1. Shorts everywhere. There is one on the posts and (continued in 2) (So619Cal)
2. (cont) diameters of the coils will short on the chimney. (So619Cal)
3. OG NC is series only (So619Cal) mech
4. RDA has no protruding 510 pin, not meant for hybrid style device (So619Cal and Wtmke1)
5. Mismatched Batteries- One is a VTC5a and one is a VTC6 (Choderfett)
6. Not the same number of wraps on coils (Wtmke1) SoCal gave yall this one.
7. Too low for Series (Vape Fan, Wtmke1) + assist for So619Cal for actually giving everyone the answer
There are also a couple of subjective issues:
1. Nic Sick like a mofo (Masrock)
2. Coil Diameter too small for Series (So619Cal)
This build is essentially a bomb. Unregulated series mech, mismatched batteries with a non protruding pin on a hybrid style device. If it somehow didnt vent out when you first hit the switch; the shorts would cause it to vent.
Say by some miracle of god this whole setup worked, the super high nic content would probably make you sick and the super thin wire would probably melt.
The spirit of this challenge is to be able to identify troubles. We see this all the time in the forum. New people coming in with some pretty sketchy builds and training your eyes to look for faults benefits everyone. Hopefully now that everyone sees kind of how this goes it will be easier to hedge your bets and work through the challenges. You are welcome to guess the whole thing if you do it in one roll and you can only do that once per day. There are points for assisting and you can help to your hearts content.
If you want to see what too low of a build can do in series mech, watch this. I made this video for a friend who was convinced he wanted to get down around .08 on a series mod. 1 second is all it takes.