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Here ya go, I had this done around two and a half years ago, I woke up one morning and had no vision in my left eye. It was a detached retina.
Luckily the surgeon was able saved my vision.
How long did it take to heal


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So I'm about 99% sure my girlfriend is gonna break up with me:( again :( for the third time.:(

I hate being in love with her!

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Sorry fishee. I completely understand the sentiment. things will work out. You may not like it at 1st but what will be will be.


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Y'all have a good night.
I'm gonna go let the Darkness gnaw on my Fishee heart for a while.


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Sorry fish, did she give a reason or is she just in psycho bitch mode?
She's always a psycho bitch.
Seems like those are the only ones I fall for!
She says she decided that it's time for her to say fuck everyone and just be a selfish bitch.
I'm trying to be aware that she's going through that fucked up treatment to get her endometriosis fixed.
The fucked up thing is that she told me how much she had changed and how she was wanting a long term relationship with me.
Bitch aint changed one bit. And selfish? Shit! selfish as she's ever been.
I'm a fool to have believed that she would be different this time.
Oh well, fuck it. I love the torment. I'm good at being in pain. All sorts of it.
In fact I fucking thrive on it.
Just wish it didn't hurt so much;)


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lol the interweb, great place to be a whiny fuckboy.

I could easily be a cold hearted womanizer.

But that just doesn't suit me well.
I'm always ready for the next let down.
I'm a determined freak of nature.


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$70 with insurance? If so that's not too bad. I was paying $350 per month for effexor before I got insurance :(
They made me switch to generic but I would've done that years ago had it been available
Yes thank god, it would have been $260 with insurance ASSUMING that the price I see is what a person without insurance would actually pay, frequently the prices are much higher for the unisured.
And going from about $3 per month for Norco to $70 per month for the patches is going to hurt if we go this route.


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Course not. Same for the other 2 I got, fortunately one is only $70 every 3 months and replaces one that was like $30 so not so bad and other is like $25 for 3 months.

At some point I'm going to have to stop ignoring the mountain of medical bills that are piling up behind these medicine bills and try to dig my way out.

Anybody got some seeds for a magic money tree? I'll trade you a cow...


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Heh, was about to ask if you shouldn't be asleep.


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I don't know much about the stuff, but would any alternative stuff help, as in acupressure or puncture?


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Not every flower can say love, but a rose can. Not every plant survives thirst, but a cactus can. Not every retard can read, but look at you go, little buddy!

Today you should take a moment and send an encouraging message to a fucked up friend, just as I’ve done. I don’t care if you lick windows, or interfere with farm animals.

You hang in there cupcake, you’re fucking special to me, you’re my friend, look at you smiling at your computer! You crayon eating bastard!


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Speaking of alternatives... have any of you tried using natural extracts of lavender or chamomille?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Speaking of alternatives... have any of you tried using natural extracts of lavender or chamomille?

For vaping? If so I know Smoky Blue said that she extracts lavender, via tea bag, into VG. I personally haven't tried it yet, but it would make for an interesting vape.


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I don't know much about the stuff, but would any alternative stuff help, as in acupressure or puncture?
I have a tens unit and some herbal salve that helps. I think they did a study and found Acupuncture wasn't effective for treating pcos but it might still relieve pain

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