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APIWATW Challenge- Closes 01/31/2019 (15 Prizes Available)

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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Well someone else will have to guess that and reread. My turn is over but again for anyone else joining. A wrap count is mandatory.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Don’t be discouraged mate this one is hard I’ll be honest I didn’t spot some of them either ...meg was a beast at this she smashed through it

you can still post mate it’s only the guess at the full list that’s limited to once a day

How we are doing this one is...if you help people with the missing entries your name gets entered (but maximum of once per round) even if there are a few you helped identify

Whoever puts the full list together gets multiple entries so it’s worth a little more to get the full list

does that make it clearer?


The Vapin' Drummer
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Don’t be discouraged mate this one is hard I’ll be honest I didn’t spot some of them either ...meg was a beast at this she smashed through it

you can still post mate it’s only the guess at the full list that’s limited to once a day

How we are doing this one is...if you help people with the missing entries you’ll name gets entered (but maximum of once per round) even if there are a few you helped identify

Whoever puts the full list together gets multiple entries so it’s worth a little more to get the full list

does that make it clearer?
No sorry wasn't trying to be snappy. Wife was yelling at me when I replied. Lol


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Just to confirm we are looking for two more issues to complete this round - read back through the post submissions so far peeps these missing entries have been listed already just not presented in the full list form

If you haven’t been today pick out what you think is missing from the posts above and complete this bad boy :)

1. Shorts everywhere. There is one on the posts and (continued in 2) (So619Cal)
2. (cont) diameters of the coils will short on the chimney. (So619Cal)
3. OG NC is series only (So619Cal) mech
4. RDA has no protruding 510 pin, not meant for hybrid style device (So619Cal and Wtmke1)
5. Mismatched Batteries- One is a VTC5a and one is a VTC6 (Choderfett)

There are also a couple of subjective issues:
1. Nic Sick like a mofo (Masrock)
2. Coil Diameter too small for Series (So619Cal)

Just Frank

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I don't think I'm very good at this. I don't use mechs or RDAs that often. But, there are some obvious things that I didn't see. Maybe I wasn't trying hard but things were right in front of my face! I'll keep checking back but like I said, I pretty much suck at this.


The Vapin' Drummer
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I don't think I'm very good at this. I don't use mechs or RDAs that often. But, there are some obvious things that I didn't see. Maybe I wasn't trying hard but things were right in front of my face! I'll keep checking back but like I said, I pretty much suck at this.
I suck at this too. Lol but every set of eyes helps


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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I don't think I'm very good at this. I don't use mechs or RDAs that often. But, there are some obvious things that I didn't see. Maybe I wasn't trying hard but things were right in front of my face! I'll keep checking back but like I said, I pretty much suck at this.

By the end of the challenge it’ll get much easier if we stick with it, then everyone will be spotting issues left right and centre :)’s a good yardstick to gauge how easy it is to spot safety hazards and we all get something from it

Nothing stopping people using regulated mods and other sets up this month...this one is just to get us started


The Great King of Nothing
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1. Shorts everywhere. There is one on the posts and (continued in 2) (So619Cal)
2. (cont) diameters of the coils will short on the chimney. (So619Cal)
3. OG NC is series only (So619Cal) mech
4. RDA has no protruding 510 pin, not meant for hybrid style device (So619Cal and Wtmke1)
5. Mismatched Batteries- One is a VTC5a and one is a VTC6 (Choderfett)
6. Not the same number of wraps on coils (Wtmke1) SoCal gave yall this one.

There are also a couple of subjective issues:
1. Nic Sick like a mofo (Masrock)
2. Coil Diameter too small for Series (So619Cal)

One more to go. What is the recommended minimum ohms for almost every series device ever created, think Hexohm? Give us the the recommended minimum ohm and you will get in the roll.

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_evil twin_
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Oh..I think its .25 actually. If someone wants to use that. Wismec has it.


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Minimum is solely based on the batteries...using a run of the mill “average” is moot.

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Also, comparing a Hex and a Series Mech is bad... only similarities are they are in series, but one is 8.4v unregulated and the other is 3-6v protected


The Great King of Nothing
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Also, comparing a Hex and a Series Mech is bad... only similarities are they are in series, but one is 8.4v unregulated and the other is 3-6v protected

Was trying to make it easy to close this one since I knew they stated their recommended minimum on their description.


