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Yeah..maybe. I've thought about that also.
But I really prefer the self governance afforded us here than ECF where you well me, has to be using the dictionary
and urban dictionary every other word to make sure nobody gets insulted.
On the other hand I saw those posts between you and some other dude.
That was really hostile shit. Your butt hurt? <---< Kidding, but...Shit.
Some dude ruined my phun in jm's word game 'cause I posted repeatedly a couple of times. Well, shit.
It was dead, somebody else did it but give me shit.
Let me find my track..oh yea.
I think it better to just take a chill pill and fuck it.
There are assholes everywhere.
That thread (or was it, I don't know.., I posted in reply to the guy with the brass knuckles
that there were too many tough guys..that I was threatened with brass knuckles
once and showed the guy my piece and some guy wants to call me on it and basically accuses me of fabricating the story.
I could tell him many more and not be bullshitting.
I grew up in Miami for chrissake. I was in gangs.
illegitimate and..legitimate.
I'm an old man. Think I'm gonna say "Peace and Love" and give a flower
to some guy that pulls a knife or brass knucks? Ha-Ha-Ha.
Peace and Love Motherfucker.
When I was in high school we had a Vietnam moratorium where all the hippies and freaks wore
black arm bands. I found myself alone in a hall with a jock who told me to take it off
I refused so he tried to rip it off me and wound up
flat on his back holding his nuts.
I told him, I'm against the war but I'm not a pacifist.
So it is now.
I'm just a guy who vapes and wants to hang out with other vapers and shoot the shit.
I'm against the war but I'm not a pacifist...
Regards, Bro.
Self-governance isn't a bad idea and could work. Something that might make self-governance work would be if the OP of a thread had limited moderation rights over his/her own thread, so if someone comes in trying to hijack it the OP has the right to start deleting comments. And also if there was a true way to block someone, that would solve a lot of problems. If you could block someone who keeps stalking you and then that person couldn't see anything you were doing and vice versa, that would be the end of it. I'm not talking about the "ignore" feature a lot of places have, they never work, you can still see comments in the quote box when others reply to them. But since we don't have any of that if would be nice if once in a while when some assholes sole purpose here is to tell people "Fuck you you're an idiot" to let them know they're serious about enforcing the few rules this place does have. What's the point of having any rules then if they never get enforced?