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a touch oɟɟ
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As I sit here eating a pbj on my break, I almost feel guilty for wanting to smack some parents, for not teaching their millenial child a proper work ethic.

It's a damn good sammich, though.

Typos brought to you by: Crapatalk!
Wait , you found a job? Congrats

Yes, I fight with my coworker to not conduct her personal life thru social media, and wait to fight with the bf until AFTER she gets home.

You eating that PBJ with chocolate Milk? that's the best.


Bronze Contributor
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As I sit here eating a pbj on my break, I almost feel guilty for wanting to smack some parents, for not teaching their millenial child a proper work ethic.

It's a damn good sammich, though.

Typos brought to you by: Crapatalk!

Congrats! Make that money girl! :cheers: Proper work ethic? Their parents are just as bad. They should have taught them to be rational members of society. These new batches of young folk are spoiled as fuck, with a false sense of entitlement.


Guilty as charged
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ECF Refugee
THAT right there. I asked my boss if they started giving out participation trophies. Just unreal what these yahoos get away with.

"I clocked in today!"
Don't get me started on participation trophies!

And folks wonder why each generation of men is becoming weaker than the previous generation...we ain't raising men anymore!

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