The Great King of Nothing
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1. Shorts everywhere. There is one on the posts and (continued in 2) (So619Cal)
2. (cont) diameters of the coils will short on the chimney. (So619Cal)
3. OG NC is series only (So619Cal) mech
4. RDA has no protruding 510 pin, not meant for hybrid style device (So619Cal and Wtmke1)
5. Mismatched Batteries- One is a VTC5a and one is a VTC6 (Choderfett)
6. Not the same number of wraps on coils (Wtmke1) SoCal gave yall this one.
7. Too low for Series (Vape Fan, Wtmke1) + assist for So619Cal for actually giving everyone the answer

There are also a couple of subjective issues:
1. Nic Sick like a mofo (Masrock)
2. Coil Diameter too small for Series (So619Cal)

This build is essentially a bomb. Unregulated series mech, mismatched batteries with a non protruding pin on a hybrid style device. If it somehow didnt vent out when you first hit the switch; the shorts would cause it to vent.

Say by some miracle of god this whole setup worked, the super high nic content would probably make you sick and the super thin wire would probably melt.

The spirit of this challenge is to be able to identify troubles. We see this all the time in the forum. New people coming in with some pretty sketchy builds and training your eyes to look for faults benefits everyone. Hopefully now that everyone sees kind of how this goes it will be easier to hedge your bets and work through the challenges. You are welcome to guess the whole thing if you do it in one roll and you can only do that once per day. There are points for assisting and you can help to your hearts content.

If you want to see what too low of a build can do in series mech, watch this. I made this video for a friend who was convinced he wanted to get down around .08 on a series mod. 1 second is all it takes.



The Great King of Nothing
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Innokin MVP 20W
Smok TFV8 w/RBA kit
Coils- Dual 2 X 28g NI 80 claptons wrapped in 38g NI80 3.5mm ID @ .11 ohms
Vanilla Whip’d 6mg E-liquid
Jellyfish Cotton


None listed (although there are some)


The Great King of Nothing
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Why is that tank so cloudy in the first pic? That mod doesn't exactly deliver a lot of power.

It had just been through a bath. Just cloudy glass.

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_evil twin_
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2 leads in one post hole.
Edit: I think i see a lead at the bottom post hole of the r/h coil now
Last edited:


Citrus Junkie
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Oh ok.
1. Left coil is touching the airflow hole
2. 20 watts isn't enough power for a .11 build.
3. The mod has a minimum rating for 1.0 ohms
Found jwill's list, looks like you nailed the three he was looking for.

Have a post ready?


The Great King of Nothing
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Build info:
Desire Cut Squonk
Wotofo Profile with Kanthal A1 Mesh Coil @.18
Ijoy 3000mah 20700 battery
TC mode
45 Joules @490 degrees Celsius
9mg DIY Nic Salt



Many Thanks @Wtmke1 for this one.


The Great King of Nothing
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Thanks. But yeah the others I didn't notice. Socal is right though. I counted 5 wraps at .23ohms. and leg does look double stuffed in the posthole.

We may purposely leave some out. Buys us time and keeps you guessing.


The Vapin' Drummer
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May be understanding this wrong but 1J per second equals 1 watt. In TC it's about equal to 45 watts. It's how fast it takes to reach desired temp. But I'm sure you know more about it than me. Hell this setup may be all wrong.


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May be understanding this wrong but 1J per second equals 1 watt. In TC it's about equal to 45 watts. It's how fast it takes to reach desired temp. But I'm sure you know more about it than me. Hell this setup may be all wrong.

agreed... as far as I know, joule is just energy (Constant) since we don't vape in a constant manner, you give the time you vape at such energy (my 5 seconds) and divide that into the 45J (Constant) and it equates to 9w of power...

It has been a long time since I studied this, and I really could be talking out my ass lol

But that 490c LOL (914f)


The Vapin' Drummer
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agreed... as far as I know, joule is just energy (Constant) since we don't vape in a constant manner, you give the time you vape at such energy (my 5 seconds) and divide that into the 45J (Constant) and it equates to 9w of power...

It has been a long time since I studied this, and I really could be talking out my ass lol

But that 490c LOL (914f)
I like it hot like in a jungle

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_evil twin_
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Battery wrap is damaged.
Juice ring on the mod, unless its a protector.

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_evil twin_
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I don't know much about nic salt, but isn't 9mg kinda high for .18Ω ?


Citrus Junkie
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Morning all. Who's ready to give us a list and post the next "what the hell" mess?


The Great King of Nothing
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Build info:
Desire Cut Squonk
Wotofo Profile with Kanthal A1 Mesh Coil @.18
Ijoy 3000mah 20700 battery
TC mode
45 Joules @490 degrees Celsius
9mg DIY Nic Salt

1. Torn Battery (Vapefan)

1. Nic Sick 9mg Salts at sub ohm (Vape fan)

Sorry for disappearing last night. I took some allergy medicine that put me in weird dream world.


The Great King of Nothing
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ahhh yes. yet another contest I have NO CHANCE of winning ...........

I disagree. You have every chance of winning. Look for problems, guess the problems and win. The remaining issues for this one have been nodded at.
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