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amongst other things. he's up in the bay area, it's a totally different world. Hippy Dippy central. The Hipsters have their own community there. The rainbows have their own community, even the homeless have their own community.
The weird thing is, the cost of living is way higher there. Can't understand why. the homes are small, it's very crowded there, and a lot of drug addiction. hmmm... But they do have the largest Seaport.
They have a huge homeless and addiction problems, way worse than skid row here. It's so bad, that the city pay their homeless to leave. Offering them 1 way tickets.
They are not homeless...they are just Deadheads waiting for the return of Jerry Garcia.

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he dun put his bayou heebegeebe on you.
so you won't see, that he is the main troublemaker.

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:facepalm: something wrong with the cows out there?
LOL! I like Veggie Burgers once and a while. Steer clear of Columbus Ohio then, they have the best veggie burgers! :giggle:

Oh, and stay outta Mason too, Vegan restaurants galore! Lots of em! :giggle:
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They are not homeless...they are just Deadheads waiting for the return of Jerry Garcia.
Hey! I resemble that remark. :teehee:

LOL! I like Veggie Burgers once and a while. Steer clear of Columbus Ohio then, they have the best veggie burgers! :giggle:
Oh, and stay outta Mason too, Vegan restaurants galore! Lots of em! :giggle:
If two Vegans are arguing does it still mean they're having a "beef"? Or are they just chewing the fat

From the looks of it I thought it was hump day


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Goodfuckingmorning motherfuckingmotherfuckers
I thought you were starting to imitate Rich Piana there for a minute with his "Gooood fucking morning, goddammit!" (Search YouTube for one of his "stronger by the day" episodes if you don't know who he is)
Hey! I resemble that remark. :teehee:
Except the cali deadheads don't understand the concept of "work", and you do!


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Vape mail day today. New mod (which will not be near a tub of water), Herakles Plus tank and also got a UCrown. Mod is a lot lighter than I thought it would be for a dual batt but now gotta figure out how to use all the stuff on it. Just glad it arrived before vaca

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Really enjoying this Avocado 24.
Using a. 45ohm Mixed Twisted Clapton
I spaced it out, seems to work better that way for me.
Found some coils, for them lazy days!
$12 for the 8 build set. 8 different build types with 6 coils each in the selection.
Wish I would known about these when I was starting out lol

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Really enjoying this Avocado 24.
Using a. 45ohm Mixed Twisted Clapton
I spaced it out, seems to work better that way for me.
Found some coils, for them lazy days!
$12 for the 8 build set. 8 different build types with 6 coils each in the selection.
Wish I would known about these when I was starting out lol

View attachment 64476

View attachment 64477

I heard the Avocado had great flavor. And like the looks of it. And where do u find those coils????

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