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Hank F. Spankman

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Vape mail day today. New mod (which will not be near a tub of water), Herakles Plus tank and also got a UCrown. Mod is a lot lighter than I thought it would be for a dual batt but now gotta figure out how to use all the stuff on it. Just glad it arrived before vaca

View attachment 64471

Ok, I'm jealous!


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I heard the Avocado had great flavor. And like the looks of it. And where do u find those coils????

Congrats on the new mod!! Looks Awesome.Glad u up and running again!! :stars2:

The flavor is pretty clean and
awesome. I am actually surprised
myself on it's great performance.
There is a learning curve on wicking.
I've found that short wick work best. I followed this vid on wicking and couldn't be happier.

Girrl, I found them coils on the Ebay.
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Holy DDoS attacks.......

Damn you, North Korea! :cuss2:lol

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I don't put much validity in Wikileaks. We don't know if that info being leaked is true or not; or altered. To be honest, if anything is done electronically, it's hackable by anyone. The best hackers are usually homegrown, the same ones that create the firewalls. You setup the security, you know how to bypass the security. lol


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Vape mail day today. New mod (which will not be near a tub of water), Herakles Plus tank and also got a UCrown. Mod is a lot lighter than I thought it would be for a dual batt but now gotta figure out how to use all the stuff on it. Just glad it arrived before vaca

View attachment 64471
Congrats :cheers:

If this is your first dual batt mod there is something you need to know. :huh:
You should start out with two new batteries because, o_O
Once you use two batteries together in a mod, they are married, and should never be used with another battery or alone again.
I think it's a chemistry thing, and the two batteries become as one and depend on one another to function.

You should label them somehow with a sticker or pen. I label my sets with a sharpie like A1 & A2 and another set B1 & B2.
In a dual batt system one battery will always drain faster / lower than the other one so you want to switch them up between charges.
Like the first time you charged them, if A1 was in the slot on the left and A2 was on the right in the mod, then the next charge put A2 on the left and A1 on the right in the mod.
This helps in making sure one battery doesn't use up it's life cycles before the other one does,
because once one is dead the other will become useless without it's mate.
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I don't put much validity in Wikileaks. We don't know if that info being leaked is true or not; or altered. To be honest, if anything is done electronically, it's hackable by anyone. The best hackers are usually homegrown, the same ones that create the firewalls. You setup the security, you know how to bypass the security. lol

I don't trust Wikileaks either but am curious what their 349gb insurance is.

But at the same time would you risk life in prison or death for fake/altered emails??

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I don't trust Wikileaks either but am curious what their 349gb insurance is.

But at the same time would you risk life in prison or death for fake/altered emails??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hell, I don't believe half the shit broadcast on national television. There's nothing in that "insurance file" but a bluff. That's their insurance. If there was anything of actual value or devastation in there, Wikileaks would be null.
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I don't put much validity in Wikileaks. We don't know if that info being leaked is true or not; or altered. To be honest, if anything is done electronically, it's hackable by anyone. The best hackers are usually homegrown, the same ones that create the firewalls. You setup the security, you know how to bypass the security. lol
So you think Pres Obama and the US Gov is targeting Wikileaks and the whistleblowers because they are making things up?


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I'm not an IT guy so I got a question on the deleted email thingy.
Say I sent an email to a person, and I wanted to make sure no one else ever sees it.

So I delete it and acid bath my hard drive in my computer and my server.

Isn't a copy of the email still on the person I sent it too computer? :huh:


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Yes, of course. Plus a bunch of other folks have it.
Google, Apple, Putin, Mr. Wiki, the NSA...and I get a copy.


I'm not an IT guy so I got a question on the deleted email thingy.
Say I sent an email to a person, and I wanted to make sure no one else ever sees it.

So I delete it and acid bath my hard drive in my computer and my server.

Isn't a copy of the email still on the person I sent it too computer? :huh:


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I'm not an IT guy so I got a question on the deleted email thingy.
Say I sent an email to a person, and I wanted to make sure no one else ever sees it.

So I delete it and acid bath my hard drive in my computer and my server.

Isn't a copy of the email still on the person I sent it too computer? :huh:

well, problem is...yes the other person has the email too, and so does the email service you used lol

you sending peen pics again? :facepalm:


The Cromwell

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I'm not an IT guy so I got a question on the deleted email thingy.
Say I sent an email to a person, and I wanted to make sure no one else ever sees it.

So I delete it and acid bath my hard drive in my computer and my server.

Isn't a copy of the email still on the person I sent it too computer? :huh:
And very likely in a server run by the govt that monitors email and net traffic with automated search routines for certain names and phrases.

