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Member For 4 Years
I just stopped changing my address when I moved. So far it seems to be working
Damn. I read about your "opportunity" to serve on the jury and thought "Better you than me..."


I got a summons for October 13.

3rd time in 6 years.



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That sucks...I thought there were limits on how often ya could be picked?

Some places have limits, some places don't.
In 2012 they supposedly expanded the jury pool to include everyone with a license to drive as well as all registered voters, plus (probably) home owners, etc. It didn't do me any good; I received my second summons late in 2012... I asked for and received a delay, got my new dates, but never had to go.

I'm pretty sure I won't luck out again.

I don't mind serving, but this time of the year absolutely blows for me. Actually, from now 'till about the end of January I'm going to be working a minimum of 50hr weeks, and probably more like 60's.

The good news is that my employer will pay me while I'm out for up to three days of jury duty. After that it'll be vacation or sick days :(


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
God, I love this coffee.

Freshly-ground Major Dickason's with a teaspoon of Demerara raw sugar and a pinch of cinnamon in the basket. Served with a sploosh of half 'n half.

Me =



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
God, I love this coffee.

Freshly-ground Major Dickason's with a teaspoon of Demerara raw sugar and a pinch of cinnamon in the basket. Served with a sploosh of half 'n half.

That's some good looking coffee. If I weren't so wired right now I'd go get a cup. Of course, it'd be weak Folgers, left over from this morning :rolleyes:


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yea I threw that in there for you to tinker with or take apart, it was a total flub but I know you like to mess with that stuff

Yeah, I would but it's one of those damned press-fit jobbers.

Madvapes used to sell just the switch, so at least there's that option. Meanwhile, I've found that pressing the button on the sides and not centered or top/bottom seems to make it fire pretty consistently. My main issue with it is the tiny wires they used..but that's the same as ALL of the Bolt mods.


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Member For 5 Years
Dammit caff. Some of us are still working (or simulating work) you're killing us.

I'm just the messenger... ;)

That's some good looking coffee. If I weren't so wired right now I'd go get a cup. Of course, it'd be weak Folgers, left over from this morning :rolleyes:

Heh, that image is not mine, it's just a LOL pic of smiling coffee. ;)

Mine looks like this:



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Heh, that image is not mine, it's just a LOL pic of smiling coffee. ;)
Mine looks like this:

Not nearly as entertaining, though I'd bet it's just as tasty.
Do you have a coffee themed site, or is my memory failing me again?


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Damn. I read about your "opportunity" to serve on the jury and thought "Better you than me..."


I got a summons for October 13.

3rd time in 6 years.


Oh that sucks. I hope yours is as uneventful as mine turned out to be. I burned a half tank of gas but I'll get about $35. Which is about 1/2 tank of gas. lol


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lol. I clearly need a break.
Screw it. I'm packing it up and heading home. That's enough work for the day; now it's time to go play in traffic.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Watching the "BBC One Scotland: Results programme" now, more fun than the BBC version. ;-)

I'd think we'd know around 7-8PM PST I reckon...


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Cherry's a cutie pie:):)
Hey G'night and I hope ya'll over look the mod thing cause I loves you all and things aren't changing unless its Moes bib he borrowed from his little monkey...LaterZZZZ

<< jealous cuz I didn't pay her any similar compliments :p >>


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Went and walked to the Rite-Aid in a nice and dark windstorm, seems fitting for the night of the Scottish Independence vote....


I figured that for this once in a generation thing, I'd need a fifth of Glasgow's crappiest Scotch. (j/k , sorta)


(Plus, the Falcons are playing Tampa Bay...that takes some drink to observe as

Slainte M'hath!!
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
watching football. :D


I think I'm properly prepared: old CRT Toshiba HDTV, HD OTA on antenna, shitty old laptop w/ wifi, ice water, beer, scotch, vape...yup, I'm good.

#ghetto_vape <----hahaha
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are u shitting me???

Hestor just broke Deon Sanders record and goose-stepped into the end zone....34-0 Falcons.

And you wonder why this game needs


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Are u shitting me???

Hestor just broke Deon Sanders record and goose-stepped into the end zone....34-0 Falcons.

And you wonder why this game needs
Ugh. I hate watching blow out games.

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