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Another dripping noob! Assistance with a lot of questions please!

So I know that diving into RDAs really suddenly when I'm only fairly new to vaping, only three months experience after quitting the stinkies for six months, but I figured seeing as I'm a pretty hands-on crafty girl I'll get into dripping at some point anyway, and pre-built coils are expensive, priming them gets fiddly, you don't know if you have a bad batch etc, so why not start building my own coils now right, hahah.

I have the Wotofo Lush coming in tomorrow (decided to go cheap for my first) but there are some things when building that I want to clarify first.

I've only got a Joyetech eVic VTC mini that reaches 75w, Samsung 18650 2500mAh 3.7v as well as Sony 18650 2600mAh 3.7v batteries, 26 gauge A-1 kanthal, and am planning on building 0.5ohm dual coil, 7 wraps around 3mm bit. 0.5ohm is the lowest I am comfortable enough to go right now, 1.0ohm the highest. I'm also not looking to chase big plumes of clouds, I'm more of a flavour chaser. Most of my juices are also high VG, custard/dessert flavours, if this info helps in any way hahah :)

ANYWAY, my questions are (sorry there's a lot):
- is the dual coil build I'm planning okay and safe for my first time with the mod and batteries I have? (I know I've had prebuilt coils at 0.5ohm before but for me to build them myself I just want to be extra careful and knowledgeable first)
- do you start at a low wattage when dry firing for hot spot checks? And how low is that wattage? Or rather, at what wattage in general do you go when checking for hot spots?
- what's the highest wattage I can go with my build?
- in the future, can I go as low as 0.2ohm dual coil on my 75w mod with these batteries?

Uhm.. I think that's it for now hahah! Also sorry if this is in the wrong thread category! Thanks in advance for being patient with this newbie dripper!
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That build would be perfectly fine on that mod. I currently have a .36ohm build in my Mutation X v4 on my VTC mini at 65W and hits beautifully, even works well in Bypass Mode too. Wattage while checking for hot spots doesn't really matter so much, it'll just take longer to glow at lower wattages, I just dry fire them at whatever wattage the mod is set to at the time, but you can always switch to Bypass mode for that too, just like using it on a mech mod. How high a wattage all depends on your vaping preference. Lower wattages will yield a cooler but less dense vape, while higher wattages will yield a warmer, denser vape. I'd say start at 10-15 watts and bump it up until your reach your desired level. I have friends who would vape my above mentioned build at 20W, where as I have it at 65W, so it's all subjective. A 0.2 ohm build would also be fine on this mod, the stock ni200 coils are rated at 0.2 ohms, and this was taken from their website also:

Resistance Range: 0.05-1.0ohm for VT mode
Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm for VW/ Bypass mode

Hope that answers all your questions, and enjoy your vape! :D


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sorry, never found time to get around to this earlier...

1. That build sounds fine - I'd recommend picking up a standalone ohm meter - it works both as a safeguard to check against mod malfunction and as a building platform (don't build on your mod on the off chance it could fire while you're working).

2. I dry fire my builds at 50+ watts, in short pulses at first so I can poke, prod, and squeeze to eliminate hot spots, gradually building up to a few 3-4 second-long fires once I'm pretty sure everything is good to watch for even heating and cool down.

3. If you've got a 75 watt mod, 75 watts is your limit. I probably wouldn't go much higher than that on straight 26g Kanthal, and would likely find the most pleasure around 50-60 watts, but that's a personal thing.

4. I'd keep the builds above 0.25, but I believe you could fire down to 0.2 with that device.

Check out my big noob thread in the Help I Have Questions sub, there should be at least a little there of interest for a new builder...

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