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ok should I even attempt to sober up today or should I just stay drunk and sober up tomorrow?



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Member For 5 Years
Fuck bro,
I'm feelin a bit down in the dumps tonight. Just my mind fucking itself. Too much thinking and too many memories.
Any way, melancholia is my visitor tonight.
Driving home from work, thinking CaFF.
Wondering how you would be feeling when the the clock struck midnight on your side of the world.
I'm feeling very apathetic tonight. And I wonder to myself, "why the fuck do people think apathy is such a negative thing?" and "why the fuck do people try to make apathetic people feel bad about being apathetic?"
If a person is apathetic then why waste your time trying to send that apathetic person on a guilt trip?
Their apathetic, they don't give a fuck lol

People will do what they choose to do.
My cousin shot himself less than two weeks ago.
There are no "what ifs" fuck all that what if bullshit.
Several years ago my best friend shot himself. He came over that night and told me he was gonna do it.
I did the whole trying to talk him out of it. I'm sure it's not a far stretch of the imagination as to what I or any one else in my shoes would have said.
But it didn't matter what I said. He still shot himself dead.
And I was so fucking mad at him for a really long time for doing that.
Till I realized he wasn't there to have me tell him how much he was loved or how much he would be missed or blah blah blah.
He simply came by to tell me he was leaving and tell me good bye before he went.
Upon realizing that, I never felt angry toward him again.
I couldn't persuade him. I couldn't convince him.
All I could do was love him, And in loving him I had to also accept him.
Same thing with my cousin. I love him. I accept his decision. Even though I don't like it and it hurts and it will continue to hurt.
I'm probably just rambling and feel as if clicking the post button might be something I shouldn't do.
But since I'm somewhat apathetic I think I will go ahead and click it.
Love you Caff. Really do. And really hope that you can help your friend out in as many ways as possible.
Sorry I don't have much to offer in advice.
I've been feeling apathetic myself and fighting like crazy to not go under. Trying like hell to rally but it's hard. I missed a lot of you last night and hope to catch up later. A quick many important things said. Love you guys........later:)


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ECF Refugee
Fuck bro,
I'm feelin a bit down in the dumps tonight. Just my mind fucking itself. Too much thinking and too many memories.
Any way, melancholia is my visitor tonight.
Driving home from work, thinking CaFF.
Wondering how you would be feeling when the the clock struck midnight on your side of the world.
I'm feeling very apathetic tonight. And I wonder to myself, "why the fuck do people think apathy is such a negative thing?" and "why the fuck do people try to make apathetic people feel bad about being apathetic?"
If a person is apathetic then why waste your time trying to send that apathetic person on a guilt trip?
Their apathetic, they don't give a fuck lol

People will do what they choose to do.
My cousin shot himself less than two weeks ago.
There are no "what ifs" fuck all that what if bullshit.
Several years ago my best friend shot himself. He came over that night and told me he was gonna do it.
I did the whole trying to talk him out of it. I'm sure it's not a far stretch of the imagination as to what I or any one else in my shoes would have said.
But it didn't matter what I said. He still shot himself dead.
And I was so fucking mad at him for a really long time for doing that.
Till I realized he wasn't there to have me tell him how much he was loved or how much he would be missed or blah blah blah.
He simply came by to tell me he was leaving and tell me good bye before he went.
Upon realizing that, I never felt angry toward him again.
I couldn't persuade him. I couldn't convince him.
All I could do was love him, And in loving him I had to also accept him.
Same thing with my cousin. I love him. I accept his decision. Even though I don't like it and it hurts and it will continue to hurt.
I'm probably just rambling and feel as if clicking the post button might be something I shouldn't do.
But since I'm somewhat apathetic I think I will go ahead and click it.
Love you Caff. Really do. And really hope that you can help your friend out in as many ways as possible.
Sorry I don't have much to offer in advice.
Apathy is when we spend too much time looking in the mirror.


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I think I drank myself sober. Is that possible?


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ECF Refugee
They closed the thread and deleted the post and banned the user already, did it in less than five minutes.
The Vape Reich must be in a great deal of pain today........many will go to the Gulag for this act of high treason.


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Member For 5 Years
Good morning folks :)
Good afternoon, Mr Fish. Did you get your Samsung batts yet? Just got mine (took long enough). I'm thinking I might want to save them for a parallel marriage. Now I have to get a 2x18650 box. Do you have one? The Dimitri at FT looks promising.


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Member For 5 Years
Yup, I understand everything you said. One of my first gf, her brother got ht by a mack truck while on a bicycle going downhill at 45mph. I had to be there for her for an open casket funeral....did not go well.

Been there, still am in a lot of ways. I have lost a lot of people over the years. You harden up after awhile. But, not for family....them you remember. Those, you know the good they had.

Al I can do is persevere. Be as good as I can. Mebbe help someone, affect someones life.

I'm not gonna be the guy that goes to Uni, be some kind of genius and change the world like I was raised to think I could be. That was a farce. A high IQ means nothing without practical application.

But, I'm not useless either. I'm unique. I am not without worth. :)

Neither are you my friend. I also look for you everyday here and know I have a kindred spirit. :)
That was beautiful. CaFF.

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