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Thanks Red.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And, with that thought in mind, using this as a guideline...

We'll take your 0.7 ohm coil as an example with some assumptions...

Kanthal - 2mm wrap, 28g, 0.05 spacing on your wraps = 4 wraps
SS316L - 2mm wrap, 28g, 1mm spacing on your wraps = 8-9 wraps

So, in theory, SS at the same gauge = more wraps = more surface area = more flavor (maybe) and bigger clouds (maybe but probably)

Just to really muck things up...there's no real need to stay with a .7ohm coil. I can pretty consistently build a .50-.55 ohm spaced coil on a 3mm mandrel with SS316. Runs like a champ.

I'm Mr. LazyVaper these days. I really don't want to do anything but filler up and vape away. Don't want to deal with leaks, or loose connections, or burnt wicks..any of that shit. The setup I'm using now, gets me as close to those aspirations as I'll ever likely be, and I'm perfectly happy with it.


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@Simply Red
My ex brother-in-law is looking for a device, I told him what you said about the iPV6X and he says he is getting one.

Simply Red

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@Simply Red
My ex brother-in-law is looking for a device, I told him what you said about the iPV6X and he says he is getting one.

Cool dude! Hope he enjoys it. Astounding how long the battery life is. Even at 65W since I got home at 2:30ish, the battery bar hasn't moved very much. I've been at an awards ceremony tonight and, only used about less than a 1/4 of the battery.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've only used Kanthal. It the SS hard to work with? And I know this sounds weird, but is the taste gross with SS? I've I normally used 28g Kanthal around .40-.70 ohm, what size SS would I get?
SS316 is the following:
Easy to work with
Quick ramp up
Amazing taste
Burns evenly
Temperature Control
Ohms remain Constant +/- 2 ohms
If you pulse them at 18-20 watts 10 or 15 times before wicking it gets nice colors
You can burn and clean and re-use for months

Sent from my 710C using Tapatalk
(3) weeks on the same wick using TC
Last edited:

Simply Red

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Me? You? Hank?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Haha! Nah, dude. I hit the "Reply" to post button. Put in what I'm gonna and hit "Post Reply". The 3 little bars flash in the upper right corner of my screen and stop and it appears it doesn't post. Hit the "Post Reply" button again. "You must wait 21 seconds before replying to thread" or something like that. Then I hit the "Refresh" button. What do I see?? A double post. :gaah: :cuss2:


Guilty as charged
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So finally, a year after "someone" told me about, I signed up for an account... that site is very dangerous to ones credit card balance!

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