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All lies. Look who wrote it. We all know how fulla shit they are.


Therefore, women don't poop!


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wow, they are not too common out my way; especially not at Walmart. might find a McDonalds in there but no fried twinkies. usually find them at festivals during the summer.
fried twinkies at wallyworld?
I'm an adventurous eater but..... ill pass
Freezer section. Either re-fry or reheat in oven. I'm sure not the same as freshly fried coronary on a stick.

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Freezer section. Either re-fry or reheat in oven. I'm sure not the same as freshly fried coronary on a stick.
the only time ive had them, I was at the angola prison rodeo...
yes, I went to a rodeo at a prison; and, got a cream filled, deep fried Twinkie.

and it wasn't even that good. :(


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the only time ive had them, I was at the angola prison rodeo...
yes, I went to a rodeo at a prison; and, got a cream filled, deep fried Twinkie.

and it wasn't even that good. :(
Noooo comment lol

Just wait until you get to Ohio...county fairs, and it seems like every small town has its own little festival of sorts, fireman and church carnivals and the sorts--- all prime locations for tasty fried culinary health disasters, and top-notch people watching!

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Noooo comment lol

Just wait until you get to Ohio...county fairs, and it seems like every small town has its own little festival of sorts, fireman and church carnivals and the sorts--- all prime locations for tasty fried culinary health disasters, and top-notch people watching!
that wont take much getting used to.
I'm coming from the land of :
Jazz fest, oyster fest, crawfish fest, poboy fest, Gretna fest.... every weekend is a new festival of music and food.

what I wont be used to is fried Twinkies and fried coke a cola....
I supposed that's better than the oversized cream filled Swiss cake rolls found in prison :D
the warden said to tell hank hello :huh:


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In the frozen deserts section

They don't have them here. They wouldn't sell.
Iffen I go a few cities or counties over, the Walmart there has totally different slections.
Can only get them at a summer fair or festival. :oops:

she out in cali; where people are too classy for twinkies

^^ truth :giggle:
I miss going to the Southern side, best food ever.
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They don't have them here. They wouldn't sell. The demographic here is fried tofu. yuck. :facepalm:
Iffen I go a few cities or counties over, the Walmart there has totally different slections.

^^ truth :giggle:
the land of tutti fruity, multiple personality, bus drivers. :facepalm:


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the land of tutti fruity, multiple personality, bus drivers. :facepalm:
amongst other things. he's up in the bay area, it's a totally different world. Hippy Dippy central. The Hipsters have their own community there. The rainbows have their own community, even the homeless have their own community.
The weird thing is, the cost of living is way higher there. Can't understand why. the homes are small, it's very crowded there, and a lot of drug addiction. hmmm... But they do have the largest Seaport.
They have a huge homeless and addiction problems, way worse than skid row here. It's so bad, that the city pay their homeless to leave. Offering them 1 way tickets.
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