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Whiskey when did you make mod? Grats.
Shit ... looks like my days of chop-busting @Whiskey are over


Vapid Vapetress
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and suddenly..... a hush fell over the room. and one could hear a pin drop.


Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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looks like that thread is getting put back on the forum lol....someone missed the cleavage shot i think.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thanks Caff, I didn't want folks to look at me any different than yesterday.

Ayup. =)

BTW, I can see why ya didn't want that magnetic bolt.
It's nice but that button is a bit wonky...might need to tear it apart and put in proper wiring. ;-)

Loving the carto tank though, that thing holds a metric fuckton of juice!


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Member For 5 Years
BTW, those eggs I'd made for breakfast yesterday? I only ate half, here's today's half.

I'd nuked up 3 potatoes last night and stuck 'em in the fridge, ready to be knife-peeled and cut into instant hash browns. ;)

Peeled/diced one of 'em and added some garlic, onion and chipotle powders, black pepper, dry dill, cheese and some "buttery spread" stuff.

Just two minutes in the micro on 50% while I ground beans and made the coffee, and I have a whole new brunch.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ayup. =)

BTW, I can see why ya didn't want that magnetic bolt.
It's nice but that button is a bit wonky...might need to tear it apart and put in proper wiring. ;-)

Loving the carto tank though, that thing holds a metric fuckton of juice!

Yea I threw that in there for you to tinker with or take apart, it was a total flub but I know you like to mess with that stuff


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks Glass it really isn't no big thang, I help out when I can, I'm on more than most because of my computer job, so....

Grub looks good, Caff, dang it I am hungry now and dinner's not for an hour yet!!!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thanks Glass it really isn't no big thang, I help out when I can, I'm on more than most because of my computer job, so....

Grub looks good, Caff, dang it I am hungry now and dinner's not for an hour yet!!!

That's why snacks were invented. ;)

I'll only look at you different when you change your avatar. Today you're a .... :p

Kidding, just kidding. Congrats!!!

Here, have another Bhut pic..teehee.


(actually, there are pronounced "boot" Jolokia, but it's still funny)
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hoping a not-completely-crappy trip for you Mermaid.I used to travel on Greyhounds and there's no such thing as a good trip. I got called in for jury duty this afternoon. Hey, it's another 15 bucks. lol

Damn. I read about your "opportunity" to serve on the jury and thought "Better you than me..."


I got a summons for October 13.

3rd time in 6 years.


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