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Lol that's so great my friend Natalie was gonna name her tumors after the beetles but they wouldn't let her keep them :(

Lamont Cranston

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That's the kin of sh:eek: that happens to me...

Lamont Cranston

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Someone needs to invent a microphone that can make anybody's voice sound like that. There are mics for other voice changes, even if they are just toys. I'd totally get my son one, his throat starts to hurt after awhile too. Plus it would be fun.

@cherrycakes Yes!!! You need one! I had the best time with that thing. Finally gave the puppets to someone who wanted to take them to their family Seder. lol

It used to be called a "harmonizer" back in the days when digital audio was first getting started. Now any 1/4-way decent vocal processor can do it.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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That's similar to the reason that my spine surgeon gave me for transferring me to a pain management doctor instead of continuing to write me prescriptions for Percocet.

The Percocet required a written prescription everytime, so I made the request to move down to Norco and that apparently was okay for them to call in, but it is getting to a point where anything more powerful than a Tylenol is pretty much a PITA to get filled now. :(
My brother herniated 4 disks in a car accident and is currently on a fentanyl patch (he's allergic to most narcotics) He has to go to the local hospital pharmacy to get his refill once every 2 weeks because the local pharmacies won't carry the patches due to liability.


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I'm done detecting.
There are a lot of nice pics of you out there though.
Glad I'm not a stalker. Ain't no Fishee got time for dat
All ya gotta do is go to my YouTube channel. Username (drumroll) is.......

Fishee detective diploma DENIED


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You ladies have too many moving parts and no extended warranty. That sucks.
I figure I'm just highly evolved. I've now dropped two useless organs, gallbladder and uterus. I'm also hoping someday to donate a kidney to a stranger thru a living donor program thingie.
I've got two and someone somewhere always needs one. I don't wanna be greedy.
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That's actually from a different surgery I think lol
Great, now I'm losing track of surgeries, that's a bad sign.
There are two things on med forms that make me laugh and ask for more paper... "List all medications you are taking" "List any surgeries you have had, with dates"

Just realized that another frontrunner on some forms is "Have you broken any bones? If so, which ones and when?"

Lamont Cranston

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I figure I'm just highly evolved. I've now dropped two useless organs, gallbladder and uterus. I'm also hoping someday to donate a kidney to a stranger thru a living donor program thingie I've got two and someone somewhere always needs one. I don't wanna be greedy.

Whatever you do, don't go for an adadictomy....:eek:


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My brother herniated 4 disks in a car accident and is currently on a fentanyl patch (he's allergic to most narcotics) He has to go to the local hospital pharmacy to get his refill once every 2 weeks because the local pharmacies won't carry the patches due to liability.
Dr. prescribed Butrans patches... and it isn't a good sign that when I put it into my insurance pricing tool that it shows me the name in the select list but when I hit search it doesn't give me any results :(


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What. The. Hell. I don't watch too much TV, just 3 or 4 shows. 2 of the shows I watch were on tonight, both season premiers, at the same time. Dafuq?


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ZOMG, we got a third of an inch of rain in Sacramento today! WHAT DO I DO WITH IT?!?!?!


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That's hardly enough to float my ducky in!


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What. The. Hell. I don't watch too much TV, just 3 or 4 shows. 2 of the shows I watch were on tonight, both season premiers, at the same time. Dafuq?
You're just going cray-cray like the rest of us ;)


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I hate it when I haven't cleared out my spam folder in a while. I get all these emails from hot chicks, but they keep ending up there for some reason.


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no telling why certain shit just cracks me up sometimes



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I hate it when I haven't cleared out my spam folder in a while. I get all these emails from hot chicks, but they keep ending up there for some reason.
Beware of Russian mafia spam


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@m3rma1d. I like the eggnog and also the October cafe. So far not a fan of maddcatt gingerbread but IMO gingerbread flavoring just tastes weird, not like the real thing at all. Still have one pumpkin and two gingerbread left to try. I will play with makeup tomorrow lol

Thanks again!!


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@m3rma1d. I like the eggnog and also the October cafe. So far not a fan of maddcatt gingerbread but IMO gingerbread flavoring just tastes weird, not like the real thing at all. Still have one pumpkin and two gingerbread left to try. I will play with makeup tomorrow lol

Thanks again!!
We better get pics! :D


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I'm weird though I watch medical/surgical videos on YouTube a lot...
Here ya go, I had this done around two and a half years ago, I woke up one morning and had no vision in my left eye. It was a detached retina.
Luckily the surgeon was able saved my vision.


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lol, so that's the secret, she's just tiny and hates real women.:p
Swagbucks thinks I need to buy bras from Victoria's secret. Maybe if they offered something larger than like 36c I would consider it
I can't shop for my wife from there either, thankfully, that shit is just overpriced and I can get her better looking for less than half.


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Dr. prescribed Butrans patches... and it isn't a good sign that when I put it into my insurance pricing tool that it shows me the name in the select list but when I hit search it doesn't give me any results :(
Turns out the site was having problems so I was able to get the quote. $70 per month :( glad they gave me one of the discount cards that is good for about 6 months.


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$70 with insurance? If so that's not too bad. I was paying $350 per month for effexor before I got insurance :(
They made me switch to generic but I would've done that years ago had it been available

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