to this, but i felt i had to. among my various mental problems is severe social phobia. i am thankful for the internet, because it's the only place i can interact freely with people without overwhelming anxiety. and sometimes it gets so bad i can't even interact here.

something mundane to most people, like a trip to the grocery store, is an adventure in high anxiety and paranoia for me. i constantly fear someone will engage me in conversation or judge me for my purchases.

so please forgive me if i don't rush to meet everyone who i "meet" online. i appreciate those who put up with me here, and who let me be me as much as i can be.
I hope I can speak for others..........we love you, mother of our thread:D


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Yes, I was knocked unconisious, I was u resonsive for 1 minute and 45 what my coach told me
Just pay attention to your body with those. Part of my diagnosis is Post Concussive Syndrome. That shit adds up and screws with you as you age...


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Just pay attention to your body with those. Part of my diagnosis is Post Concussive Syndrome. That shit adds up and screws with you as you age...
That's what I'm told. I get routine check ups for that type of thing


Vapid Vapetress
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