Why I always put Praise Allah in my emails :)

the govt monitoring system DOES exist. I used to work in a major data center.
It was called Carnivore till that name leaked out and they changed the name so they could say that Carnivore did not exist ;)


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Ok, I'm jealous!

It's a pretty cool mod. It's small but the shape of it fits the hand perfect. Finish is cool too but does show smudges a bit. But I will not lie, the touch screen takes a bit to get used to. And not sure if it's the mod or the tank but I feel a slight delay in the power up/fire when vaping, like a slight lag? Can't describe it. Not terrible but again, an adjustment. I'm gonna read more up on the mod and see if I've over looked a setting or something.

Fire button in perfect spot and I love the size of it. Very pleased thus far. Been vaping it about 3 hrs now and batts....fully charged still. YIPPEEEEEE


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Congrats :cheers:

If this is your first dual batt mod there is something you need to know. :huh:
You should start out with two new batteries because, o_O
Once you use two batteries together in a mod, they are married, and should never be used with another battery or alone again.
I think it's a chemistry thing, and the two batteries become as one and depend on one another to function.

You should label them somehow with a sticker or pen. I label my sets with a sharpie like A1 & A2 and another set B1 & B2.
In a dual batt system one battery will always drain faster / lower than the other one so you want to switch them up between charges.
Like the first time you charged them, if A1 was in the slot on the left and A2 was on the right in the mod, then the next charge put A2 on the left and A1 on the right in the mod.
This helps in making sure one battery doesn't use up it's life cycles before the other one does,
because once one is dead the other will become useless without it's mate.

Thanks doll. I seem stupid, but I gots some brains. I bought 4 brand new batts specifically for this mod...all labeled in pretty blue tape and clear taped (that's their wedding rings) and marked so I can change slots too


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I don't trust Wikileaks either but am curious what their 349gb insurance is.

But at the same time would you risk life in prison or death for fake/altered emails??

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Russia did it. I blame Putin :giggle:

Hank F. Spankman

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It's a pretty cool mod. It's small but the shape of it fits the hand perfect. Finish is cool too but does show smudges a bit. But I will not lie, the touch screen takes a bit to get used to. And not sure if it's the mod or the tank but I feel a slight delay in the power up/fire when vaping, like a slight lag? Can't describe it. Not terrible but again, an adjustment. I'm gonna read more up on the mod and see if I've over looked a setting or something.

Fire button in perfect spot and I love the size of it. Very pleased thus far. Been vaping it about 3 hrs now and batts....fully charged still. YIPPEEEEEE

Take a shot of it in your grubby mitt, damnit!


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But at the same time would you risk life in prison or death for fake/altered emails??

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Well you have to think outside the box. Let's say the gov for example, are the Wikileakers then they (the leakers) aren't really risking anything. Now let's say the whole site is a BS Internet anti gov reality show, then they (the leakers) aren't really risking anything.

I feel this way, if that site had any actual detrimental infos, the site would be gone period. Which would lead me to believe the "leaks" are controlled releases, of BS.
Leaks released Ironically, only when convenient. I just don't feel that the site or its info holds any true merit.

Even if any power entity disputes the leaks, they will not release the actual sensitive infos (if there is any) to compare. It would be a big he said, she said with nothing to back it up. The concept is actually ingenious.
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Well you have to think outside the box. Let's say the gov for example, are the Wikileakers then they (the leakers) aren't really risking anything. Now let's say the whole site is a BS Internet anti gov reality show, then they (the leakers) aren't really risking anything.

I feel this way, if that site had any actual detrimental infos, the site would be gone period. Which would lead me to believe the "leaks" are controlled releases, of BS.
Leaks released Ironically, only when convenient. I just don't feel that the site or its info holds any true merit.

Even if any power entity disputes the leaks, they will not release the actual sensitive infos (if there is any) to compare. It would be a big he said, she said with nothing to back it up. The concept is actually ingenious.
Say it is real, just how would the US Gov stop a person like Julian Assange an Australian citizen, from posting anything in Iceland on an Iceland server?
And why would the US issue an arrest warrant for him for posting American Docs if the Docs weren't real?
Or is Julian another Johnny? :huh:


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Say it is real, just how would the US Gov stop a person like Julian Assange an Australian citizen, from posting anything in Iceland on an Iceland server?
And why would the US issue an arrest warrant for him for posting American Docs if the Docs weren't real?
Or is Julian another Johnny? :huh:

lol gov is full of Johnnys. They do what they want. who knows.


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NSA coders training....
cout "Do they wear a tinfoil hat?"\n;
cin>> yes >> no;

if(yes=wire tap)

else(no=wire tap)



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Tsk, tsk, tsk... you think it's a simple boolean conditional? ''Tis the govt my good man! T'will require a 10 case conditional at a minimum! They're here to help after all! :D

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